Thoughts on the 2012 doomsday theory?


I'm personally not sure if it'll happen, I hope it doesn't & I'm going to continue living my life like it won't. I also heard that there could be a spritual awakening and I really hope that that happens because that would be cool. But overall I just believe that the Mayans never finished their calender because they died, not because they thought the world would end.
I'm not familiar with the 2012 doomsday theory.
The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. People think that means the world will turn inside out and go boom.

And by the way, the calendar was finished. It's cyclical and thus will begin a new rotation after 2012.

It'll be just another year though. People seem to always be looking forward to the next point at which they believe the world will end. Just since I've been alive there have been countless predictions of the end of days... and look, we're still here!


The only legitimate concern for the end of the world right now is in something like 2036 with asteroid 99942 Apophis.

EDIT: It looks like that particular asteroid isn't even really a threat anymore. Carry on.
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When the world is really coming to an end, it'll be a theory for less then thirty seconds.

If we have preparation time, we'll make it out fine.
I'm just going to live as if tomorrow is my last day, and study as if I'll live another 12 minutes and my curiosity is the only thing that can push back another second, every second.
I'm just going to live as if tomorrow is my last day, and study as if I'll live another 12 minutes and my curiosity is the only thing that can push back another second, every second.

That's hardcore, yo.
I don't think it is year 2012 with my amazing psychic powers.I think it would be pushed back a little much later but even so, who knows,either me or you might die the next second,minute,hour.Probably anytime.Not looking forward to dying yet.
Weird, I just heard about that theory this morning. (And not from this thread.)

I heard it's 'cause in 2012 the Earth and Sun will align with the center of the galaxy, which will somehow cause the magnetic poles to change location, which will in turn wreak all kinds of havoc like earthquakes and volcanoes and such. Fire and brimstone.

Kinda doesn't make sense... I mean if the Earth is rotating around the Sun, wouldn't it reach a position twice every cycle where it's in line with the Sun and the center of the galaxy?

Anyway, I had always thought that the Mayan calendar was...
... cyclical and thus will begin a new rotation after 2012.

Yeah, see, that's what I remember about the Mayan calendar. So I don't really know what's gonna happen.

Could be interesting though... what would really happen if the magnetic poles moved, other than a bunch of birds getting very, very lost?
The whole galaxy alignment thing is BS actually. Well, actually people are just saying all kinds of things willie nillie, like all of the planets will align - which can happen, but is nearly impossible and wont occur in 2012 and when/if it does it really has no affect on us.

There is also our solar system aligning with the galaxy's axis which does not happen but it does travel up and down through the axis plane or something like that, but again not in 2012 and they aren't sure what kind of affect that will have but it's VERY gradual and wont even occur for a very long time (forgot how long exactly, hundreds or thousands of years).

As for the magnetic shifts, these are known to occur periodically but not in 2012 and little is known about its affect. It's also believed to be a gradual process. But I've also heard it can be instantaneous so I don't know.

The biggest threat as far as I know in or around 2012 is the possibility of a solar flare, which is inevitable at some point but more likely in the next few years. That could knock out all our electronic systems and put us in some chaos for a bit. Could happen any time though, really.
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Could be interesting though... what would really happen if the magnetic poles moved, other than a bunch of birds getting very, very lost?

[INTJ spectacles on]

The magnetism of the Earth provides a magnetic shield which blocks solar winds. Without that shield, Earth would look a lot like Mars as our atmosphere was swept away. In the event of a major shift, the arctic and antarctic regions of the planet could be exposed to large amounts of solar radiation, which could, in effect, lead to massive polar melting. That of course could mean massive climate change as a result of desalination of the oceans and earthquakes corresponding to oceanic tectonic shifts. Hypothetically speaking of course.

[/INTJ spectacles off]

It is easy to speculate about an infinite number of possible doomsday scenarios, but we are already living in uncertain times. Never before has there been this sort of political, economic, environmental, and social climate on a global scale. I'm more concerned about what will happen tomorrow than what will happen in 2012. Just imagine if you had been staying at a hotel in Mumbai, India or hanging around a Walmart in Long Island, New York this week.
INTJ spectacles! I am SO using that. Genius.
Oh, it will happen, believe me. How it will, and how severe it will be? I have no idea. Nevertheless, it will happen. I mean, you can already see signs.
This thread could never be complete without this classic.

HAHAAHAHA that was a real classic.MArs is still laughing at us and the meteors are o F*c* that.And everybody is SH*t SH*t!
I really don't think that a long gone culture that had a habit of massive human sacrifice ritulas and next to no real knowledge about the world and universe could have foreseen the end of the world. I think the 2012 will be just another year. There have been countless doomsday prophecies before and there will be more afterwards. Whatever happened to the apocalypse and total collapse of human civilication that was scheduled for year 2000?
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I hope I can get laid before it happens.
[INTJ spectacles on]

The magnetism of the Earth provides a magnetic shield which blocks solar winds. Without that shield, Earth would look a lot like Mars as our atmosphere was swept away. In the event of a major shift, the arctic and antarctic regions of the planet could be exposed to large amounts of solar radiation, which could, in effect, lead to massive polar melting. That of course could mean massive climate change as a result of desalination of the oceans and earthquakes corresponding to oceanic tectonic shifts. Hypothetically speaking of course.

[/INTJ spectacles off]

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. LOL. LOVE the spectacles, Satya! :hail:
I think there will be a radical shift in thinking in ways that are unforeseen at the moment; however, we do know that technology is also growing exponentially. This may play a part, but to the extent of how this will effect us as human beings is somewhat beyond our abilities to completely comprehend at this time.

What I have been reading on this is that human intelligence will become vastly more intelligent than it is today. Perhaps we will finally understand the true nature of our exisitence and relationship to the universe. Those who are unable to get "connected" will be seen as the neanderthals of our world. They will be the beings still hooked on violence, hatred, predjudices and so forth.
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What I have been reading on this is that human intelligence will become vastly more intelligent than it is today. Perhaps we will finally understand the true nature of our exisitence and relationship to the universe. Those who are unable to get "connected" will be seen as the neanderthals of our world. They will be the beings still hooked on violence, hatred, predjudices and so forth.

That's what I hope for. HS, have you read "A New Earth"? If not, you may be interested, as the book is along the same lines of what you just wrote.
That's what I hope for. HS, have you read "A New Earth"? If not, you may be interested, as the book is along the same lines of what you just wrote.

No, but thanks. Always looking for a good book. I'm slowly moving through The Singularity is Now (or here). Dorky title, but it drives home how vastly different the world will be very soon. What is really kind of wonderful is how technology will impact health. If bloodthirsty radicals don't get out of control our children could lead a vastly longer and healthier existence, emotionally, physically, intellectually...Wouldn't that be a wonderful prospect. Kind of hoping that all of the weak ones (meaning the killing, violent oriented ones) get weeded out by technology, although this is pretty much happening now already...