Relationship with another INFJ?


Community Member
Anyone have any thoughts on an INFJ/INFJ pairing? I haven't heard much of it myself, and I wonder how the similar temperaments would work together.
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I think an ex girlfriend of mine was an INFJ. we agreed on absolutely everything, we would finish each others sentences and we always knew what each other was thinking. It was weird because I'm usually struggling for something to say in social situations but the conversation just flowed with her. We would often miss whole nights of sleep because we'd talked till stupid o'clock in the morning and it was pointless going to bed.

The most important thing for me was that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could trust her completely. There were no emotional head games. We could talk freely with each other, knowing that we would be understood, and would not be judged for anything we said.

If you know another INFJ I would strongly recommend giving it a try

Damn, I'm getting all nostalgic now. hold me
Dam, PJ that really sounds fantastic! I hope you married that girl. If not, then why not?
I've met two INFJ males so far, and quite frankly, they bore me. We agree on everything, we have fun, we connect, but there is a little spark of something that just isn't there . . .

Now, my ENf/tP quasi-b/f? Whoa! It's a dizzy drunk unexplained collision that I hope continues to shatter my life over and over . . .
Now, my ENf/tP quasi-b/f? Whoa! It's a dizzy drunk unexplained collision that I hope continues to shatter my life over and over . . .

Oooh :D
I've met two INFJ males so far, and quite frankly, they bore me. We agree on everything, we have fun, we connect, but there is a little spark of something that just isn't there . . .

Now, my ENf/tP quasi-b/f? Whoa! It's a dizzy drunk unexplained collision that I hope continues to shatter my life over and over . . .
I'd tend to share this point of view even if the only infj I know is my brother (and he's so ridiculously introverted -and older than me- we never got to really communicate :/)

having an infj friend would be amazing... Boyfriend? I don't know. It would feel a bit too much like a siamese twin or something, maybe? Maybe if the person is different enough from you in other ways...
It would feel a bit too much like a siamese twin or something, maybe? Maybe if the person is different enough from you in other ways...

Yes, exactly. The INFJ males I know? Way too much like me. I'm really not interested in a romantic relationship with myself, thanks!

Lurker said:

hi Lurker!

Mux said:
Yes OOOH Indeed! Do tell please Kwistalline... *rubs hands in anticipation*

OMG! What do you want to know??!? We are very young in our relationship, and none of it makes any sense. I don't think it will work mainly b/c I am a Christian and he is not (*shock!*). But we have this weird magnetic draw. I can't explain it. It came as a surprise to me, honestly. We met at work (always a bad idea, against both of our personal guidelines), and we work together really well as a team. What is strange is that I am more of a "P" at work, and he is more of a "J". The fact that he is a nurse is one of the reasons why I think he may be more of a feeler than a thinker-he doesn't risk the feelings of others for the sake of his ego.

We have similar values and interests, but wildly different lifestyles. I'm not sure what is going to happen here, but I have enjoyed it so far. I'm honestly more afraid of hurting him than I am of hurting myself. And unlike the typicaly INFJ enthusiasm for perfection in a relationship, I see his flaws, and having expected them, choose to adore him anyway. I've always been a bit realistic about relationships. The only "perfect" relationship I have is the one I have with Jesus Christ-to expect that level of another human being is a little impractible!

Ahem. I ramble too much. Sorry . . ;)

Oh, I forgot to mention something I'd never considered before . . . he is ten years older than me . . .
Fine. When we can finally make clones, I will personally fund a female clone of yourself-for yourself, naturally (un-naturally??).

oh my god, a female Shaigar

oh my god, a female Shaigar


. . . or just avoid ENTPforums . . .

. . . and anywhere that sex orgies and genocide are occuring together . . .

that was somewhere between "ew" and an aneurysm . . . (shudders . . . barfs . . .)
I've met female ENTPs, and they are both frightning and scary at the same time, though it depends on the ENTP really, one I fell for, the other worries me.

Wow, the way you describe things sounds really healthy, I hope religion doesn't get in the way, only time will tell I guess but HOW EXCITING!

Hello, luv!! Thanks! We'll see about the religious thing. It's really huge in my life, and no one wants to only be able to share half their life with their SO.

But, yeah, I adore him.