Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P | Page 26 | INFJ Forum

Reveal your INFJ-board crush! Also, your twin soul :P

I think a lot of this thread is about a "crush" in the sense of healthy admiration. That's nothing to be ashamed of :)
I'm crushing on the child in your avatar. I am 19 years old. You have just declared pedophilia to be ok, and even welcome.

sick bastard.
@IndigoSensor is secretly my twin brother, I tried to keep it secret but I can't hold it in any longer. ;)
We share the rage.
I think a lot of this thread is about a "crush" in the sense of healthy admiration. That's nothing to be ashamed of :)

i have a "healthy" admiration for like, 50 people on here, at what point does it cross into unhealthy? xD
i have a "healthy" admiration for like, 50 people on here, at what point does it cross into unhealthy? xD
At 51 it definitely becomes unhealthy, no doubt.
*starts finger-counting*

.... 45, 46, 47, 48.

Whew! Close. *wipes brow* :p
MF is my twin soul, if by twin soul you mean ARCH NEMESIS!

At 51 it definitely becomes unhealthy, no doubt.

oh phew, in the clear then! just gotta make sure not to run into any more awesome people! which, uh, considering the nature of this forum and the quality awesome it attracts, is gonna be difficult :p

/off soap box
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Ron Price is for me.
@IndigoSensor is secretly my twin brother, I tried to keep it secret but I can't hold it in any longer. ;)
We share the rage.

If you were to tell me this seriously, I would actually believe you. Maybe not brother but cousin or something.
I haven't really been here for long enough to have an actual crush.. but I think Billy is very handsome. *blush*
Billy is a handsome devil and he knows it, no worries d:

Edit: this is in response to Ms. Elowen's commentary.
Not the revelation of my crush. I still haven't moved
on from Ron Price. He, however, is not interested in
my feminine whiles )':

With time, though. With time.
Billy is a handsome devil and he knows it, no worries d:

Mmmmmhmmmm, he sure is.

I don't think I post enough on here to have anyone crush on me. Not that anyone would anyway, hah.