Read the energy of the person above you!


post what vibe, feeling, color, image, or thought or any other sensation you get from the poster above you ;) and if you feel nothing, that's ok, because what if there IS no vibe?

thought this would be a fun game to play on a forum with so many intuitives! :)
April - warm, vibrant, loving, confident, protective.

the color of water . . .
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Racoon - Sensitive but thoughtful and deeply caring. A late autumn day on a beach.
@Gloomy: An all encompassing Tye-dye pattern. Acceptance of both the sensual and the intangible.
16 volts
Very youthful, relaxed and playful.

from you i'm getting a mystic breeze, something like what you feel at dusk in a park on a summer's day... light and airy, but something more tangible too, can't quite place it. for some reason i'm also getting polka dots :P
Calm and wise, somewhat akin to a guru sitting along on the top of a mountain contemplating things.

Color-wise (and this is probably influenced by your avatar): dark blues and mellow greens. Very relaxing and non-threatening.
Athenian, I always imagine you posting with a wry smile on your face, a kind of cheekiness.

Rare, intelligent and of a silent yet powerful vibe.

A dark blue in color, like the waters of the deep oceans.

Rare, intelligent and of a silent yet powerful vibe.

A dark blue in color, like the waters of the deep oceans.

Light blue. Like the sky. Although you'vegone through and continue to face hard things in your life, I see so many possibilities for you. Endless possibilities just as the sky is never ending. I'm not very good at this but that's what I sense from you.
yellow, energetic, with a touch of cooler purple on occasion.

Capricious, satisfied, orange-y blue, maybe feeling a bit sentimental.
@TheDaringHatTrick: There a near impenterable wall between your positive and negitive aspects within you. You don't allow them to communicate. They do poke at you though, so you can't ignore it. Not a soul can see this in you either, only you are aware.
indigo: a chess board, you choose your opinions carefully, your hand is always carefully positioned over a particular piece in anticipation of your next move