INFJ That has never Dreamt Before.

Hello, I have recently discovered that my friend was an INFJ. And we we're having conversation, and somehow dreams came up. I found out that he has always thought, that a dream was a story that you made up inside of your imagination before you fall asleep. It freaked me out and I explained to him that a dream was during heavy sleep and it was something you couldnt really control. He got freightened because he never knew there was such a thing.

He never had a real dream!

So I was wondering, Why do you think he has never experienced having a dream, or even recall one. (except he did talk about faint images after he woke up in which they would be scary to him)

IF anyone could give me some feedback on this question, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I think you should do some research on this and maybe talk to a professional. From what I have heard, not having dreams at all can be a sign of a very bad medical condition. I don't remember what condition.
Hello, I have recently discovered that my friend was an INFJ. And we we're having conversation, and somehow dreams came up. I found out that he has always thought, that a dream was a story that you made up inside of your imagination before you fall asleep. It freaked me out and I explained to him that a dream was during heavy sleep and it was something you couldnt really control. He got freightened because he never knew there was such a thing.

He never had a real dream!

So I was wondering, Why do you think he has never experienced having a dream, or even recall one. (except he did talk about faint images after he woke up in which they would be scary to him)

IF anyone could give me some feedback on this question, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Is this possible?...

how old is this guy?:m075:

How can you go a lifetime without dreaming? Or at least remembering a dream?...:m150:

I suppose nething is possible but:m197:....hmph. really?
I rarely dream, but occasionally when I do, they are cryptic and often times (when I am under a lot of stress), they manifest as situational nightmares.

Things like needing to go to the bathroom and being unable to either find, or access a washroom due to a dirty environment or no privacy.

I do believe everyone dreams at times, but many if not most dreams are forgotten upon awakening. Dreams come in different strengths and forms from nightfears/mares, to lucid dreams. It's likely that your friend simply does not remember his dreams.

As for the medical condition that displays a lack of dreaming, I will look into that, it sounds interesting and right up my ally.
I almost never recall dreams. However, I know I have them because people have told me that I'll occasionally start muttering, humming, or moving about when I am asleep.

The point being, that he may simply not recall dreams.
I have read somwhere that we all dream a lot every night. Remembering the dreams is another thing. There are some people that almost never remember a dream, but if you actually don't dream you are, or soon will be, severly ill. I keep a dream diary on and off. That's a surprisingly effective way to train yourself how to remember dreams.

I had a lucid nightmare once. That was... strange.
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According to (my memory + my psychology textbook from high school), except in the case of very rare conditions, we all dream continuously throughout the night during the REM stages, which alternate with other stages. Even if you wake up and only remember one dream in particular, the dream you remember was one of many you had during the time you were asleep. I think I remember something about the dream we remember being the ones we wake up in the middle of (as in you forget them if you don't wake up before the REM stage ends), but I could just be making that up.

Anyway, most dreams are unfortunately forgotten, so it is very likely that your friend simply has a tendency to forget all of his dreams. A lot of people confuse that with not having any at all. It could also be part of a medical condition, like someone above stated.
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According to (my memory + my psychology textbook from high school), except in the case of very rare conditions, we all dream continuously throughout the night during the REM stages, which alternate with other stages. Even if you wake up and only remember one dream in particular, the dream you remember probably only lasted ten minutes at the most and was one of many you had during the time you were asleep.

Anyway, most dreams are unfortunately forgotten, so it is very likely that your friend simply has a tendency to forget all of his dreams. A lot of people confuse that with not having any at all. It could also be part of a medical condition, like someone above stated.
Well said.

I'll just be echoing everyone else here, but it's most likely a problem with dream recall. For years and years I never thought I had dreams, that was until I started having interrupted sleep. I use to sleep so heavily that I just would never remember them. I wake up a lot when I sleep (as of recently) and have been having more dreams than I ever thought possible.

Of course there is a possibility of a medical condition, but it could easily just be a case of bad recall.
Wow, your buddy must have been in for a shock!

What I've read is that everyone has an average of 8 dreams each night. When people say "I don't dream", what they're likely describing is "I don't recall having a dream".

It sounds to me like those 'faint images' were probably dreams. I don't know why some people remember dreams easier than others. I wonder if he ever had dreams as a very young child that were so disturbing that his conscious mind began to block his dreams. I don't know if that's even possible, but it's the only 'explanation' that comes to mind. The other one is that he's simply wired that way from birth. Also, does he get a lot of rest? I wonder if people who rest plenty/well remember their dreams easier than those who don't.
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