What are some ways you keep fit?


Passing through
Include your food preferences and exercise programs. :D

I've recently discovered "Curves". Heh. It's actually not so bad, and not as intimidating as I thought it would be. I also tend to eat on the healthier side (not a lot of junk food) and I've discovered that I really need a higher protein diet (sorry, vegan diet! :/)
I am pure veggie.

This is my daily routine to keep myself fit and well.

1. Yoga session every morning for 15-20 mins
2. Eat fruits
3. Prepare fresh veg. food
4. Go for walk with friend.
5. Read about positive thinking and maintain mentality...
Oh, this is a great idea! Fun fun fun...

My family belongs to a gym with a great children's program and we all really like it. I've tried lots of things over the years, and these are the things I consistently enjoy and which work, plus some new ones:

1. This is so important: Love yourself as you are.
2. Your basic treadmill/stariclimber followed by weight training regime. Not fancy, but it works, and leaves you feeling so much better.
3. Yoga!!!!! Namaste, baby!
4. Recently tried Kickboxing, and although I was shocked to find there were some very angry-seeming people who actually seemed to want to hit someone in that class, there was a Tai-Chi cooldown afterward. Tai Chi is awesome. And I now have a huge crush on the instructor, who is an embarrassingly young greek god with waist-length dreadlocks and the soul of a ninja saint storyteller. So, anyway, Tai Chi is great, especially if the instructor is hot. Yummy. (Sorry to digress)
5. Outside stuff -- too many activities to name -- recently have been distributing mulch. It's surprisingly good exercise.
6. Diet -- avoid junk, moderation in everything, fruits & veggies are good, only whole wheat, no white bread.... um, limit french fries and anything fried (that part is hard for me)
7. Steam rooms with eucalyptus scent. I could just move right in one of those. They are (supposedly) good for detox, but I am suspicious that detox is a load of bunk. Nevertheless, I love steam rooms & saunas for the heat.

Anyway, that is, in a nutshell, what I do and I normally feel pretty healthy. Great idea for a thread! Also, I agree with what Roger said and need to spend more time preparing fresh vegetarian food.

P.S. Oh, I forgot to add: Those little grape tomatoes are wonderful snacks, my whole family eats lots of those, and we are growing them too. You can grow lettuce very easily in a large container if you like also.
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Excuse me. I had heard the word Tai Chi. But don't know what is it? Can you write here full explain about it. It will be great if you make a separate thread about it. :)
Mowing the lawn. I have over an acre, and it takes days to mow it with a push mower. Sigh.

And I'm with you - I need protein to lose weight too. Think I'm about to go on a big diet. Curves sounds great btw!
Hi Roger! I can put a brief explanation of Tai Chi here if that is okay with Ms. Arbygil... if not admins feel free to move it...

Tai Chi is, I think, Chinese. My impression of it, having done it a whopping three times, is that it is like moving prayer or moving meditation. It is intensly soothing and similar in many ways to yoga. My instructor tells stories while you do it and you make your body move to mimic the words to the story. Tai Chi (supposedly) harnesses your energy (Chi means energy in Chinese). It is very meditative and powerful... I think you would enjoy exploring it! If you love yoga, as I do too, you would probably love Tai Chi as well. :-D
I love eating ahahaha I JUST LOVE FOOD!!!!!

I do want to get thinner though for ballet...tsk I guess I'm the fattest person in ballet bwahhaha seriously.. I don't think I'm fat ... ahaha I think I'm normal and wearing those really tight clothes all the leotards and tights in ballet ... I kind of get figure conscious... maybe not kind of.. I GET REALLY CONSCIOUS hahahaha

the girls there are like..... whoa super extra thin ahahha ....

I don't really want to get super thin I just want to lose extra body fat ahhaha


I do hot yoga and I dance :) <--- since it's summer here, I do these things everyday

FOOD... well I love eating ahahhahaha I guess I'm not really into dieting... I'd lose weight by exercising a lot than not eating <-- I can't take that ahahahaha
The whole dieting exercise thing seem to be an 'exercise' of short term vs long term goals and happiness. If you can't beat the short term goals of resting comfortably and eating what you want (makes you happy right then) to get to the long term goals of having the body you want (which may or may not be unrealistic, even the most realistic goal still takes work) or the fitness level you want, you won't get there. The work itself isn't as bad as fighting the urges to be happy in some ways now, than to work to be happier overall.

The real hard part is if you get to where you thought you wanted to be, and still aren't happy with it, or in general.

1. This is so important: Love yourself as you are.

If you are never happy with how you look, no matter how good it is, you're just plain screwed.

However, on the flip side, if we felt no pressure to "be healthy" (I'm sure you don't need to run 10km a day and eat 100% organic whole foods to be the necessary amount of healthy to get through life just fine), or be thin, we would all likely eat and laze about as much as we want and be pretty damn happy about it. Though some of us would drop dead at 30.

Me, I want to be happy and healthy [enough] without having to hyjack my happiness through lengthy exercise I loath and never being able to cook and eat the foods I love. Sure I want a certain look too, but I'm almost there.

Alright, that's my rant. Not exactly on topic but it got me thinking about this.
well i walk around a lot, drink water, that kind of thing. nothing in particular though, and i'm not picky about what I eat :P
well, I have my usual training so that keeps me fit enough. Diet wise, I dont really care. I just eat what I wanna :m179:
I get exercise just trying to avoid doing exercise sometimes :P

I got really lazy lately. I went from being a gym rat, to just running, and now that I'm back from my vacay, it's tough to convince myself to get up. I need to get my butt to the gym. Summer is around the corner! (Gah!)

