Occupational Rankings of INFJ


Hey INFJ ppls,

So, a couple years ago, I had to pass through this 3 day career assessment / psyche evaluation for a path I was considering. Anyway this is what the center recommended based on my INFJ scores. I'd thought I'd share them in the hope that it might help other INFJ's in their discernment. Oh, but the list goes to 208 ranked positions, so I'll just post the top 30 or so.

I - 1 slight
N - 2 slight
F - 7 Moderate
J - 11 Moderate

1. Director of Religious Education (Sunday school? Eh, why not)

2. Fine Artist (I knew it, this explains everything)

3. Priest or Monk (what, really??!!)

4. Consultant: Education

5. Certified Psychodramatist (I have no idea, but it sounds awesome)

6. Specialized Protestant Minister

7. Clergy, all denominations [expect priest] <-- ha!

8. Physician: Pathology (hmm)

9. Protestant Minister

10. Rabbi (um, well, I guess the test factors in our tendancy to transition, yeah)

11. Teacher: English (must resist!)

12. Architect (but, but the math)

13. Roman Catholic Priest

14. Counselor: Suicide or Crisis (oh, no...no, no, no...that could be bad).

15. Media Specialist (youtube here I come)

16. Teacher: Art, Drama, or Music (fun! but no security)

17. Sister in Roman Catholic Religious Order (Oh, come on, you're not taking this seriously).

18. Teacher: Foreign Language in Junior or Senior High School (that's pretty specific)

19. Religious Educator: all denominations

20. Physician: Psychiatry (nods)

21. Doctor of Osteopathy (might as well get an MD)

22. Social Worker

23. Teacher: High School (I refuse to follow in my mother's footsteps)

24. Religious Worker, all denominations

25. Professor: University (must not date my students, must not date my students, must not date my students)

26. Research Assistant (no).

27. Marking Professional (give yourself to the dark-side)

28. Social Scientist (so, basically college professor; check)

29. Librarian ("it's oh so quiet, it's on so still")

30. Admin: Colleges / Tech Institutes

31. Scientist: Biology (dolphins and anaerobic respiration here I come!)

32. Teacher: Pre-school (joy and laughter...but forever and always?)
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MBTI is not a career test.
There's a lot of religious positions in there!!
I've taken career assessment tests and I always get Politics, Management, Human Resources or something in psychology.
Oh, forget to note, the MBTI was just one of many tests and group exercises I did in the assessment. This list looks like they just xeroxed it out of some text book though, since in was page 74 and 75 of some book with the heading "Occupational Rankings for INFJ." Their words not mine. :)

Interesting enough, the Strongs Interest Inventory they had me take, said I'd had the most affinity (shared interests) with Nursing Home Administrators above and beyond any other group. I was like what the hell, really? The more whimsical side of me has often pondered crashing one of their conventions and be like, "sooo, what kind of movies do you like?" haha.

The next closest group was Broadcasters, Social Workers, and Reporters apparently.
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The vast majority of these jobs are right up my alley, and/or I've had them.

Bold are the ones I'd be interested in or have done.

1. Director of Religious Education

2. Fine Artist (I actually am a fine artist and illustrator...)

3. Priest or Monk (This has often appealed to me)

4. Consultant: Education

5. Certified Psychodramatist (This seems like a method that could actually be used to benefit people when led by the right person...and I'd love to do it, otherwise it's a rather goofy approach that seems designed to just get Fi's to express and get things off their chests)

6. Specialized Protestant Minister (I am one of specifically one of these. I'm not a minister at a specific church. I teach at conferences all over the country.)

7. Clergy, all denominations (Technically, I am clergy, as I am a minister)

8. Physician: Pathology
(I'd always wanted to be a doctor, but only because I want to help people)

9. Protestant Minister (Again, check)

10. Rabbi (I've many times considered converting to Messianic Judaism. Seriously. Still consider it.)

11. Teacher: English (I'm just not into conjugation enough to want to do this... though I think I'd enjoy teaching literature)

12. Architect (Believe it or not, I've actually done this, though I thought I was hired as a CAD Draftsman, and ended up designing buildings until someone put me on the spot and asked if I was an Architect. Kind of illegal to design buildings if you're not certified, heh, oops. So they had to 'let me go', aka before they got shut down.)

13. Roman Catholic Priest (I've considered this as the spiritual side of it appeals to me greatly, but I doubt I could accept the strictness of the order)

14. Counselor: Suicide or Crisis (I've been a Counselor)

15. Media Specialist
(My personal business is graphic design and advertising)

16. Teacher: Art, Drama, or Music (I was an Art Teacher both in college and elementary school)

17. Sister in Roman Catholic Religious Order (kinda lack the qualifications for this one)

18. Teacher: Foreign Language in Junior or Senior High School (I speak 11 languages very basically, but could honestly see myself doing this if I brushed up on one of them)

19. Religious Educator: all denominations
(again, technically this is what I do)

20. Physician: Psychiatry (I was a Counselor, and have many times considered getting my doctorate in psychology)

21. Doctor of Osteopathy (This would be a great job, as I've long touted the health benefits of martial arts, and have always enjoyed teaching. I've also considered being a chiropractor, though my real passion along these lines are in pressure point therapies)

22. Social Worker (I don't think I could handle the drama, honestly. It would depress me too much)

23. Teacher: High School (I have no interest in teaching high school aged kids... at least not where I live... the most violent city in America most years)

24. Religious Worker, all denominations (I've been working as the Creative Director for an international youth ministry since 1996, though it's effectively freelance work)

25. Professor: University (I've taught art and graphic design at the university I attended, and would LOVE to do so for a living... that's a really cushy job.)

26. Research Assistant (I'd be happy to help out with any kind of research projects, but I'd feel over my head at all times if it was a subject I wasn't an expert in... though I'd love to help with subjects I do.)

27. Marketing Professional (Again, my home business is in graphic design and advertising)

28. Social Scientist (Heh, don't I do this here?)

29. Librarian

30. Admin: Colleges / Tech Institutes

31. Scientist: Biology (I love animals!)

32. Teacher: Pre-school (All the chaos surrounding little kids would drain me in a hurry)
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Well, #25 is what I am aiming for (University Professor).
I worked in Social Services before having children, but found I couldn't go back to it after being a mother. Now I'm at the opposite end of the age range. I now work with mainly seniors.

If I could choose a career that I would preffer, it would be a writer of some kind. A novelist or a reporter.

My career path is not even listed!
I've just made up my mind that I'll probably end up changing my career path a few times. I'll still be dedicated to whatever I choose to do, but if something better comes along, I think I'll end up taking the opportunity.

The ones that struck me were:
1. Director of Religious Education*
3. Priest or Monk*
6. Specialized Protestant Minister*
7. Clergy, all denominations*
9. Protestant Minister*
11. Teacher: English
15. Media Specialist- That would be a very interesting career. It would have to be either film or music, though.
16. Teacher: Art, Drama, or Music- Only high school/ college students.
19. Religious Educator: all denominations*
20. Physician: Psychiatry
23. Teacher: High School- I don't mind the idea of teaching teenagers (probably because I am one, so I likely have unrealistic ideas about that.)
24. Religious Worker, all denominations*
25. Professor: University- people have told me I should do this.
26. Research Assistant- though some things I'd have to research might be offest from my interests,
28. Social Scientist- I would consider many INFJs on this forum to be amateur social scientists.

* All spiritual/ religious work is somewhat appealing to me, but it would have to align perfectly with my beliefs.

I didn't see 'writer' anywhere up there. Pretty surprising.
I did not see a lot of the carrier choices I am interested in.

Remember guys that the preferences towards intuition and introversion were very slight, and may not fit everybody here since we have a different amount of preferences for our functions.
I didn't see 'writer' anywhere up there. Pretty surprising.

Oh, I didn't post them all, as it would take too long, but "writer or Journalist" is #90. Oddly enough Construction Laborer is #92. The 40s and 50s are mostly medical, dental and therapy fields.

Basically it lists every freaking job field you can think of. I have no idea what their rational behind their ranking is, as they didn't explain it to me, but it's still fun to ponder, I think.

Other noteworthy ones:

#37 home management advisory / economist
#54 Engineer Aeronautical
#59 Lawyer or Judge
#61 Nutritionist
#82 Guard or Watch Keeper
#89 Musician or Composer
#102 Computer Programmer
#147 Carpenter
# 161 Hair Dresser
# 173 Food Counter or Fountain Worker
# Actor
#187 Coal Miner
#204 Manager: Fire

Last three on list:

#206 Child care worker
#207 Chain, Rod, or Ax Worker, Surveying
#208 Factory or Site Supervisor
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Well, I guess I'm #59 on the list.
Damn, and to think I wanted to be an Axe Worker.
Axe worker... as in, the body spray or the lumber yard?
Hmm, I think both. I want to be that sexy lumberjack who wears sexy body spray, but only if Axe cleans up it's act and doesn't require a bio-hazard suite to wear.
Hmm, I think both. I want to be that sexy lumberjack who wears sexy body spray, but only if Axe cleans up it's act and doesn't require a bio-hazard suite to wear.

I totally see it.

Mind, some rock stars also have axes. And are sexy and usually smell pretty good and have awesome skillz. You're totally a Rockstar.
Aw... these tests never come up with 'translator' :( Glad 'writer' is on there, though ^^
It's hard to narrow things down too much given the different subtypes of INFJs that exist.

I took a professional career test called CAPS/COPS/COPES which performed 3 different tests: one for aptitude (resembled an IQ test; for things such as mathematical ability, vocabulary, mechanical dexterity, spatial reasoning), another for interests, and another for values. You would then aggregate the results and voila! You have a career profile of highest ranked to least ranked careers.

Theres several career brackets

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Science, Professional *
Science, Skilled
Technology, Professional *
Technology, Skilled
Consumer Economics
Business, Professional
Business, Skilled
Arts, Professional
Arts, Skilled
Service, Professional *
Service, Skilled

My highest scores were on Science (professional), Technology (professional), and Communication. Service (skilled) and Clerical were the lowest ranking.

Being an academic INFJ subtype , I naturally chose College Professor (category: communication) as one of my preferred occupations. Counselor was also under the 'Communication' category, but I didnt select it as my preferred occupation due to the fact that I believe my personality is only moderately compatible with the counselling field. Architect was also favored under Sciences (professional), but unfortunately I didnt select it because after researching, I found it doesnt pay so well and the job prospects are not so great, in Canada.

BTW: I can't imagine an INFJ being a lawyer. All that Te would be draining I would think.
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Oh, I didn't post them all, as it would take too long, but "writer or Journalist" is #90. Oddly enough Construction Laborer is #92. The 40s and 50s are mostly medical, dental and therapy fields.

Basically it lists every freaking job field you can think of. I have no idea what their rational behind their ranking is, as they didn't explain it to me, but it's still fun to ponder, I think.

Other noteworthy ones:

#37 home management advisory / economist
#54 Engineer Aeronautical
#59 Lawyer or Judge
#61 Nutritionist
#82 Guard or Watch Keeper
#89 Musician or Composer
#102 Computer Programmer
#147 Carpenter
# 161 Hair Dresser
# 173 Food Counter or Fountain Worker
# Actor
#187 Coal Miner
#204 Manager: Fire

Last three on list:

#206 Child care worker
#207 Chain, Rod, or Ax Worker, Surveying
#208 Factory or Site Supervisor

Oy! now it's on the list.

Funny, all the things I have actually considered before are way down on the list.