

Regular Poster
Procrastination is something everyone has experienced at least once in their lives. I was wondering if INFJs suffer more from this problem than other people.We all know that INFjs are more predispozed to depression and feelings of loneliness .So ,what are your opinions on the matter?
I procrastinate. It is more that I just have a hard time starting something that I don't want to do. It could seem to daunting, or just unfair. I will put things off and save that to last. However, I am extrodinarly anal about having things done on time, if not early. So, there is only so much I can take as far as procratinating goes before I can't take it and start something. I'm actually not that bad with procrastinating.
I procrastinate when I can afford to, which as of late, is the sort of habit I've let crawl into my life to an almost chronic excess.

I'm most productive when I'm busy and just one conniption short of having a mental break.

I hate missing deadlines as well.
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I procrastinate. It is more that I just have a hard time starting something that I don't want to do. It could seem to daunting, or just unfair. I will put things off and save that to last. However, I am extrodinarly anal about having things done on time, if not early. So, there is only so much I can take as far as procratinating goes before I can't take it and start something. I'm actually not that bad with procrastinating.

Like i said...we procrastinate, but incur our wrath if were ever late!
Oh, I am not an infj per se, but I do it all the time.

*jumps up and down*

I am also enthusiastic about it.

Yes, it is horrible.
see signature below...

haha @ signature

But on a more serios note, I have been having trouble with procrastination for years now . No matter how hard I try I just can't do my stuff on time . This becomes especially anoing when I have to study for an exam and I delay this for days and days and then I realize there is no time left.
haha @ signature

But on a more serios note, I have been having trouble with procrastination for years now . No matter how hard I try I just can't do my stuff on time . This becomes especially anoing when I have to study for an exam and I delay this for days and days and then I realize there is no time left.

we all do it hun..Im currently sitting here painting 12, count them, TWELVE collage canvases for Christmas...Ive known Ive needed to do them for well over a month...
I procrastinate when I can afford to, which as of late, is the sort of habit I've let crawl into my life to an almost chronic excess.

I'm most productive when I'm busy and just one conniption short of having a mental break.

I hate missing deadlines as well.

This is me, to a tee. I also have developed an awful sense of feeling as though I've mastered procrastination to still be completely effective. With school, it's only in terms of academic classes though, especially compositional ones. Studio classes don't allow procrastination. :/
My actual high school year book quote...

"Procrastinate now, beg later."

Gawd! I was such a dork.

Sadly, still true today.
I am trying to find new ways of avoiding this self-defeating behaviour . Someone suggested that procrastination is more linked to fellings of anxiety rather then on actually being lazy.
Anyway, I too have noticed that I am most productive when I am absolutly stressed out of my mind , or in other words , I do stuff only when I really really need to do them. This is a very sad perspective in my opinion ,especially when you are in a very competitive academic environment .
A lot of times, I've found that if I can give myself an overzealous short-term goal, I can get myself to at least start in on something and get lost in it until it's done, but I can't help but feel I'm resorting back to a 'Gold Star' method when it works. I'm also not sure if it's a good idea or not in the first place. :/

Edit: @jlynnr - I've definitely been there before, though writing research papers is something I've gotten confident enough with that I do that naturally, even if a notable portion of my grade is at stake.
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I read an article somewhere about productive procrastination - the kind of procrastination that is always doing things, just not the most important things. An example of this would be me two weeks ago, when I had a research paper, an acrylic painting, and a photography assignment due (in that order of importance). I spent my time in the darkroom and worked on my painting while my print was in its chemicals; the research paper I left til the night before.
Yes, I suffer from this disease.
I'll give everyone a guess as to what I'm doing right now!
Procrastination is something everyone has experienced at least once in their lives. I was wondering if INFJs suffer more from this problem than other people.We all know that INFjs are more predispozed to depression and feelings of loneliness .So ,what are your opinions on the matter?
From what I've read about type, ENFPs struggle with procrastination the most.

I struggle with procrastination too... mostly because of perfectionism. Because I want to do something perfectly and I'm not sure how to do it perfectly, I will put off getting started. I spend way too much time in my head planning out HOW I am going to do something. I try to develop a perfect/foolproof system for accomplishing my goal in the fastest, most efficient manner.

Over the years, I have had to learn that sometimes "just do it" is the only/best method available. :m097:
From what I've read about type, ENFPs struggle with procrastination the most.

From observing my ENFP friends: very yes.

I think I tend to procrastinate a lot as an INFP, especially on things I'm convinced will be bad for my soul (there's that Fi!).