The Kid


The Romantic Scientist
Hypothetically speaking, if you were to travel back in time and as a result meet up with your younger self, what sort of advice would you give to him/her if any as to what the future holds for them? Would you let fate guide the child or would you take a stand and tell him/her the should's or should nots in their road up ahead?
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I'd give him advice, money, a timeline of events, and set up a mailing system of pre-warnings and information for places "not to be", or "things to bet on".

I'd give him all my 11th of September jokes so he's ahead of the game.
I wouldn't change a thing. I like who I am today. Even the horrible things I've done to get myself in sticky situations, well they've made me who I am and to change it would change me at the core.
my message would be fairly simple.

Don't worry, it's not your fault. It won't always be like this. Trust God.

I really wish some one would have told me that 8 or 10 years ago

Be yourself it will make your life a lot more joyful. Do not try to hide your light under a bush. You have a lot to offer.

Be honest with yourself.

You are very defensive stop it.

Just because someone says they're right doesn't mean they are.

Just because someone else says something, or implies it doesn't make it right or true

It is ok to make mistakes everyone does, and yours aren't the worst.

It would be better to put your energy into writing, philosophy, and political science.

People don't hate you. Just give them a chance there are quite a few out there that are not of the evil variety.

You are not a bad person, in fact you are quite the opposite.

You know I should start taking my own advice.
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I wouldn't tell him any specefics of what is going to happen. Because that would drasticly change his plans and motives. The only thing I would tell him is enjoy the life you have right now; you do not realise the depth at how easy this time of your life is. I would also tell him that despite all the trials you will go through, and all the things you will feel, you will always be safe and protected, and you will always somehow pull through.
"why so serious?"

That's what I would tell myself. One of my teachers back then also told me this several times when he saw me. I looked very serious, most of the time, though I did not think of myself as that serious a person. Looking back now, I can see what the teacher was talking about.
So I go to my younger self and I tell him to do this and that better? He will reply: why didn't you do it, what, you want me to be better than you(me)?! And then the next better you will come from the future to ask to be even better?? And so on.. forever??! GTFO!!!!! NOW!
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I would tell myself to go into therapy a lot sooner :)
Study really really really hard and don't be such a downer. In addition, learning another language (like Japanese or Russian).
I wouldn't even know what to say to her. It's a different world, the same rules won't apply.
Wow, good question.

I'd probably tell my younger self not to take everything so seriously...try to lighten up a tad bit. Not sure if it'd at all be effective though.
Hypothetically speaking, if you were to travel back in time and as a result meet up with your younger self, what sort of advice would you give to him/her if any as to what the future holds for them? Would you let fate guide the child or would you take a stand and tell him/her the should's or should nots in their road up ahead?

Did you get this off of South Park?
If you didn't, then oops. I just know that last night an episode of South Park came on that had a similar theme, because I've been asked this question about 5 times today!

Anyways, I'd probably spend alot of time with myself. I'd tell myself not to give that letter to my mom, and to be careful about what was written in my diary. I'd tell myself that I should never listen to the horrible things my mom says to me, because she is a terrible mean rotten person who doesn't know what she's saying. Also, I'd tell myself to get closer to God, because he could have helped me through everything I went through when I was younger.
I would tell me to get out there and stop worrying about everything.

And ignore my brothers. They love you.
This sum's it up quite nicely

Be yourself it will make your life a lot more joyful. Do not try to hide your light under a bush. You have a lot to offer.

Be honest with yourself.

Just because someone says they're right doesn't mean they are.

Just because someone else says something, or implies it doesn't make it right or true.

It is ok to make mistakes everyone does, and yours aren't the worst.

You are not a bad person, in fact you are quite the opposite.

I would also say:

I love you. You're good enough as you are, you don't have to pretend to be better or different.

Take everyone off the altar. You've got to save yourself - but that would be cruel to say to my-child self, wouldn't it.