Pro Life or Pro Choice on Abortion?

I prefer to be pro-life, but sadly, at the moment, it's not a realistic option.
I prefer to be pro-life, but sadly, at the moment, it's not a realistic option.

Even though I don't agree with your choice, I respect your opinion.

My religion teacher has all of this anti abortion stuff in his classroom. Plus, when I told my friend that I became pro-choice because my friend convinced me, she said, and I quote "Well you're friend's dumb and has no morals. And she's stupid".

The girl who said this doesn't even know my friend. That just made me even more pro-choice.

Of course, I'm not for abortion if it is 8 months into pregnancy or something like that.
Well, I know that many pro life people can be dogmatic and foolish like that. I definately don't look down upon those who choose to have an abortion as much as other. It's more of a pity type thing. Pity that they felt desperate or whatever it was, because desperation isn't always the case.

I respect people's choices but mothers do not kill their children once out of the womb, so I don't think that inside the womb should be different. I feel as though the fact that baby hasn't been born does not negate the fact that the baby is alive.

I'm pretty moderate on these issues.

In fact, on the issue of abortion, I feel it's most important to prevent these unwanted pregnancies in the first place.
Well, I know that many pro life people can be dogmatic and foolish like that. I definately don't look down upon those who choose to have an abortion as much as other. It's more of a pity type thing. Pity that they felt desperate or whatever it was, because desperation isn't always the case.

I respect people's choices but mothers do not kill their children once out of the womb, so I don't think that inside the womb should be different. I feel as though the fact that baby hasn't been born does not negate the fact that the baby is alive.

I'm pretty moderate on these issues.

In fact, on the issue of abortion, I feel it's most important to prevent these unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

I personally wouldn't do it unless I was r*ped or something. But this girl said it doesn't matter whether your raped or you're going to die, you still can't have an abortion. God wanted you to have that child.

So God wanted me to die or to be raped?

If a women can choose what to do with her body, then she really doesn't have many rights.

To all you guys out there: be lucky you don't have to give birth.
It's woman's choice, because they give birth to man and woman. She had so many rights, but they should be considerable. It should be good for relationship and mankind.
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I never made it about God.

It can also just be about ethics, which is how I prefer to view it.

I never have to make that choice because I'm male, and I don't see where it is my imperative to dictate my morals on others either way.
I never made it about God.

It can also just be about ethics, which is how I prefer to view it.

I know, I'm just saying that that was what that girl says.

I respect your opinion and respect the fact that you aren't insulting me, like some people do in an argument.
Many people say that. It's a shame.

I'm pro-life in the personal way. I'm not the abortion clinic stormer. I just quietly hope that people won't have them, and if the time is right, I will present my argument, but I'm not going to beat anyone over the head with it.
Many people say that. It's a shame.

I'm pro-life in the personal way. I'm not the abortion clinic stormer. I just quietly hope that people won't have them, and if the time is right, I will present my argument, but I'm not going to beat anyone over the head with it.

Of course, I have my limits with abortion. If a woman wants to have an abortion when she is 4 months into pregnancy, too late for her, she had 3 months to think about it. Or something like that.
Pro-Choice. There's no way state can dictate what individuals or families should do about this issue. I am taking Contemp. Moral Issues and so far we've read a tons of articles on this subject. Most of them don't make sense and there's no way someone can make a logical enough argument to end the discussion on this subject.
But fact is a fact, when abortion was illegal in states there were thousands of poor women who became crippled or lost their lives because of bad surgeries. This is not good. People would still find ways to control fertility and plan their families, I would rather have a system that is more flexible and less strict that some of the things radical religious people are concerned about.

Not debating beyond this, as it will go nowhere.
It just doesn't seem right that women should be able to choose anything.

Pro-Life for me.
I'm actually in favour of reducing the worlds population by 80%, therefore I'm definitely anti-choice, but still not pro-life.