Men: are women worth the effort?

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I don't have anything I want to accomplish. I hadn't posted in this thread previously because most men do not act or think like this and I don't mess with the ones that do. I stumbled onto a video called "Incel Catfishes Landwhale" around this same time last year. That is how I found out about incels. I've stayed away ever since and I continue to stay on that path.

Just to get an idea of why maybe some posters here were a bit hard on him for using incel terms - here is a post from just this week on incels planning acid attacks on Stacys after celebrating the Toronto mass killings.
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I understand what you mean though. I didn't see anything I thought had crossed the line yet into bullying, but maybe you stopped something that you saw coming before it had a chance to really get going.
so, then. You're implying that this stranger is like that? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Just to get an idea of why maybe some posters here were a bit hard on him for using incel terms - here is a post from just this week on incels planning acid attacks on Stacys after celebrating the Toronto mass killings.
View attachment 42101

I don't get it because I never got the impression OP is a sadist who enjoys seeing women maimed or that he's giving off Elliot Rodger vibes. Elliot Rogers was a malignant narcissist and I happen to have read some of his posts and this guy is nowhere near Rodger's casual detachment from reality and lunacy.That's quite big leap from contemplating whether it's worth it to pursue women and noting they prefer a certain type of guy (handsome athletic popular "Chad") over average guys. Some people seem unnecessarily incensed over this thread. (not referring to you souvenir). I think we can afford him a bit of benefit of the doubt instead of projecting all of the misogynist psychopaths the internet has to offer on the OP.
Why is this thread still going by the way? If OP hasn't returned this is getting sad.

5 votes "yes" to close it, then we close it? Idk. I kept having the thought that the OP hadn't returned, too.

I've only sifted through the thread, maybe I should go through it more thoroughly first? Or maybe not...
Well while I’m not particularly proud of my contributions, the amount of disagreement and opposing viewpoints is kind of a reality-check on how complicated the issue is. It may not call for several pages more, but I don’t think it needs to be shuttered.
On the OP being an incel or not:
The OP states that he holds these views towards women based on his observations of his “friends,” seemingly meaning that he doesn’t have the same problem as them. Whether that’s true, whether he’s celibate or not, at the very least he is an incel sympathizer.

On incel philosophy based on hating women: I was reading an interview with a former incel member who says that these guys just feel entitled to sex with attractive women, which they don’t say outright. Instead, attractive women are resented for not sleeping with them and unattractive women are sneered at for sleeping with them. So, it is hate towards women. There is no scenario where women are loved, or where male-female relations means more than just sex.

It’s sad because I think most of us, and the former incel member that was interviewed, recognizes that this kind of thinking keeps these men from what they need most, which is self-acceptance and to let go of entitlements.
at the very least he is an incel sympathizer.
I don't have anything I want to accomplish. I hadn't posted in this thread previously because most men do not act or think like this and I don't mess with the ones that do. I stumbled onto a video called "Incel Catfishes Landwhale" around this same time last year. That is how I found out about incels. I've stayed away ever since and I continue to stay on that path.

Just to get an idea of why maybe some posters here were a bit hard on him for using incel terms - here is a post from just this week on incels planning acid attacks on Stacys after celebrating the Toronto mass killings.
View attachment 42101

I understand what you mean though. I didn't see anything I thought had crossed the line yet into bullying, but maybe you stopped something that you saw coming before it had a chance to really get going.

Whats a "shallow foid"?

5 votes "yes" to close it, then we close it?
This should be a thing for every thread.
You making a joke about the exact consistency of incel is avoidant of the fact you associated him with incels

On the OP being an incel or not:
The OP states that he holds these views towards women

I don’t avoid that I associate the OP with incels. The OP states that his views are the same as incel views and that his sympathies are with his incel friends. Why would I think otherwise?
I don’t avoid that I associate the OP with incels. The OP states that his views are the same as incel views and that his sympathies are with his incel friends. Why would I think otherwise?
He didn't say anything about incels. I have zero tolerance for blatant lies in an argument. Go fuck yourself
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