I think it was Uberrogo mentioned that it seemed like a tend for INFJs to leave their parents and possible their family behind. I can't say I agree with this as a trend. Do I think happens yes I do. But I can't say its a trend as I don't have enough information to make that claim. But thats not what I'm looking to talk about. I wanted to talk about why this may happen. For those of us with very different parents. Myself for example mom is (ESTJ) and dad is (ISTP). Its a struggle to connect to family. my mom made a comment " You don't have to connect with everyone on some deep level!" She was talking about my dad. And this to me at least demonstrates my relationship with my mom. She still after all this time doesn't understand my side. My father isn't much better. So I've simply come to understand that my parents and myself will never be close at least not in the way I would want. Do I enjoy spending time with my parents. For the most part when things aren't going bad then yes. But its not a connection in the way an INFJ would make a connection. I love them both very much but in the grand skeem we aren't connected. I can bet this is not uncommon for many INFJ children with very different parents. So I can see INFJs having this problem and feeling more connected to friends. And I think its ok. Becasue we all have different emotional needs and getting those needs meet is more important than forcing relationships that just won't work. So what do you all think? Did you disconnect from your parents? Do you think this is a big issue? Do you think something like this can be fixed? Other thoughts or comments.