

Has nothing to destroy
Retired Staff
Tell me about the most romantic thing you’ve done or had done for you.

If nothing comes to mind, feel free to share what you would like to do.
Well, this isn't Romantic like you may think of it, but one of the most touching things that happened to me was one morning when I got to work and there was this guy I work with out in the parking lot and the weather was such that there were tons of nighcrawlers on the pavement. He was in his seventies and still working hard to try to pick up all these nightcrawlers. I asked him if he was getting bait for a fishing trip, and he looked at me so kindly and said "I just want to save them from dying." I choked up and there were tears in my eyes and I helped him, and I took the nightcrawlers home to put in my garden. Whoah! Did that garden bloom!
You may not see this as Romantic, but my ESTP held me when I was cramping something awful. I told him to just go home, but he got me Ibuprofen and then just held me for a very long time While I thought I was dying.


I thought it was terribly sweet.
My first love sent me a CD for Valentine's day with our favorite songs, and had inscribed a poem on the CD cover...that was a while back but I was totally touched. That was the first and only time in my life when someone had written me a poem.
You may not see this as Romantic, but my ESTP held me when I was cramping something awful. I told him to just go home, but he got me Ibuprofen and then just held me for a very long time While I thought I was dying.


I thought it was terribly sweet.

That's so funny. I had a similiar experience with menstrual cramps in which The Dude knelt down by the couch and rubbed my stomach. It made the pain worse, but it was such a sweet thing to do I put up with it and didn't complain.
Well, my husband and I were kids together but he moved several hundreds of miles away when we grew up. We originally got back into contact online, so for a few months our relationship blossomed online.

My husband and I used to draw each other "love" pictures and send them to each other (nothing spectacular, mine normally involved stick people). We also did the same with lyrics to songs we would dedicate to each other. Last Valentines, he found all the pictures and songs and put it in a scrap book, had a candle-lit dinner and take out from our favorite restaurant ready when I got home. He had rose petals all over the table and wine. It was a beautiful setting and I cried when he gave me the scrapbook, I couldn't even speak.

Then another time he had a message in a bottle delivered to me.
Then another time he had a star named after me.
He sings to me...and unfortunately sometimes that involves him dancing too. :-)

But he does a million little things that are wonderful everyday. I could sit here all day and list them, I'm very blessed.
Well, my husband and I were kids together but he moved several hundreds of miles away when we grew up. We originally got back into contact online, so for a few months our relationship blossomed online.

Wow that is so amazing....meant to be from an early age :-)
When my husband proposed to me...
He had it all set up, a blanket in a field as close to where they were setting off fireworks (he is on the fire department) as he could safely get us. We laid on that blanket and those fireworks were directly above us - it was awesome. Then he proposed during the grand finale - it was sooo sweet.

I've done a lot of romantic things. I surprised my lovey with a journal full of poems/song lyrics all inspired by or about him. Love letters. Love CDs. I wrote a novella for him. Love notes I'd hide in his car for him to find. Most of the romantic things I've done were when we were long-distance/online dating. Now that we're living together I do things to surprise him; making him dinner when he comes home, sending him erotic text messages when I know he is in an important meeting (he told me one time he blushed so red his boss started teasing him, "Oh, well that must've been some good news!" in the conference room in front of everyone) Evil, I know, haha! And lots lots lots lots of more silly things of that nature.

The most romantic thing he's done for me? Hrmm... We're a very passionate couple, I guess. He met me in secret outside of my hotel over x-mas and stayed with me until 4am in the morning in his car. Long walks together, romantic dinners (he likes to cook for me), weekly serenades from his guitar, and of course, lots and lots of cuddling and sex. LOL! The most romantic thing about my boyfriend is his ability to put up with all of my foolishness and still be madly crazy about me at the same time. We've been together for almost a year and a half; known each other for almost 3yrs and we're still so happily in love with each other.

Hurray for love!
The day before our wedding I got my wife a gold boucher bracelet with charms on it, each charm represented something meaningful to us.

