Professions you'd want to try | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Professions you'd want to try

So many people already said assassin, I was disappoint. :(

Touring car driver
Video game designer
Professional wrestler
Dictator of a 3rd world country
Powerless figurehead
McDonalds' ball pit safety inspector
Any kind of designing
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free lance photographer/journalist
primary grade teacher

as well as many other things that are just too out of the question...
So many people already said assassin, I was disappoint. :(

Touring car driver
Video game designer
Professional wrestler
Dictator of a 3rd world country
Powerless figurehead
McDonalds' ball pit safety inspectorAny kind of designing

it takes a special kind of courage to go near the stinky sweaty ballpit area!
Veterinary physician ( I am actually going to volunteer at a pet clinic this year. Excited!)
Disaster Management
Emergency doctor
Sociologist or Anthroplogist
Pilot ( I am also soon getting my private pilot license!)
Marine Biologist
Veterinary physician ( I am actually going to volunteer at a pet clinic this year. Excited!)
Disaster Management
Emergency doctor
Sociologist or Anthroplogist
Pilot ( I am also soon getting my private pilot license!)
Marine Biologist

I'd like to borrow your list. :smile:
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I assume they test them for safety before they are released for public use.

you best make sure before taking the position, or at the very least request a haz-mat suit!
Personal trainers intrigue me. I believe it's their influence on the physical development of another person. A control thing.

Their knowledge of the human body's capabilities is a plus (assuming they're accredited).
WTF control? "You do 12 reps of this, then 18 reps of that, then rest for 5 minutes, then 30 minutes on the treadmill, 3x a week. Also, I want you to fill in this calorie calendar and follow it's recommended servings." OMG so much control.
- Songwriter, for empowerment
- Anthropologist, to get a bigger picture on civilization and the differences between cultures
- monk
- biologist, to better understand how life works
-- marine biologist, 'cause the ocean is like separate world from mine
-- botanist/huge aesthetic garden owner because I love plants
-- neurologist, because I am fascinated by brains and what they do and, most importantly, how to fix them when they go bad
- anatomist, because I would have so much fun describing body parts and their relationships to everything else
- teacher of linguistics and an epistomologist (well, a proficient thinker, anyway)

eep, I better get started...
Borrowing a few ;)

Formula 1 Driver
Car Mechanic
Helicopter Pilot
Detective/ Police Officer/ SWAT
Trainer (in Prof. Sports)
This thread reminds me of the TV show, "The Pretender".
Researcher (I wanna research everything.)
Buddhist Monk

Mix and match these professions with each other and you can get a whole bunch of combinations.
Blacksmith, Tailor, Cartographer, Dragon slayer.
TV I can subconsciously lead the flock astray....muhhahaha!
I always wanted to be a mechanic engineer in the military.

I would try other professions like a pilot, forensic scientist, criminal investigator, UN translator, UN diplomat, assassin, or maybe even a cop. Oh, when I was 8 I wanted to be a singer or an astronaut.
A mathematical genius
buddhist nun
university lecturer
business consultant
researcher, comparative religion
criminal psychologist
stage magician
film director
Arts teacher
millionaire playboy
act in musicals, tackier the better
...and I want to be a ninja too...and a samurai!:m030:
and animal on the muppets
..Indiana Jones sounded good too
Travel writer, composer, rally car driver, renewable energy inventor, fiction writer

I think if it combines a lot of creativity with a bit of adventure and discovery... then I would probably be interested in trying it.
Teacher would be fun, too.

Uhhhh... sure it is. Honestly, this has to be the number one 'seems like it would be fun but is actually a lot of stress/work/poorly paid frustration and despair over the future of society' job.

Anyways, con man for sure-- definitely something illegal but relatively benign like a pot dealer or something. I wouldn't be a jerk about it though-- I'd be sort of like those Nigerians who go after greedy businessmen. That's probably my number one choice right now... stealing from rich right-wingers would be satisfying on so many levels, I think-- I'd have to do research to make sure they were awful, and then me and my team would come up with a plan and we'd do it...

I wouldn't mind being a pilot for a domestic airline, or one of those people who flies planes and puts out forest fires. I could probably drive a truck or something... and I'm currently giving serious thought to becoming a scuba instructor-- too bad the pay is so lousy because diving is something I love to do.

A stock broker might be interesting, but stressful as all hell... might as well say professional poker player or gambler, but I actually hate casinos.

I'd like to direct/make at least one modestly but not too modestly budgeted film over the course of my life... but probably only one, unless I had fun on the first one, which I'm not anticipating. I just sort of want to have done that.
After having "been there, done that," I think I would like to work in a profession, career, or industry where making money isn't the primary (or even secondary or tertiary) concern. Don't get me wrong--I don't want to take a vow of poverty; I would like to receive fair compensation after all. But money really fucks people up. I want to get away from that, work with good people, doing good things. Anyway.

I want to be a director of a foundation. The foundation would be funded by rich people with spoiled, lazy people who want to teach their children the value of honest work, thereby disinheriting them from their fortunes (which would be redirected to my foundation).

Instead of going after the "big fish" every other charity goes after (curing cancer, feeding the poor, self-enrichment through grossly inflated salaries), my charity would focus on the little things that could slip through the cracks. An endangered salamander needs his habitat saved? We're there. Little things like that...