Grey Wolf

Airborne all the way!
no idea
anyone also have istj friends?
I find them quite amusing haha
I mean my istj friend is so far the only one whom I cant seem to realy understand.
ISTJs are strange in some ways that they show they want to be your friend.

Highly introverted INFJs possess a strong Ti, they can easily grasp systems, and thusly strive to do so.

ISTJs on the other hand sometimes possess a strong Fi. Just as one can draw the Ti out of an INFJ, so it is possible to draw the Fi out of an ITJ type. And as such they can be fascinating. The Fi function when dissected is an enigma and as such holds a type of fascination for the introverted thinking function.

'Hidden yet unknown depth of feeling' is something that many strive to unlock and understand. Yet it is only in the grasp of the trusted few. INFJs lend easily to this role.
Heh. Well...they usually drive me nuts if they're men, but this is only if they're really entrenched with their perfectionism. I want to smack them, sometimes, because their thinking can be so one-dimensional and static.
I knew one ISTJ... we hated each others guts on so many levels...
I agree with all of you but this is where it gets funny.
I like that friend as in like like. hahaha
I find it strange too hahah
I have an istj friend who is a guy. He's probably the most hilarious dry-humor type person I've ever met. Very smart and pretty sensitive and deep, and wayyy more practical and....though he wouldn't agree with this next one, conservative than I am. I know that is his type cuz I had him take the test and he pretty much agreed with what the results said.

Why do you find them amusing? What do you like about him?
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no idea.
I just find her amusing haha
as in the way she says things haha
Awww!! Regardless of type, if you're into the person and you've got reason to believe they might be into you-- you should go for it!
I agree with that haha
very funny story.
Previously she and me were very close. Used to meet afterschool once in awhile and such. So i went for it. We stayed as friends, long story short.

It was a little awkward at first but it became better and now we're close again. and I still like her -.-
just realised we went too OT haha
ok back to topic haha
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I can't see myself being in a friendship, let along a relationship with any SJ. All of the ones I have met I could not stand. They try to control me or are just nasty people in general. *gags*
I agree with all of you but this is where it gets funny.
I like that friend as in like like. hahaha
I find it strange too hahah

HAHAHAH aaaw this has happened to me too, there is one in my class and we have major differences!! And I always come to the conclusion that he hates me because he is not appreciative of my feelings and intuition xD

I tell you right now, be aware that it could be a complete failiure between you two and that he could hurt your feelings deeps, as he does not acknowledge them the way you do. :)
HAHAHAH aaaw this has happened to me too, there is one in my class and we have major differences!! And I always come to the conclusion that he hates me because he is not appreciative of my feelings and intuition xD

I tell you right now, be aware that it could be a complete failiure between you two and that he could hurt your feelings deeps, as he does not acknowledge them the way you do. :)

I agree. its annoying sometimes haha
oh well..only thing I can do is wait and see, hope for the best, prepare for the worse ahahaha
I find it incredibly tough to enjoy the company of ISTJs if they are stuck in the 'everything that happens to me is bad' mentality, the negative outlook saps me. Otherwise, they're fine.
I was raised by two ISTJ parents, and have known other ISTJs in my life. They're my least favorite type to deal with, alongside ESTJs. They're WAY too bullheaded about what they perceive as the societal amount of reasoning will sway their opinion away from doing things according to their own tradition (which is normally justified through, as I've said, being a societal norm).
I agree. its annoying sometimes haha
oh well..only thing I can do is wait and see, hope for the best, prepare for the worse ahahaha

The one I know, sort of has commitment issues I think because he is very promiscuous and open about it... Hmm I have never found so hard people to read. Anyway I am sure you can break through the hard 'protecting shell'. That is if you get a chance. =)
Like you said hope for the best but prepare for the worst. :)
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