life is good
- ♥
I read somewhere that of all types, INFJs may be the most likely to seek out professional counseling to deal with things.
Do you think this may be true or unlikely? How do you feel about counseling?
Personally, I've found it tremendously beneficial - I like that the objectivity that it provides for me. I open up to so few people that sometimes I'd hold back on what I was going to say to someone in my personal life whereas I may not with a counselor (or it may be easier to disclose).
Do you think this may be true or unlikely? How do you feel about counseling?
Personally, I've found it tremendously beneficial - I like that the objectivity that it provides for me. I open up to so few people that sometimes I'd hold back on what I was going to say to someone in my personal life whereas I may not with a counselor (or it may be easier to disclose).