After we had been together for 1 and 1/2 years I got her 18 red roses, one for each month we'd been together.
Romance has always made me feel somewhat uncomfortable. It just seems like such a heterosexual thing. Somehow the aesthetics just don't seem to work with two guys. After all, it's courtship behavior that has long held that underlying image of the strong man seeking the heart of the fair damsel. Gay guys don't have that kind of tradition, so it can be pretty awkard. Mostly when gay guys do "romancy" stuff, it almost always has more of a sexual edge to it.

So, for better or for worse, the most romantic stuff I've been involved with is usually flirting or teasing. I'm not complaining since it's a lot of fun, but I'm a little jealous of all the flowers, candies, gifts, dinners, etc. formula that heterosexual couples tend to have whereas homosexual couples get scoffed at for just holding hands or kissing in public. In my wildest dreams I wish I could do all those wonderful things that heterosexual couples do without any apprehension or feeling judged, but I was cursed with Fe and care a little too much about what others think.
The most romantic thing is seeing two elderly people walking together holding hands.
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Romance has always made me feel somewhat uncomfortable. It just seems like such a heterosexual thing. Somehow the aesthetics just don't seem to work with two guys. After all, it's courtship behavior that has long held that underlying image of the strong man seeking the heart of the fair damsel.

You know what? That was totally enlightening to me. I had never thought of it that way! And so eloquently put. Really, it seems so simple a concept, but I've just been blind to it, romance or 'courtship behavior' is just the manifestation and perpetuation of gender roles (in that respect.)

In my wildest dreams I wish I could do all those wonderful things that heterosexual couples do without any apprehension or feeling judged, but I was cursed with Fe and care a little too much about what others think.

So you unleash this liberating realization, but in a sense you're still bound to convention and also an obligation not to exercise your freedom because of the 'status-quo's' reaction. Despite knowing what you said in the the quote, if you want romance you should go for it. Intolerance is the problem not you doing what you want to do. You deserve to treat yourself better.

Hope I didn't overstep any bounds there.
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It wouldn't be the first time in history that a concept was appropriated from one culture for assimilation in another.

Appropriate the concept of courtship and romanticism and put your own spin on it Satya. Whoever is the recipient would undoubtedly be flattered and swept away.
You may not see this as Romantic, but my ESTP held me when I was cramping something awful. I told him to just go home, but he got me Ibuprofen and then just held me for a very long time While I thought I was dying.


I thought it was terribly sweet.

That is terribly sweet, how cute :smile:
Last Valentines, he found all the pictures and songs and put it in a scrap book, had a candle-lit dinner and take out from our favorite restaurant ready when I got home. He had rose petals all over the table and wine. It was a beautiful setting and I cried when he gave me the scrapbook, I couldn't even speak.

What a romantic! He did good.

sending him erotic text messages when I know he is in an important meeting (he told me one time he blushed so red his boss started teasing him, "Oh, well that must've been some good news!" in the conference room in front of everyone) Evil, I know, haha!

That. Is. Awesome! :high5:

The day before our wedding I got my wife a gold boucher bracelet with charms on it, each charm represented something meaningful to us.

After we had been together for 1 and 1/2 years I got her 18 red roses, one for each month we'd been together.

How sweet and meaningful.
Show up at a guy's house at one in the morning when the Perseids were going with a picnic basket, a bottle of wine, and an arm full of stargazer lilies. We drove to a lake and put a little blanket down and ended up staying and talking up the sun came up.

I'm always doing crap like that though.
Wow---JustNickey, that is about the most romantic thing i've heard of....certainly something i'd love to do myself! :D
I once walked in on my Sunday school teacher while she was nude and she didn't tell on me.

That is true romance right there, this is a true a story.

I'm not even kidding.
Okay, this didn't happen to me but I found it romantic. One of my gay friends has just started dating another guy. He was talking on his cell phone to him but his battery was dying because he didn't have a car charger so he had to hang up. The next day the guy he is dating presented him with a new car charger, a cute case for his cell phone, and a special note. Yeah, I know it isn't much but I thought romance didn't exist within gay culture so its actually kind of a fresh revelation for me. If I end up in a relationship then those are the kind of things I would like to do. Predict what my partner needs and then surprise him with it and make it special.

*Feels all warm and fuzzy inside* :mcute: