

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States. When smoked, it begins to effect users almost immediately and can last for one to three hours. Users claim that smoking marijuana is not harmful, but scientific evidence proves otherwise.

The truth is even the "safest" drugs can have negative effects on your health and well-being if they are used too often or over too long a period of time. Besides alcohol (which has its own set of health effects), the following are the most commonly abused drugs in the United States, in order of popularity, and how they can effect your health.
What Shai said.

Also, nearly any kind of drug, or chemical addidtive can have harmful effects, and are controversial. As such, people will have their own opinions on it. Others that come to mind: HFCS, aspartame, nearly every antidepressent on the market.

Most of this "harmful" buisness becomes subjective, and is up to the interpretation of the person.
Some of the greatest realizations pertaining to my life and existence in general have occurred whilst under the influence of this illicit drug...
I smoke weed every time I get on a bus. Always someone at the back with the desire to turn the place into a giant bong.
Apparently we're junkies by nature... seeking excuses from pain by any means necessary.
Which always makes me perceive this type of argument as a philosophical issue concerning hedonism;
not the scientific basis whether its effects are negative or harmful.
The spice of life. A wonderful herb. Don't smoke too much and it can be really nice. Best enjoyed in nature. Also great for long drives.

Essentially harmless, but it can be abused. As far as recreation, it's not nearly as bad as alcohol, junk food, or tv.
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The truth is even the "safest" drugs can have negative effects on your health and well-being if they are used too often or over too long a period of time.

I will promptly take your advice and stop consuming dorritos, hamburgers, steaks, rice, coffee (christ no!), salt, sugar, bread, and of course, water. What? Don't believe the last one? I will refer you to President Bush.
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The spice of life. A wonderful herb. Don't smoke too much and it can be really nice. Best enjoyed in nature. Also great for long drives.

Essentially harmless, but it can be abused. As far as recreation, it's not nearly as bad as alcohol, junk food, or tv.

Couldn't have said it better myself! :mpoke:
I am high right now but I am still lucid enough to smell propaganda.
If you are strongly under the influence of any psychoactive drug for extended periods of time, there will be adverse consequences.

I have smoked marijuana, good marijuana, for 12 years. (I'm Dutch so no laws were broken) Quitting that is one of the best decisions I ever made, and I regret to say the Universe made that choice for me. It gave me numerous of attacks of Angina Pectoris, it turns out I had an underlying heart condition which makes marijuana dangerous for me. Get a heart attack and die - dangerous. And I had a heart attack, at age 30, within 1 hour of smoking what was to be the last joint of my life.

Anyone who thinks smoking a herbal material containing one or two dozen percent of resin is harmless, is in serious denial.

I get cranky when people say marijuana is harmless, because it gave me literally hundreds of serious angina pectoris attacks, which I swept under the rug with the stoner denial that "it is harmless". It almost killed me, thats how harmless it is. If someone thinks I'm one of a kind, go do a good google search. People faint, they get strokes and heart attacks because of toking up all the time.

The "harmless" lobby is an artifact of the naive 1960s and 1970s, nowadays there are plenty of case histories of people getting in serious health trouble because of the herb.

Please know: anyone who wants to use weed is welcome to. Please be my guest, it can be very enriching in life. But: accept that there are risks and decide whether you want to take them. Don't cop out of taking responsibility for your life by assuming its harmless. Like skydiving, it comes with risks. If you want to take those risks let no one stop you, if anyone tries to it won't be me.

Taking informed decisions on the choices in life is key.
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Solace, you make a great point. I was wrong to call it 'essentially harmless'.

I am assuming that your health risk goes way down if you consume it in edibles...

While it isn't as terrible as people make it out to be, I can see how it affects my emotions, and maybe if it is used as an escape it could be an unhealthy thing.

For me, it's good to take breaks from it every so often.

Thinking I'll take a break soon. School is starting up and I'm going to need to write some papers.

Sobriety is good though.
I had the best weed of my life a few weekends ago. Two hits and I was stoned for 3 hours. Hundreds times better than the schwag so common to these parts of Idaho and it had all the benefits of chronic without any of the drawbacks. I think it might have been hydro.

Any who, what were we talking about?
If you are strongly under the influence of any psychoactive drug for extended periods of time, there will be adverse consequences.

I have smoked marijuana, good marijuana, for 12 years. (I'm Dutch so no laws were broken) Quitting that is one of the best decisions I ever made, and I regret to say the Universe made that choice for me. It gave me numerous of attacks of Angina Pectoris, it turns out I had an underlying heart condition which makes marijuana dangerous for me. Get a heart attack and die - dangerous. And I had a heart attack, at age 30, within 1 hour of smoking what was to be the last joint of my life.

Anyone who thinks smoking a herbal material containing one or two dozen percent of resin is harmless, is in serious denial.

I get cranky when people say marijuana is harmless, because it gave me literally hundreds of serious angina pectoris attacks, which I swept under the rug with the stoner denial that "it is harmless". It almost killed me, thats how harmless it is. If someone thinks I'm one of a kind, go do a good google search. People faint, they get strokes and heart attacks because of toking up all the time.

The "harmless" lobby is an artifact of the naive 1960s and 1970s, nowadays there are plenty of case histories of people getting in serious health trouble because of the herb.

Please know: anyone who wants to use weed is welcome to. Please be my guest, it can be very enriching in life. But: accept that there are risks and decide whether you want to take them. Don't cop out of taking responsibility for your life by assuming its harmless. Like skydiving, it comes with risks. If you want to take those risks let no one stop you, if anyone tries to it won't be me.

Taking informed decisions on the choices in life is key.
Should have used a vaporizer, or eaten brownies; cannabis IS harmless, but smoking anything chronically is bad for your lungs and circulatory system.
Common sense.

The "harmless" lobby is an artifact of the naive 1960s and 1970s, nowadays there are plenty of case histories of people getting in serious health trouble because of the herb.
Name some.
Precisely this. Smoke is bad for the lungs and you'll get into serious health problems if you smoke ANYTHING.

Vaporise it, eat it, distil it. Don't smoke it.
Should have used a vaporizer, or eaten brownies; cannabis IS harmless, but smoking anything chronically is bad for your lungs and circulatory system.
Common sense.
Umm.. no. THC taken in any form can induce coronary vasospasm in the susceptible by indirect effects on vascular muscarinic receptors. Its a pharmacological effect of THC.

If your rebuttal is that "cannabis IS harmless", discussing this matter with you would be futile. One thing I learned on the internet is avoid locking antlers with people who use absolutisms like that.

No offense intended of course, but I think on this topic you probably have personal bias.
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Umm.. no. THC taken in any form can induce coronary vasospasm in the susceptible by indirect effects on vascular muscarinic receptors. Its a pharmacological effect of THC.
News to me; prove it.
Several google searches turned up nothing.

As far as I can deduce, though other cannabinoids do have known interactions with the cardiovascular system, THC doesn't even have any.

Assuming you did hear this somewhere, and didn't misinterpret it, I'd wager it was probably in reference to a single study that drew a correlation between the two, which is far from proving a "pharmacological effect".
Not to mention, these studies are generally carried out on lab rodents, and no right-minded medical authority would extrapolate results to humans.
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