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  • I just like odd things.

    I'm glad you've stuck with it (:
    What are you getting your degree in?
    Oh no, not at all.

    My parents think I'm repressed and too withdrawn and neurotic so they encourage rash behaviour on my part. I can only imagine how thrilled they would be if I came home with child. I have a sick fascination with brutality and my parents just don't want me around it.

    How long have you been doing it?
    I've considered gas station attending a career path.
    Whenever I suggest this my parents (old fashion) list all of the ways I could be brutally killed and let me know that if I ever need money that bad I can just live with them.

    I can only imagine their visceral reaction to discovering my LSD creation.

    Do you like gas station attending?
    Do you meet a lot of nice people?
    If I expected you to say yes, I wouldn't have extended the invitation your way.
    I'm relieved you have to work (:

    I should know the person who's escorting me to my parent's wedding.
    That's just weird to do it any other way.

    I like the name, too.

    Where do you work?
    My grandpa's name was Ted (:

    You should wait until Saturday.
    You can be my date to my parent's wedding since mine has "other plans", now.
    It's casual.
    it is actually a house of Gaudi in Barcelona (Spain) but I transformed it a little bit in photoshop. It must be the most beautiful architectural thing I have seen in my entire life! It has something of a fairytal. All aspects of the house seem to be in harmony :-)
    My ex was an ISFP and the girl I used to like, who I am now friends with is an INFP.

    ISFP's explore people, while INFP's explore the world.

    It doesn't sound that poetic, but I think it's the truth. ISFP's are very relationship oriented, but never like to commit to one relationship for long. They feel trapped and get miserable. INFP's like to explore the world and experience new things to remain content. The focus is on beauty and wonder in the world. They may change relationships a lot, but that's only because in order to explore, you can't remain stagnant in the world. Their most fulfilling relationships are the ones that accommodate their nature and need to experience the new.
    oh an yeah look at this me and my best mate have been making simplistic sentance explanations for each of the types

    intj -write the book istj -by the book
    entp-make inventions estp-promote inventions(
    infj -start the tradition(jesus isfj-follow the tradition(sasuke
    enfp-make feelings? esfp-promote feelings

    got any ideas for the rest of the mbti?
    entj - ?? estj??
    intp - ?? istp??
    enfj - ?? esfj??
    infp-create the feeling isfp-follow the feeling??
    here is my stand point when it comes to religion-
    perception is where ill begin . yes you are right many go through life believing that they have concrete understanding of non-physical /god aspect but we know better than anyone that words have no value when talking to som1 ...in the end it comes down to the symbols in ur mind you are representing....
    for instance i could say god exists and be right whilst another can say god does not exist and be right also...
    let me explain----i say god exists ( in my mind the symbols represent god as being the universe as a whole and a consciousness of spirit or energy. connected to all of us in the part of our subconscousness called the heart or soul...or as jung referres to it...the SELF archetype ..now the athiest hears this and believes i ment god (man sitting on throne ruling her life) do you understand what i mean??- religion alone is not the awnser for us...the awnser for us now...is not seperation..its unity. science alone cannot awnser all for us anylonger
    imagine Ni a world where we unite science and religion
    i i understand where your coming from when it comes to neglecting Fe ...but it wasnt really Fe we were neglecting right?...it was f in general ...when you observe with Ni we see the destructive potential of our emotions negative side.
    which is why infjs tend to not only neglect Fe but we also express Ti more vividly.

    look at this....
    istj - live by the book intj - write the book
    isfj - follow the tradition infj - start the tradition

    we are powerfull people us infjs ...
    we can do great things....and massive changes are happening in our world....great people are being called to the front lines...can you see it?
    hey there ^^ names david..this comment is a reply to your ...gods plan post in the forum...i understand you have become curious towards the non-physical .i have had a general understanding of what we call god for some time now ..and have defined god beyoned my own expectations...
    but for me to explain to you who/what or who and what god is may require your own hand....

    so yeh...message me back if you feel you are ready to take that next step in understanding non-physical reality...
    or i like to call it...ultimate reality

    your believe plays the biggest part in what i want to teach to you...not only from a religious point of veiw...but
    from which ever point of veiw in which you are standing..

    oh and btw....
    you cant be in (t) fj lol..
    because infj means ...Ni Fe Ti Se
    AND intj means .....Ni Te Fi Se
    even i thought i was intj when i understood mbti...
    from a more basic perspective...i believe u might be infj still

    I can also help you define personallity typing if you would like to learn of that aswell??...

    hello my friend..this comment is a reply to your ...gods plan post in the forum...i have had a general understanding of what we call god for some time now ..and have defined god beyoned my own expectations...
    but for me to explain to you who/what or who and what god is may require your own hand....

    so yeh...message me back if you feel you are ready to take that next step in understanding non-physical reality...
    or i like to call it...ultimate reality

    your believe plays the biggest part in what i want to teach to you...not only from a religious point of veiw...but
    from which ever point of veiw in which you are standing..

    oh and btw....
    you cant be in (t) fj lol..
    because infj means ...Ni Fe Ti Se
    AND intj means .....Ni Te Fi Se
    even i thought i was intj when i understood mbti...
    from a more basic perspective...i believe u might be infj still

    I can also help you define personallity typing if you would like to learn of that aswell??...
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