Satya said:
Well we know who wears the pants in your relationship. :mrgreen:
Actually he does ... if I go too far he has this really intimidating stare that shuts me up almost immediately. :shock:
haha! he just cant use it over the phone so I do usually get the upper hand when we are apart
What was it he said? ...
do not mistake kindness for weakness? VERY true! We could never have made it this far unless he could not only stand up to me, but also have the ability to make me back down when necessary.
Here's a good visual for you ... Picture a calm and noble German Sheppard laying on the floor just trying to relax, and now picture an annoying little Chihuahua yelping and jumping around him. The Sheppard knows he can take the Chihuahua out with one bite or a swipe of his paw (even if the Chihuahua is so confident and full of herself she doesn't see it) but he chooses to let the little bugger jump around for a bit. After a while the Sheppard gets fed up, stands and growls; the ankle bitter more often than not will stick her little tail between her legs and run for cover. She'll be back later, but now that he has gotten his rest the Sheppard is inclined to deal with her shenanigans again (for a bit).