People around you?


Permanent Fixture
hello :) hihihi

well since INFJs are empaths, we absorb energies and emotions of other people..

yesterday, after going to the Church, i went to the adoration chapel to pray. i was really depressed and sad and i felt alone again.. as usual..

then there was this woman with another woman who has cancer.. i think the cancer patient is the daughter of the other woman.. and they were humming a song in the adoration chapel..

i was touched and they made me quite happy.. i can see how the mother hugs her daughter tightly and the daughter leaning on the mother.. that's love... it's so comforting.. and i prayed for them..

these kind of people remind me that there are still people sensitive enough to others..

i want to be around those positive people and i hope all people would be that caring... i just loved that moment..

and after that, after i prayed, i went out and i saw this other girl giving money to the small children who were selling flowers.

what a wonderful sight!!!

these people make me soooo happy.. i want to be around those people like always..

how about you????
what kind of people would you prefer to be around with?
That was a truelly touching story. :)
I also like to be around positive people ,but also people that have a certain energy and are more out-going. I am a reflecting kind of person and I enjoy a lot being on my own reading ,writing in my journal or whatever. I guess this is why I prefer to be around people which are loud and fun loving . They make up for my contemplating nature.
Well now.

Ur post sounds like something out of a drama movie!

your all down then you see something that just brings in the positive music and everybody goes home happy! ..hehe sounds nice

but I personally prefer those who choose to be themselves. Just like You im An Empath(and damn lovin it!) and i desperately feed off ohers emotions without even knowing it sometimes. so Naturallly, i want to be around those who WANT to be themselves. People who desire Freedom and peace and happieness and not really destruction and harm...even tho. i find myself desiring that sumtimes...but isnt that natural?...idk..hmm

...omg i just noticed...i think i want to hang around hippies!!!

Happy positive peacful people!!!

(gasp)...Ima hippie...(faints) lol :)
That was a truelly touching story. :)
I also like to be around positive people ,but also people that have a certain energy and are more out-going. I am a reflecting kind of person and I enjoy a lot being on my own reading ,writing in my journal or whatever. I guess this is why I prefer to be around people which are loud and fun loving . They make up for my contemplating nature.

i like to be around loud and fun loving and sensitive people:) :) ahahha since I get part of their energy from them :) :)
is being an empath really a good thing ?

i was wondering after reading so many stories of it and talking to people who told me they were that

a person who takes on/absorbs another's emotions as if they were their own
i mean if a person gets upset about something that another person had caused, you may take that person's feelings as your own and get upset too ..and even retaliate on the person who caused it ----but the problem is, the other person may have meant well? or that it was a misunderstanding on the upset person's part.. so you may have hurt someone innocent in the end

i have seen this happen way too many times...
...I love when my empathy brings me things like this...

But I hate it when the negative emotions come upon me....
is being an empath really a good thing ?

i was wondering after reading so many stories of it and talking to people who told me they were that

a person who takes on/absorbs another's emotions as if they were their own
i mean if a person gets upset about something that another person had caused, you may take that person's feelings as your own and get upset too ..and even retaliate on the person who caused it ----but the problem is, the other person may have meant well? or that it was a misunderstanding on the upset person's part.. so you may have hurt someone innocent in the end

i have seen this happen way too many times...

Ummm I Agree yet disagree to...It being such a curse as u say.

I mean i kNOW the negative parts to being a INFJ. Ive cried at such random times when i had no reason at all to. and my parents wouldnt understand at all but...idk i guess that goes all into would YOU want to be an INFJ if you had the choice or not. And my answer is def. yes. I feel...almost like a higher being being and infj. To have such acces into like a gift to me. you know some people dont want to say things aloud but u understand them better cuz you can kinda hear their "thoughts" or "emotions" on the situation u know?..

idk. I would NEVER want to change this about me. but at the same time, i feel like you Maetel, i wouldnt say it always has the positive result I ve explained here.

so yea...curse and a blessing i guess.
i think it's both a good thing and a bad thing.. it would be better if we could control it though :) :)

yeah i'm struggling to deal with it.. it's like my whole life, i'm meant to be sad alone and depressed for the happiness of other people.

it's like i have to take everything and suffer to make other people happy

though making other people happy would make me a lot happier

but then... when i'm alone, most of the times i get really jealous because i also want to be in harmony with people but that's kind of impossible because i'm really the odd one out :(

but as long as there are people in the world who are like what i saw the other day, i won't give up and i would find a way to make empathy a good thing :):m168:
Ummm I Agree yet disagree to...It being such a curse as u say.

