Promiscuous women cause earthquakes, Iran cleric says


On Holiday

Women who dress provocatively and tempt people into promiscuity are to blame for earthquakes, a leading Iranian hard-line cleric has apparently said.

The prayer leader, Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi, says women and girls who "don't dress appropriately" spread "promiscuity in society."

"When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase," he says in a video posted Monday on YouTube, apparently of him leading Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, last week.

"There is no way other than taking refuge in religion and adapting ourselves to Islamic behavior," he adds in the video.

Oh, but we in the Bible Belt have our entertainment, too:

American televangelist Pat Robertson suggested that January's devastating earthquake in Haiti was because of a pact Haitians made with the devil in order to throw off French rule in the 18th century.
Why does the news give credibility to this shit?
As they say in the commercials for Mastercard (:D :) ) "Priceless!" :m131::m052:
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I think that you ought to give the name of the "hard-line" Iranian, so as to avoid running the risk of cultivating the impression that all Iranian clerics - or indeed all Iranians or all muslims hold similar views.

I hate it when the personal statements of one member of a group are presented impersonally, implying that those statements are representative of the entire group - it cultivates the beginings of intollerance and bigotry.
Stupid thing is, his words will only work on those already devote to the extreme views of his religion, you're not going to get new followers this way unless they are insane.
I think that you ought to give the name of the "hard-line" Iranian, so as to avoid running the risk of cultivating the impression that all Iranian clerics - or indeed all Iranians or all muslims hold similar views.

I hate it when the personal statements of one member of a group are presented impersonally, implying that those statements are representative of the entire group - it cultivates the beginings of intollerance and bigotry.

I did, it's right there in the quote!
Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi

And to be fair I put in the bit about Pat Robertson too.

I know not all Iranians are like that, and I certainly hope people know that I am not like Pat Robertson...
"Promiscuous women cause earthquakes, Iran cleric says"

Ain't it the truth!
Excessive consumption of beans: The excess gas doesn't know which way to come out, which results, either in earthquakes, or people talking out of their bottoms, as this gentleman has amply demonstrated.
Well of course, it was there under our noses all along. That's why we have all those earthquakes in California!
I did, it's right there in the quote!

And to be fair I put in the bit about Pat Robertson too.

I know not all Iranians are like that, and I certainly hope people know that I am not like Pat Robertson...

I'm having one of those days - I was lookin' and lookin' for my keys today - they were sitting on the corner of a large table, with nothing else around them.

How embarrasing. :m131:
You should see what happens to moms when kids step on cracks.
I think that you ought to give the name of the "hard-line" Iranian, so as to avoid running the risk of cultivating the impression that all Iranian clerics - or indeed all Iranians or all muslims hold similar views.

I hate it when the personal statements of one member of a group are presented impersonally, implying that those statements are representative of the entire group - it cultivates the beginings of intollerance and bigotry.
Thing is, those are the figure heads for that religion--the authorities..
---the spokespeople for the lay people. So yeah, if the laypeople disagree that just means they don't know how to believe in their religion.

People use religion to cultivate intolerance and bigotry. Otherwise, why would a religious authority get on the air and say promiscuous women cause natural disasters?
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Damn...I didnt know I was responsible for all that...

I guess I better change my wanton ways,

*puts on prudish shirt*

It's one of those days where I'm laughing at everything, so yea...

I think Elf is right, and I wonder how many tons of methane this "gentleman" alone has produced so far this year...
Well bring on the earthquakes I say!
Ahh yes, never let the exploitation of a major catastrophe go to waste!

Kinda has a midieval flavor to it. :m075:


Where is the article with Republicans blaming the earthquakes on the Democrats or vica versa???
otherway around NAI, the Dems would say that republican policy towards the enviroment has led to glacial melting which would increase earthquakes.