Random INFJ characteristics...


Registered User #666
That don't get talked about a lot.
Whel I know several INFJS

They all:

Have very strange eating habits

Are extremely stubborn
Yup both apply to me. I like odd foods and usually only eat one a day, and frequently forget to eat. I also am quite a stubborn person.
I'm very stubborn but I'm trying to get a grip on it :m080:
I'm finding a lot of INFJ's to be very judgemental of other people. Surprisingly, many are quick to slap a label on someone and send them on their way.
They're clumsy and tend to trip frequently lol, or at least I am...can anyone else relate or is it just me?
They're clumsy and tend to trip frequently lol, or at least I am...can anyone else relate or is it just me?

You're not at all alone. I used to fall and trip a lot. Although I'm much better about it now, I think wearing flats more often instead of heels has contributed to my success though. :)
You're not at all alone. I used to fall and trip a lot. Although I'm much better about it now, I think wearing flats more often instead of heels has contributed to my success though. :)

I don't even wear heels and I trip. Heck, I even trip barefoot!! I think it has to do with always having my head in the clouds.
It's quite funny that you mention this! I'm always on the verge of tripping!
Sometime you have to shout at an INFJ to get their attention.

I mean bump hehe
:lol: I almost tripped today!

I can be quite stubborn but can also give way easily when I see it makes sense/for the better

I'm more judgmental than I would like to be
... very strange eating habits

I suppose mine are strange. ish. I eat varying amounts of food several times a day, but I certainly don't adhere to the three-square-meals-a-day routine.

... extremely stubborn

I would stand my ground against anyone who tried to tell me I wasn't.
I have pretty strange eating habits sometimes :D More normal lately, though. I'm not as stubborn as I used to be either, through conscious effort. Same with the judgmental thing.

But I do trip quite frequently. :B
I'm finding a lot of INFJ's to be very judgemental of other people. Surprisingly, many are quick to slap a label on someone and send them on their way.

Yeah... I do that far far too much. I have to tell myself to stop doing that. Pretty much all of the stereotypes of an INFJ apply to me, haha.
INFJs sometimes...

1. Like to do things their own way even when it might be an inconvenience.
2. Become overly self conscious and worry compulsively about what others are thinking about them.
3. Are terrified of looking stupid or incompetent.
4. Do things in a tedious way out of fear of making a mistake.
5. Dismiss an idea before getting all the facts.
6. Be overly idealistic when they should be realistic and be overly cynical when they should be optimistic.
7. Have an inflated sense of self importance.
8. Procrastinate.
9. Resist doing something just because others want them to do it.
10. Obsessively fear being controlled by others.

I'm finding a lot of INFJ's to be very judgemental of other people. Surprisingly, many are quick to slap a label on someone and send them on their way.

INFJs sometimes...

1. Like to do things their own way even when it might be an inconvenience.
2. Become overly self conscious and worry compulsively about what others are thinking about them.
3. Are terrified of looking stupid or incompetent.
4. Do things in a tedious way out of fear of making a mistake.
5. Dismiss an idea before getting all the facts.
6. Be overly idealistic when they should be realistic and be overly cynical when they should be optimistic.
7. Have an inflated sense of self importance.
8. Procrastinate.
9. Resist doing something just because others want them to do it.
10. Obsessively fear being controlled by others.

Wow. Great list Satya. Yes! x 10.

I recently became aware of just how much I do #4, now that I've started working. So I've been/trying to be more cognisant of it and trying to chill out much more.
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I used to be really clumsy until I dropped something really expensive a friend of mine owned. After that I watched my self a LOT more carefully, so I wouldn't make anyone else angry.

I rarely do anything clumsy nowadays. I suppose I managed to condition myself to it.
Ok enough people here admitted to being clumsy. Satya, I think you can add that to your excellent list. :D
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