INFJ Men and Babies

I avoid babies to the extreme. I do this because they are prone to do gross things, but more importantly, they are simply too much of a responsibility, which I find a burden when around them, like I worry too much about all the ways they can damage themselves.

So I am asking other INFJ men to let me know if you're pro-baby or if you're aloof to them as I am.

Odd, maybe you're not an INFJ, I am an INFJ and I adore children. Their purity and innocence is to be guarded, and protected at all costs, thier lives are of the utmost importance and I would gladly lay down my own to spare there's without having to think about it.

Every day I get to watch my nieces grow is a privilege, a fucking privilege, life has little meaning, but some of the meaning I have been able to extract from life has come from these children. They make me want to be a better person.

I alwyas thought INFJs had a natural maternal almost isntinct when it came to children. I have always been good with them. Animals too. They trust me, they feel my calmness, my love for them, my appreciation for what they are. When I pick them up and pull them in close my eyes instantly well with tears and I have to fight them back, its not sadness, its utter blinding joy that's uncontainable like my heart is bursting with light.

So I am having a hard time of understanding your point of view in this...

I can understand the constant Ni based worry of things that can happen, and its exhausting, but thats true of ALL life, you can have a meteor land on your house tonight.

Caring for children, NOTHING could be more natural, its built into your DNA for fucks sake.

Just stop being a vag, pick them up and dont be afraid, theyre not gonna break.

Let the love flow and see what I am talking about!
The sad irony of the world and my MBTI type is that I would make a phenomenal nanny/child taker-carer but I have a penis, so thats pretty impossible... oh and scary tattoos.
For the first few months, babies are nothing but digestive tracts with sirens on top.

I'm an INTP male, but my experience with babies years ago was not too bad. Taking care of them is easy to learn and they're very cute. Cuteness is an evolutionary adaptation that keeps parents from throwing babies out the window.
Cuteness is an evolutionary adaptation that keeps parents from throwing babies out the window.

LOL. Except when you find excessive cuteness nauseating. I don't find babies all that cute in the majority of cases. Laughing babies makes me cringe and want to leave the room. Not to say they can't be, but the cuteness just doesn't cut it for me.
Pro, always have been good with them ever since I was a kid

Yes, I like holding and feeding babies. I don't like changing their diapers, though. Sometimes I find their crying loud at night, but that causes me to worry about them, not dislike them.

My favorite thing to do is read to a child and attempt to communicate with them. The sooner they learn language, the better off they'll be.

I find myself feeling a lot of frustration towards parents who actively discourage their children's intellectual development. For instance, one parent told their kids to shut up, as if they were doing something wrong, while they were talking to each other trying to solve a math problem.

Yes, I like holding and feeding babies. I don't like changing their diapers, though. Sometimes I find their crying loud at night, but that causes me to worry about them, not dislike them.

My favorite thing to do is read to a child and attempt to communicate with them. The sooner they learn language, the better off they'll be.

I find myself feeling a lot of frustration towards parents who actively discourage their children's intellectual development. For instance, one parent told their kids to shut up, as if they were doing something wrong, while they were talking to each other trying to solve a math problem.

Totally intellectually all I see is MASSIVE potential, for everything that they can learn, for all that I can give them... for the contributions and the impact I can make to give them an edge. I also hate when parents discourage their childrens intellectual development.
I knew a girl when I was a teen who used insipid baby language and sounds to communicate to her baby.... exclusively.

The dimbo couldn't understand later why her baby was delayed in developing speech.
I knew a girl when I was a teen who used insipid baby language and sounds to communicate to her baby.... exclusively.

The dimbo couldn't understand later why her baby was delayed in developing speech.
Same with my ex niehbors 3 kids, all had speech problems because thier mother makes them num nums and do weeeee wannaaa go get some iccceekweeeam? frickin idiots..
Totally intellectually all I see is MASSIVE potential, for everything that they can learn, for all that I can give them... for the contributions and the impact I can make to give them an edge. I also hate when parents discourage their childrens intellectual development.

