Tri-Variable Personality Test


The Eccentric

You scored 30Artist, 45 Philosopher, 25 Scientist!
You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."

  • You scored 30% on Artist, higher than 33% of your peers.

  • You scored 45% on Philosopher, higher than 71% of your peers.

  • You scored 25% on Scientist, higher than 44% of your peers.
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You scored 35Artist, 55 Philosopher, 10 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."

You scored 35% on Artist, higher than 46% of your peers.
You scored 55% on Philosopher, higher than 90% of your peers.
You scored 10% on Scientist, higher than 7% of your peers.
The Agile Thinker

You scored 28Artist, 40 Philosopher, 33 Scientist!
Your thinking style is such that you vaccilate between building and creating things; pondering their purpose and value. The world is meant to be understood, and its elements are meant to be manipulated to help us on the path to discovering new techniques and methods for uncovering both universal and personal truth. You are vigorous in your mental attitude; putting things in their place and also justifying the science behind them ... while also expending effort pondering how or why the effort was valuable to you or society in a larger perspective. Perhaps you enjoy regimented activities or a great deal of mental activity; math, chess, etc. This is the category of a true intellectual. Examples of Stoic Thinkers: Albert Einstein, Galileo, Carl Sagan. Furthermore: Feedback from these types indicates they are: Highly attentive to detail ... they can come across as quite serious even if they don't intend to! According to other users, this may result in a funny "dry" sense of humor. Quote from another AT: "The first thing people usually notice about me probably my sense of humor." "I'm very independent and in many ways don't really care what others think of me. I can't control what others think or say, only how I react to it."
The Eccentric
You scored 40Artist, 45 Philosopher, 15 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."
WOW that is really accurate!

The Modernist

You scored 38Artist, 35 Philosopher, 28 Scientist!
You represent all that is hypermodern in thinking and existing in today's society. You live a very active and agile mental life, combining it with sporadic activities that involve intense personal expression (art, blogging, etc.) As opposed to the other types, your thinking style is a combination of: methodical, artistic and introspective. This means you are at different points in time capable of: valuing something, imagining it spatially, and enjoying its value experientially. You are likely highly literate, but you are a jack of all trades in that no particular field captures your fancy entirely. You may find yourself involved in a range of activities; make sure you are comfortable with your own identity and that you do not neglect any of the major aspects of thought. There could potentially be a propensity for skiddishness or flightiness. Furthermore, you are very easy going as a friend and partner ... easily absorbing the personalities around you, but not committing to any side in particular. Quote from a Modernist: "People often think I'm flip flopping on my opinons, when in reality, I'm just seeing many sides to something." Examples of Modernists: Tony Blair, Leonardo Da Vinci, Aristotle
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I had a longer reply written out, but I'll just say that I really, really did not like this test.

Anyway, my results:
The Agile Thinker
You scored 28Artist, 35 Philosopher, 38 Scientist!

Your thinking style is such that you vaccilate between building and creating things; pondering their purpose and value. The world is meant to be understood, and its elements are meant to be manipulated to help us on the path to discovering new techniques and methods for uncovering both universal and personal truth. You are vigorous in your mental attitude; putting things in their place and also justifying the science behind them ... while also expending effort pondering how or why the effort was valuable to you or society in a larger perspective. Perhaps you enjoy regimented activities or a great deal of mental activity; math, chess, etc. This is the category of a true intellectual. Examples of Stoic Thinkers: Albert Einstein, Galileo, Carl Sagan. Furthermore: Feedback from these types indicates they are: Highly attentive to detail ... they can come across as quite serious even if they don't intend to! According to other users, this may result in a funny "dry" sense of humor. Quote from another AT: "The first thing people usually notice about me probably my sense of humor." "I'm very independent and in many ways don't really care what others think of me. I can't control what others think or say, only how I react to it."

Not necessarily inaccurate considering how poorly worded some of the questions were.
The Eccentric

You scored 55Artist, 35 Philosopher, 10 Scientist!
You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique
The Eccentric
You scored 33 Artist, 50 Philosopher, 18 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."
The Eccentric

You scored 55Artist, 35 Philosopher, 10 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."

The Introspector

8 Artist
80 Philosopher
13 Scientist

You are an abstract thinker and probably spend a good deal of time by yourself, or at least, isolated mentally. Much of the way you view the world is relativistic; shades of grey. Right and wrong may exist in extreme forms, but the world is mostly neutral to you. Your lifes purpose is to discover the meaning of your own existence; your tools are rational, self contained ones: Self questioning, criticism, and skepticism. Perhaps you've experienced clinical depression as a result of this arduous search. You may work as a teacher, or in a job that does not require you to pay too much attention (so as to allow for your day dreaming). You can be difficult to deal with in that you are a harsh judge of all things; you cannot tolerate foolishness and can be seen as petty at times or semantical in arguing points that are important to you but may seem meaningless to others. Be careful not to isolate yourself too much - prone to agoraphobia and other forms of social isolation. Examples of Introspective Types: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre Quote from an Introspective Type: "I'm mostly concerned with idea's, human concepts and so forth. I want to understand the limitations of human understanding."

You scored 8% on Artist, higher than 1% of your peers.

You scored 80% on Philosopher, higher than 100% of your peers.

You scored 13% on Scientist, higher than 11% of your peers.

Certainly not surprised by these results.
The Eccentric

You scored 35Artist, 50 Philosopher, 15 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely.

Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason.

You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."

And nice to see you stoping by NAI!
The Eccentric

You scored 40Artist, 35 Philosopher, 25 Scientist!
You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."
The Eccentric
You scored 30% on Artist, higher than 33% of your peers.
You scored 65% on Philosopher, higher than 98% of your peers.
You scored 5% on Scientist, higher than 2% of your peers.

The Modernist

You scored 30Artist, 35 Philosopher, 35 Scientist!
The Introspector

You scored 20Artist, 55 Philosopher, 25 Scientist!
The Eccentric
You scored 38Artist, 40 Philosopher, 23 Scientist!

You live in a world of vast abstraction and color. You are hardly interested in the mechanics of real life; you are preoccupied with the substance of existence (the story and narrative, the symbolism), and the form and shape which life itself takes. You mix the mystical with the rational, like St. Thomas Aquinas, you find inroads between the sublime and the tangible ... you might have a propensity to let yourself go, though, in different ways. Everyday chores and responsibilities are not high on your list of passions; neither is any kind of "daily ritual" most likely. Your ideal work involves something that combines a medium for self expression (such as writing), with the inherent rationality and inquisitiveness of your philosophical side. You are very youthful in your demeanor. You are a true representative of modern culture and society; with its shifts toward new systems of spirituality which combine ancient mysticism with classic reason. You are not preoccupied with wealth most likely. Examples of Eccentrics: Timothy Leary, Stanley Kubrick, Socrates. Quotes from "Eccentrics": "I am a little unusual, a little different and very unique."
YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 38% on Artist, higher than 54% of your peers.

You scored 40% on Philosopher, higher than 56% of your peers.

You scored 23% on Scientist, higher than 38% of your peers.