Too Distracted By The Internal World?


down the rabbit hole
Organization of the internal world takes precedence over organization of external world.

I read this about INFJ's and it really struck home. This is my Achille's heel I think. I get so caught up with the internal that my external piles up and I get overwhelmed which leads to stress which leads to withdrawal.
It can be a very bad cycle.
I have to remind myself to take care of my external world.
I think I spend an extraordinary amount of time being upset at other people for not developing an inner world. That is incredibly draining in itself.

Focusing on my inner world is often empowering. I just don't get much done out in the real world.
I've always found it a significant struggle to balance my inner and outer worlds. To be honest, I think I feel "healthier" when my outer world has a slight advantage. But that's a rare state for me.
I think I spend an extraordinary amount of time being upset at other people for not developing an inner world. That is incredibly draining in itself.

Focusing on my inner world is often empowering. I just don't get much done out in the real world.

Ditttttttttttttto! I tend to look down on people who are like that, and I have to tell myself to not do that. Damn me and my need to put people in boxes!

My innerworld is an organized mess. I like to think of it as a electron orbital cloud (most likely a d or f orbital), it is dissarayed, confusing, and odd, but there is much order to it.

My external world is much like a sawtooth wave, it gets messier and messier and messier, until within a matter of minutes, it's spotless. then it happens again... and again... and again... (note, the majority of the time it is messy, so each sawtooth is curved)
Hmm... I think I have my inner and outer worlds somewhat balanced. Though I do seem to retreat to the inner world quite easily, as the outer world often feels overwhelming and disorganized. But I wouldn't really say it's nescessarily a negative thing.

I think I spend an extraordinary amount of time being upset at other people for not developing an inner world. That is incredibly draining in itself.

Also, this. :D

And after all, its a useless thing to be upset about, since it is so hard to verbalize in a manner that makes sense, and I don't really think most people even care.
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I have been concentrating on my inner world, but trying to approach it intuitively. Using a non thinking approach and attempting to engage buried images using imagination. My outer world seems to be benefiting.
My innerworld is an organized mess. I like to think of it as a electron orbital cloud (most likely a d or f orbital), it is dissarayed, confusing, and odd, but there is much order to it.

lol I'm the oposite. I find myself more trying to disorganize my inner world, to let the water flow again so to speak because interactions with other people leads to to many boxes and walls in my inner world :D

my outer world is a big mess but from time to time, especially at work, I get a clean up mania and then everything needs to be organized perfectly.

I don't know, it seems like I need to spend an awfull lot of time on my inner world to remain sane but if you count the hours, I spend more hours a day in the outside world than in the inside world.
It's obvious when my inner-world is a mess because my outer world will be spotless.

Interestingly enough I spend a lot of time avoiding my inner-world. I don't always like what I find there so I try and escape to the outside. I could never live in a huge bustling city. I feel that people in cities with no space try and escape to their inner world where a majority of my time is trying to escape from within.
My inner world and outer worlds are pretty much in sync...I somehow manage to use each to propel the other. Not sure how this happened, but I cannot remember it ever being otherwise. My life has been fairly active and I have had some spectacular ways to spend time. Maybe that is why my inner life feeds on my external activity so much, while my external choices always emanated from what is going on inside.
I read this about INFJ's and it really struck home. This is my Achille's heel I think. I get so caught up with the internal that my external piles up and I get overwhelmed which leads to stress which leads to withdrawal.
It can be a very bad cycle.
I have to remind myself to take care of my external world.

Yup this is probably my core issue.
I think I spend an extraordinary amount of time being upset at other people for not developing an inner world. That is incredibly draining in itself.

Focusing on my inner world is often empowering. I just don't get much done out in the real world.

I again agree. It feels like it should be impossible not to.
It's obvious when my inner-world is a mess because my outer world will be spotless.

I have the opposite problem. When I'm down or stressed everything is a mess.
Agreed totally. Whenever I'm stressed, I tend to obsess on details, and whenever I'm relaxed.... what does a single tissue, shreds of papers, and dropped biscuit bag matter? I've got more important things to think.

I personally think it's an issue of adeptness and mastery, rather than an Achilles' Heel. Trying to balance and/or master and/or getting in sync with both is hard, admittedly, tho. D: