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  • Hello there, long time no see! You probably don't remember me, but best of wishes nonetheless. :)
    Hey, are you still around? I miss seeing your posts and hope you and your family are doing well. : )
    Whatta mistaka to maka....!!!! Now I see you wrote the other story. I haven't read it yet. I'll make some time...
    That's sweet. I didn't vote at all. I liked both of the other stories. Thanks :)
    Thank you. Ah yes, I find it very odd as well to be formal and friendly.
    But I think the formality is for two reasons:
    1. The need for objectively understandable words that connect with the broader world of research and psychology.
    2. The need for an emotionally resilient front.
    Yeah, I thought about qualifying that answer, but figure if it's a topic I'm not happy about writing about, it can still be a challenge :)
    Thanks, but I tend to need to it be 2nd nature before I really make something a habit. When the 30 days are up I don't know what I'll write about without a guide...
    True, you haven't but that's okay. I was in an "up" period when you joined. It's a rare sighting. I am sure in the future there will be more or that and probably more explosions of anger and depressive episodes, etc. That's how it goes!
    which sandra_b is that? I am all Sandra all the time. This is just one face of it I suppose.
    What? Do you think I'm procrasitinating or something???:fear:
    I have been trying to form it in my head, and have talked to a few people about it (which means they'll ask about it...so I'm committed...unless it backfires and I get annoyed at them for asking how it's going and having to explain myself.) (This does NOT mean simply encouraging me TO do it...that doesn't annoy me, only asking about it does.) Thanks :)
    I am going to make it. This week has been very hard on me with things at work and things on the forum. I am going to survive.
    Thanks for the Rep, and don;t worry to much about that parent part of you, it's my understanding that it is it's job to worry and nag.
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