By the by, anyone thinking of going on a diet? Don't. Read "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. His ideas are probably the closest things to sane out of all those doctors and companies toting diets and meal plans out there.
I love eating ahahaha I JUST LOVE FOOD!!!!!

I do want to get thinner though for ballet...tsk I guess I'm the fattest person in ballet bwahhaha seriously.. I don't think I'm fat ... ahaha I think I'm normal and wearing those really tight clothes all the leotards and tights in ballet ... I kind of get figure conscious... maybe not kind of.. I GET REALLY CONSCIOUS hahahaha

the girls there are like..... whoa super extra thin ahahha ....

I don't really want to get super thin I just want to lose extra body fat ahhaha


I do hot yoga and I dance :) <--- since it's summer here, I do these things everyday

FOOD... well I love eating ahahhahaha I guess I'm not really into dieting... I'd lose weight by exercising a lot than not eating <-- I can't take that ahahahaha
I know how you feel! It sucks being average weight in a ballet class, well, thats why I was always more into jazz, modern, and tap. I never went at it seriously enough anyways, and now I'm not even taking dance anymore...so....can't say I accomplished anything there:m066:
There was this girl at my old dance studio though, and she was actually big, like not fat but larger than average, and she was like the best dancer in the whole place! She made herself look light as a feather when she was dancing and was beautiful to watch. I always felt like I might not be as flexible because excess body fat was getting in the way, but I was going at it from the wrong angle. If you concentrate on your skills as a dancer than the body will follow, not a stick thin body, but one that can move so well that no one will notice or care.

My exercise routine...I sit at my computer, and once in a while I walk to the subway to take a train to sit in one of my friends houses. When I do exercise I put on music and dance around my room and do sit ups. I couldn't exercise in public, I don't even like walking around unless I'm going somewhere. I make sure to eat healthy foods generally but don't stop myself from indulging.:m154:
I've recently started fast jogging on a small trampolene for 20 minutes every other day to try and pick up my mood and clear my head. I don't know if it's working, but watching anime while jogging is weirdly theraputic.
I'm a fruit/veg addict, so there aren't many issues with my diet.... well, except that I strongly dislike most proteins (I only eat quorn and tofu. I only eat meat when I go out for a meal. I can't stand fish, it's the most disgusting thing ever... although I like fish swimming around and being alive :)) and I'm over-doing the banana chips a bit (They seriously the nicest thing ever).
I also walk everywhere. I don't have a car and the bus sucks so walking is good!
Pepper increases your metabolism (its best as full peppercorn). I actually eat peppercorn sometimes, its spicy and good. So if anyone is thinking of doing something like taking weight loss pills, I would suggest something like that first.

Anyway I weightlift, and usually I am running from class to class with a 60 pound bag of textbooks that i rarely use and a computer, and that probably adds to my "staying fit". I used to eat what I want to when I was in HS and played soccer, and for a few years after. Now in College I have become a vegetarian. I eat a lot of fruit, and I take a multivitamin and monavie for anti-oxidants. After all, I will have to look good for my nobel peace prize picture down the road. :m027:
Pepper increases your metabolism (its best as full peppercorn). I actually eat peppercorn sometimes, its spicy and good. So if anyone is thinking of doing something like taking weight loss pills, I would suggest something like that first.
I have heard about that for cayenne, and what I would just love is if I could find the results of a study (directly, I don't like how articles sum it up by messing with the actual numbers) that measures an actual increase in metabolism or basal metabolic rate (how many calories you need in a day just to keep your organs, etc, running).

Don't worry, I believe you, I just want to know more quantitatively how well it works.
Need to start an exercise regime - probably start with some light walking.
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Well, I'm a college student, so I do a lot of walking from class to class. I also frequently go for a walk or go cycling, too, though.

As far as foods go, I sort of have a problem there in that I really don't like to eat many processed foods, which can be sort of a difficult diet to maintain in a healthy way (ironically). I try to eat as natural as I can; just making sure that I know what's in my food and how it was prepared helps. And when I think about what I'm eating, I'm less likely to overeat and all of that. I think you start to get in trouble when you simply stop paying attention to what goes in your mouth, or what doesn't.
I don't have a strenuous workout. I would say I'm an average eater, although I'd be a much healthier eater if I was not a college student. I stay fit by the simple things that all add up. Here are some examples:

1. I walk pretty quickly and a lot (without even realizing it most of the time).
2. I take the stairs instead of escalator/elevator. If I do take the escalator, I walk up if there aren't people in the way.
3. I eat my bigger meals earlier in the day, smaller meals later in the day.
4. I drink plenty of water. I'm a waterholic.
5. I teach. (Teachers walk around a lot.) :D
6. I dance whenever I have time.
I'm at gym usually five days a week. Every day I do 20 minutes of cardio and 40 - 45 minutes of weight training. I love it. I've always loved being at the gym and unless I'm having a low-energy day, I really enjoy breaking a sweat.

My eating habits have sort of gotten better. I used to be a HUGE cheeseburger fan (I still am), but I've since reached that age in life where the ol' metabolism starts to slow down. Ten years ago, I could eat Jack-in-the-Box Ultimate Cheeseburgers throughout the week and still stay trim. But now I eat healthier home-cooked meals and somewhat smaller portions.

I gained the most weight ever in my life this past winter and lost a lot of muscle because (1) I hate working out in the winter and (2) I didn't have access to a gym. It was depressing. But in January I found an inexpensive gym, and in the last three months I've managed to firm up my midsection and add a good deal of muscle to my arms and chest.

Pretty soon, I'll put on my running shoes and start jogging through the forest behind my apartment. I love seeing other joggers on the trail and smelling the flowers and watching dogs chase each other. *sigh* I'm already dreading winter and we haven't even reached summer yet.