Spiritual children growing up

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Permanent Fixture
Quite the majority of people in this forum are posting they receive messages in dreams, usually about the future. Relying on vibes, senses not part of your usual 5 (sight, scent, touch, hear, taste) to determine which decision is best or who to or not to stay away from. Among many other things. If you don't do this, I'd still be interested in your responses...

Has this affected your life in some way, since the beginning?
How has it affected your outlook?
My main question: Have you always been interested in Spirituality as a child? And if not, have you become drawn to it later on in your life and how did it develop.. if something in particular caused a change in you to become more drawn to these topics?
Why did you become interested? Maybe one could say we are all drawn to spiritual matters eventually. Reaching some higher level of consciousness.

Spirituality can be anything under your own interpretation..
Maybe magic, auras, fairies, heaven & hell, superstitions, unconventional healing, or believing there is a Higher Power. Someone might disagree with magic but a few of my friends were interested in that at first, and it connected them to Wicca and even deeper its nature aspects and it's evolved into just one thing now
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It seems I have been interested in the occult most of my life. TV shows and stories with witches, magic. Not necessarily always negative or violent things, they could be neutral but there was often an element of mystery and something a bit disturbing. I guess it's just fascinating, but sometimes the passion I have for things I like I sometimes find extreme and I wonder these days, what could I have been in a past life.
I've clashed with all sorts of people. I was raised in a Catholic household. I clearly remember the day a friend of the family, my age, stopped speaking to me when I asked her to do a spell with me. Something about a dark closet and bowl with water inside. I told her to keep it a secret or we'd get in trouble, our families were just outside. She disappeared after that and after myself being lectured, my aunt revealed to me the girl couldn't hold it in anymore and said she felt guilty to keep something like that a secret.
Over the holidays with my relatives around, my parents said at the dinner table that I was like this too already, much before the age 4. Just very quiet in general but at a certain hour at night, I'd get loud and noisy, running around, because of something that aired.. seems to be either a radio play or TV series. I'm researching what it was at the moment.
Later on in my life, near end of high school these topics became more of a source of inspiration. I saw beauty in these things and it had formed a tie with Christianity. The same topics but perhaps churches, crosses, etc are more involved. As I went through college, the themes became a lot more peaceful than thrilling, but still holding on to something quite sublime..

I compare myself a bit to other children, where it seems they are still developing their likes and dislikes; and maybe mine have already been set in stone. I remember feeling this clearly as a child. Particularly my nephew who is 13 now, if you ask him to decide between things, what he would rather do, eat, what he likes, he can't decide. So I often do the choosing for him when I used to babysit.

One other question: do you believe in past lifes?
heyyyyy heyyyy...hey now...

this post is COMPLETELY intresting to me! u have no idea Maetel but....unfortunately its 3 o clock here and im getting hella tired but i will be responding to this forum tommorow. u just be sure to check back on it.
Cool post, and cool thoughts. I have always been interested in spiritual matters. I've also always loved movies and books about magic. When I was a little girl I wanted to be Samantha soooo bad - haha. I will read any religious book or pamphlet, or philosophical posting about any religion out there. I've read the runes and other divinatory methods for about 20 years. I have occasionally tried spells. I believe very much in prayer. I seek to learn and to find the truths of things. But it's always been a part of me.
I have always been interested in magic since I was little, I would engage in wild fantasies, dreams, the shows that I would watch were mostly about magic, the concept of heaven and hell really appealed to me, and since then there has always been questions on my mind on what exactly are the 2. right now I am interested more than ever however, as I am reading about different topics, but this has always appealed to me.
I guess I have so many questions :sing:

Moxie, Raccoon how would you compare your parents? Or the rest of your family.. are they the same way?

I think that's another interesting thing.. Really being open to everything. No discrimination between the beliefs. Like feeling everything is connected or in search of the same thing. To be honest I don't know all the stories and 'rules' behind Catholicism -perhaps I just take what I like. Why not, right? : -)

When I was a little girl I wanted to be Samantha soooo bad - haha.

