
  1. mintoots

    You and God

    This is not a blog, but it's here because what I want to discuss is personal: you and God. I'm here to probe (once again) about your personal relationship with God. I believe profound discussions are beneficial for the soul and I have not seen this place to be lacking of such, but I have not...
  2. C

    [INFJ] New Philosophical Movement: Kellerinianism

    New World Religion / Spiritual Movement / Societal Movement : youtube.com/KellerinaBacon Revealing The Kellerinianism Movement! Also known as: BACON SPIRITUALITY! This is a NEW Movement! This is a societal, philisophical, political, spiritual, and soulful lifestyle movement aimed at...
  3. hunnybee143

    A Better World?

    Here I've written and believed in for as long as I can remember: What if I told you that there is no God? But, what if I told you that there IS God. Not that there is A God, but that there IS God, in the form of an Adjective, rather than a Noun. What if I said that we are all each pieces of...
  4. Love_Conquers_All

    Relationship vs Religion

    The religion of Christianity is sorcery at it's finest. This is self evidenced by the behavior of most Christians towards one another and sinners alike. There is no Love, only Hatred and Judgement stemming from fear of the unknown God. They claim to have a relationship with Christ. Yet if they...