Sometimes if I'm hearing some new info, like if someone's explaining something to me, like something new/I don't know about, it may take me a while to process the info. I find that I have to think about it thoroughly in my head and make sense out of it myself, or think more about what the person was saying for a while and then I will get it, and yea sometimes it does make me look dumb (because the person may be standing there looking at me weird like, "you still don't get it?"). My mind is usually full of a zillion things (maybe that's another reason why this happens to me sometimes; I already have too many things on my mind).
Does anyone also lose their train of thought? Like you would be talking and then forget what you're about to say next? This happens to me once in a while; my mind would go blank and then after some seconds I would remember, and it can be embarassing. I hear this has to do with things like stress and I also think speaking fast (which I know I do sometimes) has to do with it (and I know when I'm experiencing stress of some sort nd my mind is not at peace about somethin I find myself speaking fast), but I don't know if this happens to other INFJs. Do you find yourself losing your train of thought? How often (once in a while, a lot, never?)