Proper Care of Your INFJ | Page 6 | INFJ Forum

Proper Care of Your INFJ

I think this is the most amazing thing I've ever read. And, I've bookmarked it for future reference. :p
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this thread made me a bit teary-eyed.
Von - is it possible to do one of these for other types too? It would be incredibly interesting.
awww, this is really sweet(


"Someone asks why the issue is bothering an INFP and an INFJ.

The INFP says "Because it just does!" (Hard time explaining)
The INFJ says "Because it is wrong!" (Very specific answer)"

haha that is so true
that is one thing i cant stand about being an infp :p
I have an INFJ coming over, we've met one time previously, he has social anxiety and I'm stumped.

What activities should we plan to do?! A movie?!

How do I treat this innately alien creature??
I find playing games together helps me to have something ELSE to focus on.
Sadly but true. :( So would an INFJ+INFJ relationship really work? Since both of us would try to take care of the other and we would be taken off by their attitude.

I have dated another INFJ before. She was the best girlfriend I ever had bar none. She did all those things for me and I did them for her.

We both knew what each other wanted and provided it.

INFJ + INFJ can definately work

Great list VH
I'm glad this list is being revisited. I love when threads like this get bumped. :)
8. Sometimes we need to recharge our minds, and will sit and stare blankly into space. This is perfectly normal, as your INFJ is rebooting their amazing mind. Systems will be online again shortly.

So true.

Wow. The accuracy of this list is almost scary. Well done indeed.
5. We love it when you just walk up to us and hold us. No words. Nothing complicated. Just gently wrap your arms around us and focus on how you feel about us. We can feel it like it is pouring out of you and into us. Don't be alarmed if we cry when you do this.

This the only thing I need actually, and I don't even need it that often. Nothing more. The rest I can handle very well on my own. =)
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"14. Always kiss your INFJ goodnight and tell them that you love them, even if you're not going to sleep when they do."

As a child this was extremely important to me. I had to say goodnight and tell every member of my family that I loved them or I would not be able to sleep. If my expression of love and peace wasn't reciprocated I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I still have to do that with my closest friends. Every time we say goodbye, it's always an I love you, or a "<3" over chat. If somehow I miss that, I'll just be uneasy for the rest of the day or unable to sleep.
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