What are your favorite video games?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
For me, it would be...

The Original Pac Man
Super Mario Brothers 3 for regular Nintendo Console
Zelda, Link's Awakening for the Gameboy
Halo 2 for the X Box
Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 for the X Box
Duke Nukem 1 -> Atomic
MarioKart Series
Mario Bros. 1 2 3
Deus Ex
Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 for the X Box
Halo 1 & 2

and of course, Tetris
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Super Mario World
Hi All,

I am new to this board having recently found out my MB type at my boss's request. I discovered that I am an INFJ and all my introverted worrying makes sense now... :lol:

My fave videogames-what a difficult question, there are so many that I love! This will probably get edited/added to quite a bit. What the heck, here goes:

1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Eternal Darkness
3. Metroid Prime
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Lylat Wars
KMildenhall said:
Hi All,

I am new to this board having recently found out my MB type at my boss's request. I discovered that I am an INFJ and all my introverted worrying makes sense now... :lol:

My fave videogames-what a difficult question, there are so many that I love! This will probably get edited/added to quite a bit. What the heck, here goes:

1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Eternal Darkness
3. Metroid Prime
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Lylat Wars

Nice seeing ya!! You should post something in the introductions section. Get to know us "formally".

Glad you found us! :D
The Total War series.
All things sims
FF games
paper mario
smash bros
wii play
mario cart
Online gaming communities
Rise Of Nations
I use to fantasize about really conquering nations until there is one country. I would than fantasize about
it being a utopia and all the laws I would put down. I also thought being a compasinate leader to.
Good times....Sort of Dorky I guess

Sim City 3000 unlimited
I love building cities. I love seeing my city grow and creating good road routes.
I would some times just look at my city and see how cool it looks.
I also love downloading buildings online.
(Sim city 4 seems more like work I can't make a good city without cheats even then they only lose money.)

Star Wars
Empire at War
I love huge stardestroyers. This was the first game I put a mod on it.
I had some crazy big stardestroyers. I always emagined it not as the Jedi Sith stuff (I sort of think it's nonsense no offence :| )
I always though of it being my evil empire or good willed rebelion fighting for a great cause.
I specially loved using the map editor. The move scene thing made some battles really epic.

Use to like Smash Bro's Brawl but I found it annoying after a long time and no one could beat me.
OOOH lest we not forget Zelda! I LOVE that game ever since it first came out in pixelated 2-d :D *hums the zelda theme song*
entyqua said:
OOOH lest we not forget Zelda! I LOVE that game ever since it first came out in pixelated 2-d :D *hums the zelda theme song*

Which console version of Zelda? Nintendo? Super Nintendo? Gameboy?
entyqua said:
OOOH lest we not forget Zelda! I LOVE that game ever since it first came out in pixelated 2-d :D *hums the zelda theme song*
want the full Ocarina of Time soundtrack? I have it, It's on my phone :D Goes for little more than an hour and I play it on the way to work.
Satya said:
entyqua said:
OOOH lest we not forget Zelda! I LOVE that game ever since it first came out in pixelated 2-d :D *hums the zelda theme song*

Which console version of Zelda? Nintendo? Super Nintendo? Gameboy?

I had it for ALL of them! The first one was Nintendo!! I LOVED that game! I just beat Phantom hourglass and several months ago Twilight princess
My selection looks a bit more different from you guys...

Any Strategy made by Paradox Interactive
Any RPG made by Bioware
Europa 1400: The Guild
Civilization & Alpha Centauri Series
Total War Series
Simcity Series (except Societies, that felt like Simtown)
Command & Conquer Series
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
and dozens of niche games...
If only for the sake of information gathering....no video games here but I am currently building another big, detailed slot car track. The fun is creating something out of nothing (not many kits available) but once everything is running there are fast laps to run and things like that to enjoy.
Battlezone 2
Deus Ex
Star Ocean: The Second Story (Square/Enix is re-releasing it for the PSP as 'SO: Second Evolution')
Final Fantasy VI, VII
Alpha Centauri
Ace Combat series
Armored Core series
Soul Blade (when it first came out, it was amazingly fun -- now its replaced by Soul Calibur)
Tiger Woods Golf

Rise Of Nations
I use to fantasize about really conquering nations until there is one country. I would than fantasize about
it being a utopia and all the laws I would put down. I also thought being a compasinate leader to.
Good times....Sort of Dorky I guess
Rise of Nations was pretty bad-ass. The idea of taking "Age of Empires", adding in tons of innovations including national borders, wonders which grant nation bonuses, semi-intelligent villagers, and age advances up to the information age (battleships, fighters, nukes, tanks, oil as a new resource, etc) really made the game. It seems to wear somewhat thin after awhile though.
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suikoden 2
harvest moon back to nature
final fantasy
kingdom hearts
onimusha dawn of dreams
legend of dragoon
alone in the dark
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Never got into gamming, don't mind Sims and C&C but yeah, not really my thing.
Not all are video games, but...meh. I fit all my PC games in this.

All things Sims/SimCity (Sims 3 is coming out soon and it looks tight! But to play it I need a new computer. :()
WoW (it sort of counts)
All the old 80s arcade games (Galaga, Dig Dug, Centipede...etc)
Old "Infocom" type games :D "You do not see X here."
Online RPGs (text based)
Strategy games
Hidden Picture games. Go figure. They stretch my "S".
Starcraft (been playing it since 98!)
Kirby games
Sonic the Hedgehog games
The Sims
Mario Games
Banjo Kazooie games
007 goldeneye (simply because it holds so many memories for me)
I love Black&White, but I never have time to play it. :sad: