In my chase, taking a step back meant to really test the realism in the vision by sharing it with people close to me. This forced me to apply judgment on the vision and test all the possible outcomes, not just the ideal ones, and in doing this testing what I felt for the more realistic outcomes.
These were in no ways pessimistic outcomes but realistic outcomes. For example, it might be hard to survive solely on dog training and a more realistic approach is that I probably have to supply the “whole package” from dog training to dog pension to dog walks etc. The idealistic outcome of this vision is to write a book about dog training, and when deciding if and how to pursue this vision, I have to be aware of what’s ideal and what is realistic in it. The ideal outcome was of course what made me feel so strong for the vision.
Now when I am being more aware of the real and the ideal parts of the vision, I don’t feel that the risk I would make of quitting school would be worth the possible reward. Continuing my education would actually in some aspects bring me in the right direction anyways. I will keep thinking on what career is right for me. I believe that as long as I move forward in a direction that is somewhat right for me, and that gives me the option to adjust the course, I will end up somewhere pretty good.