I completely agree. Not to say I would spend all day cracking a ruler to my child and forcing textbook knowledge down their throats. Rather be directly involved and actively teach them something new everyday. Mix it up a bit, do math, reading, writing, science, art, music, etc. It'd be best if I could make games out of it. Not video games but rather little competitions or threats (in the manner of 'if you can't answer this I'll tickle-monster you 'till you wet yourself). You know those puzzle books with sudoku, crosswords, and logic problems? My favorite memories with my mom were when we'd sit down and do them together.

This thread has made me pretty homesick to see all my cousins who are growing up without me.
I like babies. I'm the oldest of 4 kids, 2 of them were born when I was a preteen, so I know how much work they can be. I couldn't dislike them just because they're high maintenance, loud and not born with the brain of an intelligent adult. That doesn't seem fair. Babies are full of wonder. Everything they experience is brand new, and they're a blank slate that you have the chance to influence. I think many people are afraid of/ dislike babies because they're unpredictable. While that makes me nervous around them, I'm just overcome by their adorable newness :)
I guess my Fe just finds the 'take care of someone helpless' mentality hard to resist.
I want a baby.

And I would take it to Disney World.

I grew up looking after kids. I come from a big family so I didn't much of a choice, I was forced to look after my younger siblings. I like kids in general. Babies? well, only when they are asleep. I don't know what it is, but when people hand me a baby they usually fall asleep in my arms. I don't like it when parents go "Awwwwww." It makes me feel very awkward and uncomfortable. Strangely enough my INTP father also has the same effect on babies.
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I love kids. I have a 2 year old nephew and since the minute he was born I have cherished every minute I get to spend with him. It's great when you spend an hour teaching them something and they finally pick it up. The joy they get from just being able to snap their fingers or whistle makes the world more simple. It makes it possible to be a kid again when everything in the world seemed so much more amazing. It's the simple joys that make it all the worth while.

Plus I come from a large family so I helped in a way raise my younger siblings and know the pains and joys of kids. At times you can't help but hug them and love them for everything they and at other times, you just want to shoot yourself but those good times when you see that little bit of amazement and joy that they get from simple things makes all the pain worth it. I personally am very excited to have a child of my own someday just because I want to experience that joy of watching a child grow up. That feeling of great pride when you see your child take their first step, graduate from the first grade, go onto high school, etc... I feel it in a way when it comes to my nephew and siblings but not as strongly as I know I would as a parent.

Lastly I just have always been good around kids. I don't do the baby voice but I am dork. I will play legos with little kids, i will play with action figures, i will pretend to be the massive giant coming destroy the barbie house because I just enjoy seeing kids laugh and have fun. And because of this in a way, I gain the child's respect. Example, a little funny story. I was at the mall with my sister and her friend with their kids who are about the same age at around 2. My sister and her friend wanted to hold their kids hands as they walked across the street but they refused. I simply held out my hand though and they both ran up and held it and didn't want to let go when we had to leave. Another one was when my nephew had a ball and my sister wanted it from him so he could get ready. He refused to give it to her but when I walked up and asked him for it he gave it to me.

So people say kids can be hard and don't listen, which can be true but also I feel that a lot of people get scared because of this and just forget to enjoy themselves. It's hard work but it can be fun too if you can be a kid yourself, especially if you find a way to share your imagination with them. Kid's love nothing more than to pretend. A few cardboard boxes can be a much greater adventure than any expsensive toy. :)
Babies are wonderful!

I suggest a garnish of soy sauce, served with garlic bread and salad, between two hunks of hearty italian bread.
Babies require apple sauce, not soy.

Would be best served with diced roast apples with cinnamon stirred into minced thigh meat on toasted ciabatta bread with a light, ungarnished, steamed salad. I would go with leafy spinach.

Human flesh is more akin to pork than salmon.
Oh Shai, as ever you illustrate your lack of taste and originality!

You are definately no Hanninbal!