I mean i kNOW the negative parts to being a INFJ. Ive cried at such random times when i had no reason at all to. and my parents wouldnt understand at all but...idk i guess that goes all into would YOU want to be an INFJ if you had the choice or not. And my answer is def. yes. I feel...almost like a higher being being and infj. To have such acces into like a gift to me. you know some people dont want to say things aloud but u understand them better cuz you can kinda hear their "thoughts" or "emotions" on the situation u know?..

idk. I would NEVER want to change this about me. but at the same time, i feel like you Maetel, i wouldnt say it always has the positive result I ve explained here.

so yea...curse and a blessing i guess.

Yea...its a double edged must take the good with the bad...and the really really bad...
I'd love to be in a world filled with such kindness. It does my heart good to witness the good in other people, and sometimes inspires me to go outside of my introversion to do good things for others. This was a beautuful post, soulseeker. Thank you for sharing your moment of empathic happiness.
hello :) hihihi

well since INFJs are empaths, we absorb energies and emotions of other people..

yesterday, after going to the Church, i went to the adoration chapel to pray. i was really depressed and sad and i felt alone again.. as usual..

then there was this woman with another woman who has cancer.. i think the cancer patient is the daughter of the other woman.. and they were humming a song in the adoration chapel..

i was touched and they made me quite happy.. i can see how the mother hugs her daughter tightly and the daughter leaning on the mother.. that's love... it's so comforting.. and i prayed for them..

these kind of people remind me that there are still people sensitive enough to others..

i want to be around those positive people and i hope all people would be that caring... i just loved that moment..

and after that, after i prayed, i went out and i saw this other girl giving money to the small children who were selling flowers.

what a wonderful sight!!!

these people make me soooo happy.. i want to be around those people like always..

how about you????
what kind of people would you prefer to be around with?

I love your inner peace, idealism...I imagine you seeing the world with sunlight even when the skies are gray.

I like people with gentle souls. I was in CVS drugstore yesterday, and the cashier was so pleasant and sincere, I had to talk with him.

I like sincerity and honesty more than any other qualities. And it usually seems people with these attributes are the nicer ones anyway.
When I was studying abroad in Slovakia, in order to get a break from the pack of socialites I was there with it, I'd go sit in one of the local churches by myself with some quiet. At first I was just there to admire the beauty of the place and take in the history around me. Later I was there to watch the people who came in and out all the time. I especially loved watching the little old babkas (the old hunched-over traditional Slovak women). They seem to come alive while they're in the sanctuary. Normally you see them on the street and it's like staring at death warmed over, but once inside that building it's like they have a second breath of youth. It was just so nice to take that in while they passed through as part of their daily life.
I would love to live in an Utopian world where everyone is happy, no more worries, no more pain, no more sorrow, no more selfishness, everyone would be kind,loving,patient,compassionate. I love that sight. I want to be surrounded by people who understand you, who care,, who are of a positive nature, and later be understanding enough to let me have my own time reflecting..this are the kind of people I would love..but this view unfortunately is hard to make happen, and Im in a current state of isolation..but....I know things would get better and someday I will find somebody who's like that.
There are truly wonderful people in this world...lots of them. We forget sometimes. If you were to suddenly remove the influence of these people, the world would be almost uninhabitable but, not to fear, they are here in obscure nooks and crannies all over the place. I saw this first hand (and vividly) working on human-interest documentaries for 20 years. If we look carefully (as soulseeker did so beautifully), we will see them.

I found myself getting really tired of the ugliness that is also present in this world. Most of that is based on illusion...some things work...and some things don't. Long term, the ugliness presents itself as the ill-conceived, short-sighted illusion it is.

Anyway, I got tired of the ugliness and decided to take a stand and work for goodness as I could....period. I do get the short end of the stick now and then, but far more often goodness brings about even more goodness and one begins to see that this cycle actually works. I admit, I do stupid things for goodness....and people don't always understand what I am doing...but I don't care. There are some things worth fighting for...bringing good into this world, right were we live, is one of them.
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I found myself getting really tired of the ugliness that is also present in this world. Most of that is based on illusion...some things work...and some things don't. Long term, the ugliness presents itself as the ill-conceived, short-sighted illusion it is.

Anyway, I got tired of the ugliness and decided to take a stand and work for goodness as I could....period. I do get the short end of the stick now and then, but far more often goodness brings about even more goodness and one begins to see that this cycle actually works. I admit, I do stupid things for goodness....and people don't always understand what I am doing...but I don't care. There are some things worth fighting for...bringing good into this world, right were we live, is one of them.

we shouldn't be:m068: hopeless
or :m162: scared
we have to!!!!! :m144:fight!!!!!!
yey that's it!! let's all fight for goodness and love fight! :m140:fight! :m030:fight! fight! :) i may sound too idealistic but if we just observe CLOSELY .. we will find beauty and goodness :) :) :mlove2: <--isn't it worth fighting for!?!?!? :) :) :)
I like being around simply happy people (a reason why Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year) and enjoying simple things.
I love seeing people, especially families, out together and enjoying themselves (seeing a family out in this day and age is kind of unusual) without worrying about what others think.
Everyone enjoying something together is really nice :)

