Think too much


Time Lord
Well do you, more specifically when your trying to sleep.

I had times where I've in a very literal sense laid in bed for hours trying to get my head to shut off.
I struggle with that one too sometimes.

I have found it useful and helpful when I tell my mind in a gentle and reassuring way that I will get back to the worries in the morning. That it's ok and safe to go to sleep now.

That worrying about things while in bed, is futile because it's just too late to get up and try to fix, manage, pay, organize, process "things", because that's for the daytime when I'm awake.

It has really helped to speak caringly to myself this way because above all else, I crave some help or comfort with my responsibilities that I can't really get for the things on my mind, so I comfort and sooth myself this way.

It's a suggestion to try if you like, 00chris00.
This happens to me now and then, however more so during the day. That is when my mind doesn't shut off, and it can become extremely debilitating. My brain has evolved in such a way that it makes me "tired" (but not sleepy), and long for sleep, and in some cases it will force me to sleep. It works in some ways. Half the time I wake up feeling better, but the other half it is worse.
This happens to me now and then, however more so during the day. That is when my mind doesn't shut off, and it can become extremely debilitating. My brain has evolved in such a way that it makes me "tired" (but not sleepy), and long for sleep, and in some cases it will force me to sleep. It works in some ways. Half the time I wake up feeling better, but the other half it is worse.

I get this too, actually...
I used to suffer from insomnia due to over imagination. As i grew older, I realized I have a lot of control over my body if not my thoughts. Now it happens only sometimes....mostly when I mulling over a big decision or extremely worried about something...

But I always gain control of my body...i do deep breathing exercises and slowly shift my thinking towards my body...visualizing everything relaxing. Slowly but surely it works...

If they don't work,...warm milk,relieving one's "ahem"...and couple of puffs of that herbal medicine.:m093:
Funny thing is I rarely have trouble with worries. But just as I lay down my head either kicks it's imagination into overdrive or start mulling things from day over.
Yes, I too have a "loud" brain, perhaps that's why we spend so much time in there. So much going on, and so demanding (obsessing) sometimes. I think we all try to find ways to "slow it down". I also sometimes give my mind suggestions, like Ria, and it helps. This includes many things like "stop worrying about problems", "tell yourself its ok", even "let's work on this in our sleep tonight". It's almost like a form of self-hypnosis. It can really help if you can get some control of it.
Funny thing is I rarely have trouble with worries. But just as I lay down my head either kicks it's imagination into overdrive or start mulling things from day over.

That's normal and something all types face. The key is to find some kind of control mechanism for your thoughts. Also connecting the imagination/thoughts with the body is crucial otherwise your mind and body is not recognizing that sleep is a necessity. But if you have personal beliefs that sleep is not something important then that message is released throughout your body and your body will follow.

Beliefs and understanding about sleep deprivation and what good night sleep can do for you in general is also useful. Otherwise you are running around with random thoughts without having control of the functions of your mind and body. OR maybe you really enjoy your overactive imagination at night. Some people enjoy it a lot. Ultimately it is a choice and has nothing to do with the specialness of being an INFJ.
Yes, I too have a "loud" brain, perhaps that's why we spend so much time in there. So much going on, and so demanding (obsessing) sometimes. I think we all try to find ways to "slow it down". I also sometimes give my mind suggestions, like Ria, and it helps. This includes many things like "stop worrying about problems", "tell yourself its ok", even "let's work on this in our sleep tonight". It's almost like a form of self-hypnosis. It can really help if you can get some control of it.

You have no idea how much trouble I have over this issue. I try to come up with as many solutions as possible, looking at all the pitfalls, having all kinds of strategies as to how I can deal with the situation and yet I know that at the moment I can't do anything! My mind is never ever at rest! Like Ria said, I try to say to myself that I can't do anything to solve those problems as of that moment and that tomorrow shall be another day. However, I still think anyhow.

It's so frustrating and sorry I don't have any solution to this but I completely agree with you on this. Maybe following Solongo's advice with the tea would be helpful, I should try it. Good luck buddy :)
It's so frustrating and sorry I don't have any solution to this but I completely agree with you on this. Maybe following Solongo's advice with the tea would be helpful, I should try it. Good luck buddy :)

I didn't recommend tea. Don't drink tea...most has caffeine in it unless you are drinking organic, natural green tea. Warm milk with a little bit of honey.:m024:There are also non traditional ways around it but you'll have to pm me for it.
I didn't recommend tea. Don't drink tea...most has caffeine in it unless you are drinking organic, natural green tea. Warm milk with a little bit of honey.:m024:There are also non traditional ways around it but you'll have to pm me for it.

Oops, I don't know why I said tea, I was having a conversation about tea earlier this evening maybe that's why I got confused hehe. I mean the herbs *cough cough* yes, I should try Solongo's herbs. :)
Oops, I don't know why I said tea, I was having a conversation about tea earlier this evening maybe that's why I got confused hehe. I mean the herbs *cough cough* yes, I should try Solongo's herbs. :)

Another thing I do that is similar to work out feelings and problems (to quiet the noise) is to have a conversation in my head with someone I know about the issue. I used to worry about that some, thinking am I a little crazy here? But I finally decided, no I am controling the conversation on a conscious (me) and unconscious (them) level. I think it's easier for an INFJ to do this since we can put ourselves in others places so easily. It's just another creative form of self-help in my book.

Sometimes it's an old girlfriend, others it may be my mom, still other times it might be an old mentor. Basically whoever fits the situation the best. I've never really discussed that with anyone, so it feels a little weird saying it. But I'm ok with it now, so I guess it's all good.
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I do something similar. I will actually talk out loud, and walk around the room and say what I would want to say to someone. It gives the effect of really talking to this person if it goes on for long enough, and can lead to sparked insight. It is quite useful.
Well do you, more specifically when your trying to sleep.

I had times where I've in a very literal sense laid in bed for hours trying to get my head to shut off.

That is how I am every night. The only way around it that I have found is drugs.
That is how I am every night. The only way around it that I have found is drugs.

really don't think it's that severe of a problem, and in reality I do enjoy the quiet thoughts. It just a something that I've noticed about myself.

For some reason it also happens in the shower. That's right I'm a shower thinker.
This is actually happening to me right now and I have not yet to learn to control it, I can't sleep, Im always thinking, I would lay in bed for hours, I'm always imagining/thinking of stuff and well usually have bad nights..
Try this
just focus on your breathing..
You'll fall asleep I swear


Technically you are not supposed to sleep doing this
It defeats its main purpose, but it's up to you ;-)
Actually I would suggest tea.

Make an herbal tea out of ginger root and valerian root. Works for me most of the time. Doesn't really turn my mind off, just makes it easier to drift off into sleep. It is caffeine free.

If you don't have access to ginger and valerian, check out your store for any type of herbal tea (that is, free from tea leaves). They should almost all be caffeine free. Green tea does have caffeine in it so avoid that (anything with green, white or black tea leaves has caffeine.

If you don't like tea, try hot coco. Basically any warm drink that is caffeine and stimulant free. Also, be careful with the ginger root. A small number of people are allergic to it.