For me, I admired Lydia Deitz... since gr. 1
Winona Ryder's character in Beetlejuice :sleep:
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Well I have always grown up different then my parents, as they are very religious yet they lack much spirituality, I think there's a claer difference between beng religious and being spiritual, I am the opposite I am spiritual yet not very religious at all, I have always pretty much rebelled agaisnt what my parents have thought me, I always have created my own world, my own view on world and different things, I have always tried to connect different religions, different concepts, different theories of human behavior, I am more likely to engage in fantasy, i do not follow a traditional religious system. I think that's a clear difference.
Yes, I have always been a spiritual person, but never into magic. I prefer the less glitzy aspects of the spiritual life. I sometimes do find comfort in the company of truly spiritual people less entangled in the dominant culture of contemporary religion, which can favor a glitz all it's own.
I was into the occult as a kid. I was raised Catholic, actually... but "defected" to practicing Wicca when I was 12 until I was 19. I think it's pretty typical of adolescents to be into this sort of thing.. Especially those with very active imaginations. Sorry if that sounds like a slam.. Just my take.

I got into it because my childhood was very choatic and pretty violent. Religion was my escape. The God of Catholicism was too angry and vengeful.. way too much like my own dad.. And I had always been drawn to nature, it comforted me. So I began to worship nature, trees, in particular. I sort of made up my own path of Wicca..
I was very into it, it was all I had. Everything that kept me 'ok'.

After a few terrifying ordeals in practicing the 'magic'k's I became an Evangelical Christian.

I sort of faded out of it, though... Just questioning it. I don't have much of a spirituality now, I feel like I'm trying to swim through an entire world filled with garbage and broken things. I guess the only connection to anything spiritual would be the dreams I have, how vivid they are--how they reveal secret parts of myself to myself..
I was into the occult as a kid. I was raised Catholic, actually... but "defected" to practicing Wicca when I was 12 until I was 19. I think it's pretty typical of adolescents to be into this sort of thing.. Especially those with very active imaginations. Sorry if that sounds like a slam.. Just my take.
No problem. I was thinking it too at first, all children seem to be interested in it. But I think there's a huge difference -it can come as a phase, act of rebellion or just something to do with your friends or brag about, as opposed to an interest that stayed with them throughout their lives. Something deeper and secret. I feel it's actually revealed itself as more of a calling than any phase.

I do think dreams are part of spirituality
Learning to become a better person. It's where my interests lie at the moment. The period where you are in between consciousness
Quite the majority of people in this forum are posting they receive messages in dreams, usually about the future. Relying on vibes, senses not part of your usual 5 (sight, scent, touch, hear, taste) to determine which decision is best or who to or not to stay away from. Among many other things. If you don't do this, I'd still be interested in your responses...

Has this affected your life in some way, since the beginning?
How has it affected your outlook?
My main question: Have you always been interested in Spirituality as a child? And if not, have you become drawn to it later on in your life and how did it develop.. if something in particular caused a change in you to become more drawn to these topics?
Why did you become interested? Maybe one could say we are all drawn to spiritual matters eventually. Reaching some higher level of consciousness.

Spirituality can be anything under your own interpretation..
Maybe magic, auras, fairies, heaven & hell, superstitions, unconventional healing, or believing there is a Higher Power. Someone might disagree with magic but a few of my friends were interested in that at first, and it connected them to Wicca and even deeper its nature aspects and it's evolved into just one thing now

I have some small ability that is tied in with my sub-conscious and dreaming. I'm still really getting to know it. I talked about this in a thread (can't remember which one), but to me Ni and psychic ability are not the same thing. But people do confuse the two. Ni can seem psychic because it appears to come up with answers out of thin air, but that is not the case. I mearly takes incomplete information, spots trends, makes associations others don't see, and uses all this to come to correct conclusions. People see it as "Magic" when it is just an unusual ability.

True psychic ablility is something different. I think Ni is somehow tied to it (not sure how), but it is not the same. Yes, because I am so tied into my unconscious, it somehow gives me a window into these "other" abilities. But again, anything I have is tied into my dreams and dreamlike states. I've come to realize lately that I've avoided this for a long time. Sometimes I purposely keep myself out of REM sleep. Things used to creep me out a bit. Didn't really like it.

I've seen a few events in dreams (pre-cog), but I usually don't know it until they are upon me. When it starts happening I know what's coming (short term). Here is a link to a thread I started that has another type of experience that I had. This is the type I've been avoiding, and even in this instance I tried to for a long time. I have no doubt this was real. Mostly because I didn't want it to be. http://forum.infjs.com/showthread.php?t=4685

And yeah I've always been interested in the spriritual and the unknown. I've tried runes, crystals, dreamwalking (lucid dreaming), and a few other things. Organized religion has always turned me off though. I pursue in my own way. And I do believe in re-incarnation. I was a Sailor in a past life who drowned. This explains my love and fear of the sea. The closest I have ever come to death in this life is from drowning. This was a test I passed this time I feel.
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How did you find out you were a sailor?

Just still thinking about alt ctl del's post... it was a surprise to me when I found out how much imagination and visualization was a part of magic. So it's maybe no wonder you say people with active imaginations are drawn to it. In my case, I dabbled with things or talked about things with friends but they'd always change the topic, more out of boredom than fear or morals... So it seems it's a bit of a generalization to say it's typical. My sister and her friends are teenagers but are not interested in this at all... I haven't actually had anyone to have conversations with about these topics
I have been around new age things since I was young. My mom really started to get into it when I was around 5 or 6. My parents split when I was 4, and my dad is christan. Both of them tried to teach me their ways. I just found more interest and value in what my mom had learned. As I got older I started to think about this stuff independently. I wanted to come up with my own theories and interpretations to things. New age type things seemed more catering to this then did christanity, at least in the context that my dad showed me. Neither of them ever pushed it on me. It was simply passed on information. I took it as I wanted. New age things just made more sense, and I actually had some kind of experience and tangible material to work with. It has been "proven" to me, and I have "proven" it to myself.
I have been around new age things since I was young. My mom really started to get into it when I was around 5 or 6. My parents split when I was 4, and my dad is christan. Both of them tried to teach me their ways. I just found more interest and value in what my mom had learned. As I got older I started to think about this stuff independently. I wanted to come up with my own theories and interpretations to things. New age type things seemed more catering to this then did christanity, at least in the context that my dad showed me. Neither of them ever pushed it on me. It was simply passed on information. I took it as I wanted. New age things just made more sense, and I actually had some kind of experience and tangible material to work with. It has been "proven" to me, and I have "proven" it to myself.

wow, seems very similar to my story, I have also always questioned myself this religious views and I have always wanted to come up with my own interpreations to things, I find the similarity quite interesting, I'm guessing this is an indigo trait...
I was always interested in it; it started with folklore, an interest in what "could be" out there, and a desire for there to be something because I always wanted something really cool, unique, and powerful to happen. I read a lot of legends and stuff, and I loved stories. My imagination was very strongly put to use.

From there, I went from myths and legends to the history of what was practiced. My dad has a lot of books about different types of religions, practices, tools, divination, etc. and I really liked reading them in my spare time. The question of the paranormal versus the psychologically distorted came into play. This was actually about the same time that I really got into psychology.

And it just escalated from there.
Hmmm I guess I dabbled into the occult for a little because I was unsatisfied with my life and unsatisfied with organised religion. I was never interested in it as a child but more when I was 14-16. I guess it was a kind of escape for me, to think that there was something else out there where you could find the truth... or just answers. In the end I've let it all go and I'm kinda like the other people here who try to make sense outta the world by your own beliefs and experiences, although I would say there is a God and would currently consider myself Catholic (what can I see... prayers seem to be answered?)

I started with stuff like tarot cards and astrology, which was very interesting and sometimes surprisingly accurate. For example cancer (my star sign) is the feminine/water sign, very shy, keeps to themselves etc. etc. I also found others people's star signs tended to be accurate, and I still like to dabble in astrology a little. I was into magic for a little bit, mainly fueled by my experiences of true-dreams and empathetic(?) sensing. What I dabbled in though was pretty bad stuff and there were two guys at school I really didn't like at the time. Bad stuff happened to them. It really freaked me out, and I mean scared me to death because I thought it all kind of a joke - I have never touched the stuff again. As for magic I like to tell myself it is non-existant, but at the very least it's very interesting...

As for past lives, it's a tricky question and I'm undecided. I had a very vivid dream (twice) about being a soldier (World War II?). On a weird note I have a terrible fear of fighting and am a total pacifist - it's very odd. I'd like to think though there's a heaven though with no reincarnations.

I guess that's my supernatural experiences in a nutshell... I hope you guys don't think I'm some kind of nutcase, I study a science-based degree so I like to think of myself as DTE hehe
Here's one for ya.....apparently my mother took me as a little tyke up to school to be tested for school grade placement or something. It must have been 1960 or so. Anyway, the evaluator took me off to discuss some stuff (don't recall what, of course) and when we came back he looked at mom and said, "Ma'am, don't ever try to change this boy." She never did.