I think I'd never give up my empathy because of these moments, even if it's bad sometimes because of feeling others' sadness or anger.
we shouldn't be:m068: hopeless
or :m162: scared
we have to!!!!! :m144:fight!!!!!!
yey that's it!! let's all fight for goodness and love fight! :m140:fight! :m030:fight! fight! :) i may sound too idealistic but if we just observe CLOSELY .. we will find beauty and goodness :) :) :mlove2: <--isn't it worth fighting for!?!?!? :) :) :)

Soulseeker- You are the type of person that I like to be around. It is really extrodinary that you found the comfort, support and beauty in the service that you attended. I find that very encouraging. It makes me ponder that different religions try to empower people to restore community, and give love to one another. I think that religious people are often so desperately misunderstood. I also belive that there is so much negative press that tries to give blanket labels of bigotry and intolerance to all people who are religious whether it is through Christianity, Islam, Judism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Thank-you for your post. I am also very religious although a follow another road. I enjoy being around my Aunt who is a nun, as well as the members of the buddhist organization that I am a member. Your story is not completely unsimilar to some of my experiences with Buddhism.


I agree that we need to combat cynism with our own faith, hope and love in order to create the world we want to see.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Author Unknown.
Being an empath is very tough sometimes.

When I'm around people that aren't getting along, it makes my skin crawl. I want to get out of there pronto!

When I'm around people that are happy... say.. at a wedding, my ability to soak in the happiness that's in the air the way a solar panel absorbs sunlight has an inverse reaction - it's incredibly bittersweet.

Sweet because I'm happy for them but bitter because I feel alone, alone, alone, and like I'm being left behind in life by everyone.

Here's a random one - at movies, I don't like being around people (that I'm with) because they'll want to talk about it while I want to brood, muse, and mull the story over in my mind. Internally, I'm still processing and being impacted by the movie, so to have someone intrude on that is a rude awaking to the reality that I'm not ready to return to.

I do truly empathize sincerely with hurting people though. I really want to drop what I'm doing, make a meal for them, clean their house, talk with them, just be in the room with them if they want.. whatever they need.

Being an empath is a mix blessing.
Soulseeker- You are the type of person that I like to be around. It is really extrodinary that you found the comfort, support and beauty in the service that you attended. I find that very encouraging. It makes me ponder that different religions try to empower people to restore community, and give love to one another. I think that religious people are often so desperately misunderstood. I also belive that there is so much negative press that tries to give blanket labels of bigotry and intolerance to all people who are religious whether it is through Christianity, Islam, Judism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Thank-you for your post. I am also very religious although a follow another road. I enjoy being around my Aunt who is a nun, as well as the members of the buddhist organization that I am a member. Your story is not completely unsimilar to some of my experiences with Buddhism.


I agree that we need to combat cynism with our own faith, hope and love in order to create the world we want to see.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Author Unknown.

thank you :m201::) :) oh i'm just good to be around for about a day but i don't think i'm really good to be around with hihihihihi :)

oh you're buddhist!! i'm 1/4 chinese and my school is a catholic chinese school and most of my classmates are chinese and my tutor is chinese my mom is half chinese :) :)

but that's true!! i think whatever religion a person is from, that does not become a hindrance to helping and reaching out to others (as seen in our community ahhahaha they're all mixed up ahahahaha

):m165::m044: :m050: <---- even the monkeys are chinese :) :)

I do truly empathize sincerely with hurting people though. I really want to drop what I'm doing, make a meal for them, clean their house, talk with them, just be in the room with them if they want.. whatever they need.

Being an empath is a mix blessing.

aww that's sweet!!! :m015:
good it works well for you :) :)

everytime i do that, people just reject me even more which makes me soooo sad :( :( :( :(
we shouldn't be:m068: hopeless
or :m162: scared
we have to!!!!! :m144:fight!!!!!!
yey that's it!! let's all fight for goodness and love fight! :m140:fight! :m030:fight! fight! :) i may sound too idealistic but if we just observe CLOSELY .. we will find beauty and goodness :) :) :mlove2: <--isn't it worth fighting for!?!?!? :) :) :)

To Me Thats Very contradictive. :m119:I think you can fight for good but if its causing others pain than is not that avoiding what you're trying to do?

Fir Exp: The Crusades, They went around killing in the name of good. Well thats just a contradiction because Christianity Says no to kill and turn the opposite Cheek. Idk.

Newaz, Im no Christian. But i do agree with wanting good AND fighting for it...still think its a contradition to the point tho.

Soulseeker- You are the type of person that I like to be around. It is really extrodinary that you found the comfort, support and beauty in the service that you attended. .

wow..I am not The only Person Who loves talking to you Seeka.
That...idk...that just feels right.:m175:

Like i knew i wasnt wrong about you.:m172::m105: