INFJ Political Pattern


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Sayta and alt-ctrl-del have suggested that there should be a thread dedicated to a seen pattern within the INFJ type, and a leaning towards political socialism. So here would be the place to discuss it. What patterns do you see? Why do you think INFJ's tend to be like this? Do you break out of this mold, and if so why and how do you see yourself? Discuss.
I would suggest that INFJs tend to be either to be left-wingers, religious conservatives, a fusion of the two (socially-conservative economic populists).

INTJs, on the other hand, seem to be lean strongly towards Libertarianism and moderate Paleo-Conservatism, though that may just be a stereotype.

I myself am a left-winger of a socialist, though not really Marxist, persuasion.
INFJs and ENFJs care about social justice, hence they are often socialist or highly religious. INTJs lean towards libertarianism because they see capitalism as an efficient way to get rid of (what they see as) incompetent, overbearing leaders.

INFPs and INTPs are often so strongly ideological that they don't fit in to the normal political spectrum. As in, INTPs may be 9/11 truth-ers (I know this too well:m100:)

ISTPs are likely paleoconservative, they don't really care for the emotional justice aspect of politics.
ISFPs think politics is too cutthroat
ISTJs are probably moderate conservatives (like my dad), and ESTJs strongly conservative
ESTPs watch Colbert and Stewart but otherwise are not into politics
ESFPs are liberal but apathetic
ESFJs are authoritarian leaders
ISFJs are authoritarian followers
ENFPs are idealistic but don't have the patience for politics imo.
ENTPs are libertarian because if people are stupid or lazy they deserve to be miserable, and vice versa.
ENTJs are likely to be campaign managers and centrist

(is that all 16 [stereo]types?)
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"Political socialism" is not a term I'd use. I'd say that INFJs usually have a Left-ish political approach. The word Socialism narrows it down way too much. And it's an ambiguous term.
In terms of cognitive processes, I'm fairly certain it goes like this when it comes to the political spectrum...

Types with dominant Ti and Fe judging functions are generally on the left side of the political spectrum.
Types with dominant Te and Fi judiging functions are generally on the right side of the political spectrum.

When it comes to economic permissiveness, I'm farily certain it goes like this...

Types with Fe as their dominant judging function are the least economically permissive.
Types with Ti and Fi vary depending upon the situation when it comes to economic permissiveness.
Types with Te as their dominant judging function are the most economically permissive.

As such, you get a breakdown like this...

FPs - Centrists/Libertarians
FJs - Liberals/Socialists
TPs - Centrists/Liberals
TJs - Libertarians/Conservatives

That would be if you simplified the political spectrum to just Conservatives, Libertarians, Centrists, Liberals, and Socialists.
In terms of cognitive processes, I'm fairly certain it goes like this when it comes to the political spectrum...

Types with dominant Ti and Fe judging functions are generally on the left side of the political spectrum.
Types with dominant Te and Fi judiging functions are generally on the right side of the political spectrum.

When it comes to economic permissiveness, I'm farily certain it goes like this...

Types with Fe as their dominant judging function are the least economically permissive.
Types with Ti and Fi vary depending upon the situation when it comes to economic permissiveness.
Types with Te as their dominant judging function are the most economically permissive.

As such, you get a breakdown like this...

FPs - Centrists/Libertarians
FJs - Liberals/Socialists
TPs - Centrists/Liberals
TJs - Libertarians/Conservatives

That would be if you simplified the political spectrum to just Conservatives, Libertarians, Centrists, Liberals, and Socialists.
I've often read that Sensors, SJs especially, are supposedly more conservative then Intuitives, something probably taken from the "Openness" part of the Big-5 personality system. I think it's BS. I know plenty of liberal SJs, it's just that liberal SJs are liberals because of life experiences, not theory or desire to rebel. As for SPs, a lot of right-wing memes about moral degeneration and what not nonsense is nothing but the typical bashing of the behavior unhealthy SPs and well as principled-yet-pragmatic rebeliousness by healthy SPs
I've often read that Sensors, SJs especially, are supposedly more conservative then Intuitives, something probably taken from the "Openness" part of the Big-5 personality system. I think it's BS. I know plenty of liberal SJs, it's just that liberal SJs are liberals because of life experiences, not theory or desire to rebel. As for SPs, a lot of right-wing memes about moral degeneration and what not nonsense is nothing but the typical bashing of the behavior unhealthy SPs and well as principled-yet-pragmatic rebeliousness by healthy SPs

I'm not sure how perceiving functions affect political leanings. If I were to guess, then I would say that Si dominant are more likely to be bound by past tradition, Se dominant are most closely bound to the present, Ne dominant are bound by the near future, and Ni dominant look to the far future. As such, I would say that intuitives are probably far more progressive than sensors, but sensors would be much more practical.
"ENTPs are libertarian because if people are stupid or lazy they deserve to be miserable, and vice versa."

Truest thing I've read in this thread.

I lean centerstage, thinking it to be the place most open to fairness concerning justice in our legal system. I am strong religion, though.
I imagine usually an infj will be liberal unless they are religious then they tend to lean to the conservative side for the sake of abortion, same-sex marriage, ect
I really thought I wrote on this thread already....

I fit the mold. I care about social justice and try to understand all the difficulties people have to face.
I really thought I wrote on this thread already....

I fit the mold. I care about social justice and try to understand all the difficulties people have to face.

What he said.
I'm a libertarian for the same reasons most of you are socialists. I love social justice, and all that fun stuff (I don't think I have to explain, you all know what I'm talking about here). My problem with socialism is that it contradicts itself with economics. Socialists are all about the government getting their hands out of people's lives, but have no problem with those hand being in people's pockets. If you can control the money, the people will follow, and thus the system breaks down. Libertarianism does away with this down fall because it gets their hands out of the pockets, thus out of our lives (all but for the really necessary bits, like homicide prevention).
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