What are your bad habits?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
I've got quite a few. Procrastination, laziness, not listening, day dreaming, sleeping in, over eating, eating junk food, drinking too much, not drinking enough water, not exercising enough, lying to friends/professors, talking about myself too much, worrying excessively, showing up late, and waiting forever to do dishes.

What about you? Do you do anything to change your habits? How successful are you?
Dishes are the bane of my existence. They multiply like lemmings. One second there could be one cup in the sink, I come back out and there's all kinds of stuff in there.... most hated chore!

I have a ton of bad habits. I have changed some of them through the years. For example, I used to be really bad about money, but now I've mostly got it figured out. And I used to be a huge speeder when driving. It's taking time, but now I use cruise control on everything, and have been ticket free for maybe 5 years. Not as much fun, but definitely cheaper!
-bite my nails
-Rarely drink alcohol but when I do, I over do it.
-Extreme mood swings
-I'm bluntly honest to people, not a good thing sometimes
-Get bored on my projects
-Drink lots of stimulants (coffee, energy drinks etc etc)
-Make castles on the air(metaphorically speaking)
-Daydream often
I've got quite a few. Procrastination, laziness, not listening, day dreaming, sleeping in, over eating, eating junk food, drinking too much, not drinking enough water, not exercising enough, lying to friends/professors, talking about myself too much, worrying excessively, showing up late, and waiting forever to do dishes.

What about you? Do you do anything to change your habits? How successful are you?

All of these lol. The day dreaming is EXTREMELY bad because for me, it's like a way to escape and leave the world...and it's hard to come back to earth.

And also, I have a bad habit of staying awake ALL night and sleeping throughout the day, nocturnally. I do have a habit of doubting and second-guessing myself also.
I have my fair share of limitations, but my relationship with bad habits has been interesting. Over many, many years I found myself engaged in various periods of internal renewal where I may have tried to alter my behaviors/learn some new ones for a season. When it came time to go back to the status quo, I found myself saying, "Nah, I don't need that" and just continued on. This happened over and over. I think a lot of this had to do less with behavior and more with seeing past illusion to some greater reality or deeper wholeness. I find change much more easy when it is based on new awareness than pure force of will...in fact, sometimes brute force only gives more weight to habits than they deserve. Limitations or freedom, getting something or losing...that choice is much easier to make.

So, no at this point I have very few bad habits. Sounds strange to say but trust me, I have plenty of odd quirks and weaknesses, but I can live with these, they lend a sense of proportion.
Procrastination. Flirting, Arrogance, Idleness. And I 'play too much" whatever that means. I'm pretty self involved too. And I say the first thing to pop into my mind.And I've got a mean streak. And every once in a while I like to push buttons just for the hell of it.Andi am too easily bored and too easily distracted.
Daydreaming while driving
Daydreaming while not driving
Drinking excessive amounts of coffee
Worrying endlessly
second-guessing myself
The way I let myself get upset over little insignificant things
Staying up too late
Procastination, waiting for inspiration or the "perfect" moment to do things, being on the computer too much, self-absorbtion from time to time, eating too much junk food, daydreaming, ripping my nails, staying up too late, self-critique and doubt to the maximum
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Lazy, mentally and physically.
Procrastination, idleness.

Easily bored, mean, dont think before i talk, spit, swear, humiliate people, messy, uncareing, etc etc.
I have zero interest in other people and make no effort to show otherwise.
Daydreaming while driving
Daydreaming while not driving
Drinking excessive amounts of coffee
Worrying endlessly
second-guessing myself
The way I let myself get upset over little insignificant things
Staying up too late

similar. And being late . . .
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  • smoking

  • skipping breakfast too often


  • procrastinating unpleasant tasks like calling people especially if it's an organization or any government department where I know It's going to take me forEVER on the phone...I hate that. If I could hire someone to do that for me, I would.

  • being late for casual/social engagements - If it's important like work or an appointment a special social function I can and will be on time, but otherwise if it's just meeting up casually for social things anyone who knows me well adds an hour onto the time I say I'll be there :/ I used to rationalize this as my underestimating how long it takes me to do stuff, but really if I can be on time for other things, it's got to be something else. I think it's more that I need time to psych myself up for anything social because I find it draining.

  • not asking for help when I could use it - I take too much on myself and am loathe to ask anyone to do anything for me. Part of this comes from the arrogant belief that they wouldn't do it the way I want or as well, so I might as well save myself the aggravation, and part of it stems from the belief that it's weak to ask for help. This might be an oldest child thing..not sure.

  • not keeping in contact with friends enough - i go through spurts where I really need my alone time and then I feel guilty that I haven't kept up with my friends

  • perfectionism - over-thinking, over-analysing things until it passes the point of efficiency

  • leaving things unspoken and assuming people in my life know things that I assume are obvious to everyone, but aren't really

Geez reading over this list, I see why people have called me a snob so many times and I'm always like "What the hell??? :( I'm not a snob!" I really value people for each of their own great qualities, but I can totally see how I'd appear that way :S ...Damn it's hard being me ;)
Leaving things to the last minute
Biting my nails
Not asking for help
Caring too much
Not eating
Cursing like a sailor
Drinking excessively OR frequently, but never both
Not folding/hanging my clean laundry
Road rage
Being late
Not communicating
-Procrastination (honestly, who doesn't? I know like 3 people in my world who don't do this)
-Laziness (again, oy)
-going to bed late, but not because I'm doing something productive
-allocating an unhealthy amount of time to this forum
-talking back to my mom/being snotty with her
-being obnoxious at the wrong times (I'm not in the mood to do this at parties though, just when it's uncalled for)
-not practicing my piano enough

I'm not putting daydreaming as a bad habit, though. That's more of a hobby in my case. Or maybe an addiction. Besides, it's not all bad; I've had all kinds of wonderful insights just from idling.
- Bite my nails
- Pick my nose
- Smoke too many cigarettes
- Drink too much caffeine
- Smoke too much weed
- Overindulge on junk food
- Spend too much time on the computer
~ Biting my tongue and grinding my teeth esp when I sleep.
~ Procrastination
~ Getting really passionate something then never finishing it.
~ Drinking too much stimulants.. .coffee, coke, energy drinks etc.
~ Spending too much time on something then never finishing it.
~ Getting caught up in things and ignoring those around me.
My downfall:

- Procrastination
- Eating junk food too much
- Laziness
- Shut off people when I get tired
- Become pessimistic
- Critical
- Is being judgmental considered a bad trait? I am always right on this though. :l