What are your good qualities?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

What are the things that you are good at?

What aspects about you are you most proud of?
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

What are the things that you are good at?

What aspects about you are you most proud of?

You do realize you just asked that question to people who are extremely likely to be totally unassertive about this topic. So, not without complaining that this is out of character for me, I'll start.

I know for certain I'm very skilled at getting to the point of most things. Problems, conversations, mechanical issues (when I understand them), etc. Many people see this as a wonderful strength to have like it makes things so much simpler. I, however, can't turn it off sometimes so I can't really beat around the bush so much when I do things. I'm always direct and pointed.

Which provides the second quality I'd list; brute honesty. I simply just like to put things as I see them, when I do decide to talk, that is. While experience some pressure and guilt for hurting people's feelings, I see no reason why they don't need someone to just be honest and give them the information they want up front. Thus, they get the blunt, unadultured, honest perspective I have to offer. I'm only coy about humor, and when at play in general. Face to face talking to me, I'm pretty much going to talk openly, but you'll do most of the talking (which has been my little secret for years, you don't need to lie if you're doing all the listening).

Lastly, I'm just plain proud of who I am and where I'm from. It's not always the greatest (in fact most would see it as stupid), but it's me, and if I can't boast about myself, I've no room to boast about what is important about others.
You do realize you just asked that question to people who are extremely likely to be totally unassertive about this topic. So, not without complaining that this is out of character for me, I'll start.

Hmm. That's terribly assumptive. Generally, folks here are modest, yes, but that certainly doesn't negate our ability to discuss such topics at length Indeed, a lot of the forums are riddled with such survey questions... perhaps you haven't had a chance to look around?

Satya said:
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents? What are the things that you are good at?

Great questions, Satya. Especially now that many of us are reflecting on the past year and all that we've accomplished. A good ego-stroke is in order!

I think I can keep a cool head in most situations and I'm a diplomatic problem solver. I'm fairly confident of my ability to see both sides of an issue and come to a firm conclusion without necessarily railroading over different perspectives. I play fair.

I think I can also express myself eloquently in writing and consider myself decent in my ability to put together a creative piece. I'm also quite good when I work with cosmetics; I've helped friends complete some very eye-catching and pretty outfits.

I'm able to pick up new ideas and concepts very quickly and immediately apply them to patterns of knowledge that I already possess. I'm very good as bullshitting my way through situations as a result (whether intentionally or not). I'm a good person to have around for a brainstorming session too.

And in some respects, I consider myself a fairly proficient athlete. My body is quick to adjust to new challenge (which I take for granted sometimes). I have naturally good stamina, so I can outlast the majority of players... especially at soccer. I'm not a skilled player, but I make up for it by being quick!

What aspects about you are you most proud of?

For all my blunders and gaping holes in self-esteem, I'm actually proud of the fact that I'm able to pick myself up again and again and stay positive. I'm also proud of the fact that I'm perceived as a good person to turn to in a crisis and that my friends and family members trust me enough to guide them through a difficult time. Lastly, I'm proud of the relationship I'm beginning to develop with myself. Still needs some work, but I've made amazing headway in these three months.

Ah. That put me in a good mood. I know I'm ready to face 2010, now! :D
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What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

What are the things that you are good at?

What aspects about you are you most proud of?

We'll leave the weaknesses for another thread..he,he.

Ok, strengths and talents--I am pretty intelligent and have always been considered clever in a lot of things: writing, problem solving (better under pressure), being a peacekeeper, figuring people out and what makes them tick, even humor. Talents? Writing, empathising, music, cooking. I relate well to children. And once I'm comfortable, I can be very funny (I can do it all too: dry, sarcastic, goofy).

What aspects of Me am I most proud of? Self-awarness for sure. I'm a much more confident person that I was even 10 years ago. I have really embraced being a kind, empathic male. I used to hide that. I love to use my Ni to solve problems and help people. I am almost universally liked by those that know me. I don't go out of my way to cater to this, it just is.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

What are the things that you are good at?

What aspects about you are you most proud of?

I think a strength of mine is being sensitive to emotional states. I try to let that awareness guide my interaction choices to maximize the chance that everyone involved will feel comfortable with an interaction.

I also think I'm good at solving certain kinds of problems. In my job I am good at digging into a mess of information and following the trail to it's source so the mess can little by little be untangled. I do best when I am working in a system that is small enough for all the factors to be enumerated, but I also think I'm able to use this skill to reduce more complex, and potentially otherwise overwhelming, problems into bite size sections so that some portion can be addressed even if the whole remains a mystery.

I have a willingness to acknowledge that my perspective is limited by my unique understanding and experience in life. I am proud that by nature or life experience, I try to respect that those who hold perspectives not matching mine are simply working from a different perceptual framework.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?
- Ability to see the big picture.
- Good listener / sense where someone is going with an idea even before they fully articulate it (tbh, this is probably more because of education)
- Willingness to consider both sides of an argument but know when an idea is misguided although i can't pinpoint what it is. I usually figure it out later.

What are the things that you are good at?
- See others strengths and weaknesses


What aspects about you are you most proud of?
- not sure
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It's weird talking about these things. I always have the sense that i may think i have a particular quality or strength, but i could be wrong. And that someone will read this and say, "She actually think she's good at that. What has she been drinking." heh

Agreed! Yet I did think it was a healthy exercise to acknowledge one's gifts, at least as one seems them for himself.

What are the things that you are good at?
- See others strengths and weaknesses

What aspects about you are you most proud of?
- none - pride in self is not necessary or good
- As they say, "pride goeth before a fall"

I can appreciate this. However consider that there may be a few ways to think of pride. There is certainly an excessive opinion of one's own dignity or worth, and I do think that this kind of excess often leads one to fall, if for no other reason but to balance a top-heavy ego.

Yet, I would also consider pride as a healthy expression of ownership for accomplishments and personal gift. Maybe there's a better word for it than pride because that comes with some baggage, but I think if one diminishes their sense of personal dignity too much they also become unbalanced.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

-I am a good listener
-I am patient
-I consider myself intelligent
-I am creative
-I can be kind and caring
-I am very curious and willing to learn

This results in different skills, I love to read, write, and research different areas which Im interested in such as psychology. I can come up with different ideas, I'm usually patient and calm and can be carin.

What I have pride in?

I don't like pride to begin with, I like to take things as modestly as possible while still acknowledging my strenghts and weaknesses.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?
I have talents for thinking the best, but also thinking the worst.
I can cry silently.
I have people convinced that 'phone technology' is too much for me to figure out which is why I never pick up the phone.
i'm very emotional inside, but people only see the coldness outside of me.

I think deep and complex, I feel more than I think

Creative, intelligent, artistic.

I like and care about nature, philosophy, politics, economics, arts, knowledge, wisdom, science, macro and micro stuffs...

I don't follow mainstream medias. :m075:
Agreed! Yet I did think it was a healthy exercise to acknowledge one's gifts, at least as one seems them for himself.

I can appreciate this. However consider that there may be a few ways to think of pride. There is certainly an excessive opinion of one's own dignity or worth, and I do think that this kind of excess often leads one to fall, if for no other reason but to balance a top-heavy ego.

Yet, I would also consider pride as a healthy expression of ownership for accomplishments and personal gift. Maybe there's a better word for it than pride because that comes with some baggage, but I think if one diminishes their sense of personal dignity too much they also become unbalanced.

I don't think it's a bad exercise at all. I agree with you, but i enjoy reflexive commentary on these types of questions.
I don't think it's a bad exercise at all. I agree with you, but i enjoy reflexive commentary on these types of questions.

Yep, those quick first instinct answers are usually a great way to get at our expression.
I have a creative streak a mile wide. I think it is this one good quality that accounts for my many odd-ball (yet very cool) projects, my professional success, my interest in others, an ability to engage long-term in matters of spirituality, my ability to do a decent job of parenting, an ability to be highly entertained all the time with very little input, and even the ability to thrive in solitude and with simplicity. It is the "seeing" of things with creative interest and engagement that has made a huge difference in my life.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?
I guess if I had any strengths, it's that I'm good for listening and helping if someone is having a hard time, or that I usually absorb new concepts pretty well. Not sure if I have any talents though, on the other hand. I'm normally better at visualizing something than actually getting it right without a good deal of practice.

What are the things that you are good at?
I like to think that I've gotten pretty decent at drawing from life, and my oil skills are progressing okay. Coming up with ideas to assist colleagues though seems to be something I'm better at than for my own work half the time. :p

What aspects about you are you most proud of?
I like to cling to my ideals even when they're works of futility sometimes. Not sure if I should be proud of this, but it's one of those off qualities that I like about myself.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?
There are abilities that I am good at naturally and abilities that I have developed over my life
Natural Abilities:
Highly creative, philosophical (I was told I was as a child, this may relate to type)
great imagination, attuned to other people.
I have developed: Sensitivity, drawing and artistic ability (not a natural talent, but had a natural interest), Learned - I dont consider myself intelligent as much as I have had many opportunities to learn, persistant and dont give up when it counts (this I developed because with ADD makes it difficult).

What are the things that you are good at?
I am good at thinking on my feet and adapting to a situation. I have had to do this a lot in my life.
What aspects about you are you most proud of?
I am proud of my creativity.
I can look at the big picture and work toward things I value.
Breaking things down and explaining in common language to help other people understand (sometimes).
Financially self disciplined. I'm not supposed to say some people think I'm cheap in this thread, right? But I'm not cheap with giving gifts or giving to others.
I'm self aware.
I'm humble and self-questioning.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

What are the things that you are good at?

What aspects about you are you most proud of?
Hmm.. I usually feel that my strengths are obsolete. I'm good at untangling complex personal issues within myself and weaving them into wisdom.

As far as talents and abilities, I've been told I can write very well by those I have shared my stories and poetry with. A few friends have said they'd like to "crack open my head and crawl into my inner world." Which I take to be a compliment of the most high...

I'm most proud of the level of emotional stability and control I have reached, and the fact that I stand my ground, take care of myself, and don't let people take advantage of me.
What are your strengths, abilities, and talents?

Not always, but sometimes I can read into things, situations, "logic" problems and people with almost supercomputer sensitivity and accuracy. My Ni can be near magical sometimes.

I can do emotional sensitivity. This along with everything else is making me a very complicated mishmash right now.

What are the things that you are good at?

Planning. Strategic thinking. Imagination. Independent thought.

What aspects about you are you most proud of?

Versatility. Decisiveness.
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