Relationship vs Religion


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4w5, 415
The religion of Christianity is sorcery at it's finest. This is self evidenced by the behavior of most Christians towards one another and sinners alike. There is no Love, only Hatred and Judgement stemming from fear of the unknown God. They claim to have a relationship with Christ. Yet if they truly had a relationship there would be a change in their hearts and souls. Jesus did not come and die for our sins to create a religion. He came to provide a way for us to have a relationship that is very real and sincere. He is the only way to salvation. We can not earn it. It is by His Grace and Mercy that we are saved. The kingdom of Satan has come to an end and the Spirit of the Lord is pouring upon all flesh. It is time to be set free from religion and rebellion. Great Grace, Peace, and Joy to you all in the Love of Christ. Here is a link to true Spirit led ministry live stream on YouTube everyday 4-5 pm cst search Joel's bar drunken glory broadcast.
What if you are wrong?
I have had enough encounters with the spirit realm to know that I am not. The only reason more people do not believe in the truth is because of the wretched example that has been set by the religion of Christianity. I have seen miracles in front of my eyes. Look up Simon Greenleaf, he did an absolutely phenomenal investigation into the evidence for Christ. There is also the fact that many archeological proofs have been discovered that prove the Bible's authenticity. There are genuine disciples of Christ on this earth you just have to wade through all the "Christians" to find them. We actually have a living relationship with Jesus, not dead religious rituals. Modern "Christians" are more deceived by Satan than anyone else. They think they worship God and they are actually worshiping Satan. This is a generalization of course. There are genuine disciples in churches, but they are starting to wake up to reality and realize that Christs words are true. We are living temples of God. We don't need a building to find Him, He is already within us. The majority of "Christians" do not actually believe the Bible. This is self evidenced by their lack of Love for everyday people. They want to seclude themselves to their groups of like minded people in their prisons they have built and prettied up. They do not show Love to the poor, needy, oppressed, widows, orphans, and rejected of this world. They go to church two or three times a week and live like everyone else. "Christians" usually view true disciples of Christ as Demonic. Which is sad when real disciples show them nothing but Love and are hated, despised, rejected, and persecuted in return. Yet they are the ones following Jesus supposedly.
So I was born to be judged by my "creator"?
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I am curious as to how you came to that conclusion from what I have said?
To answer your question. The answer is yes you are judged by Christ at the end of the age. He judges with a righteous judgement though. He can see the motivations of our hearts unlike other people. He knows us better than we know ourselves. His judgement comes from a place of perfect love. He completely understands why we make the choices we make. These "Christians" would have you believe that you have to change yourself and follow a huge list of do's and don'ts. This is not the case, all you have to do is seek Christ in sincerity of heart and He does all the work. His burden is light and His yolk is easy. He is not the cruel taskmaster that "Christians" would have you believe.
I'm not a Christian, but have studied a bit of the Bible. From my understanding of it, we are not born to be judged, but to find god and want to love god. That "saves" us from damnation. Just wanting a relationship with god. Basically, if you want to spend eternity with god because you love god/Jesus; you do. If not... You are cast aside like scraps for all eternity. Because you're of no use; you do not belong to yourself. It's still really strange to me... Doesn't make sense.
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I was going to write a detailed response to this thread, but I saw too many fallacies in this thread to even address them to begin with. I did not want to steamroll over OP.
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I was going to write a detailed response to this thread, but I saw too many fallacies in this thread to even address them to begin with. I did not want to steamroll over OP.
No I'm curious!
lol. You will find in life that there are many things which are unsettling, including this. :sunglasses: Besides religion is a broad topic. What's your take?
My take on religion in general is that nobody really knows anything. It's a choice to believe. I'm not comfortable with the concept of faith=truth. But it's all still interesting to me.
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Please steamroll away. What are all of these fallacies?
I promise you won't hurt my feelings or offend me. I am not a snowflake.