I'm on a train operator education, it's not an INFJ job, but I'm very analytical when it comes to money and the future, and this education will get me a lot of pay and it's a payed education that lasts only a year.

The reason I'm doing it is mainly because of the financial crisis, which I think have just started, and with this job, I don't have to worry about getting fired.

The dream job is to be a politician
I'm in education.
I do not work...I stay home.

Though I am an artist and a writer I have yet to make much money from either.
Academic advisor. In short, I help undergraduates figure out what they want to do in life, and help them get there. :)
Academic advisor. In short, I help undergraduates figure out what they want to do in life, and help them get there. :)

I'd prefer this to teaching. That's probably a more ideal job because it involves one to one rather than large groups.
I want arbygils job... sounds really neat.

I'm a sleep tech.

Hooking up people with CPAP machines so they can breathe properly.

I only work Friday night because the rest of the week I'm going to school.
I want arbygils job... sounds really neat.

I'm a sleep tech.

Hooking up people with CPAP machines so they can breathe properly.

I only work Friday night because the rest of the week I'm going to school.

I think we all would love it!!

BUt hey I know lots about your job as everyone in my family has had to have a cPap...Im kinda doomed!
I work in healthcare and look after people who r mobility challenged and I work a whole ton in geriatric care.

I usually get jobs that r working with people who r paliative, and those with various types of dementia.

I spend a lot of time with families while their loved one die, sometimes even when I am there.

I used to work with troubled teens and special needs children and adults before I had children of my own...

My dream job is to work from home where I can (wishing) make a living from my writing in preferrably freelance style written forms or a freelance journalist...

(I'll have to really work on my spelling tho) ;)
A job that currently pays bills is business analyst in IT. Software engineer by profession. Dream job - writer :)
Military Intelligence Analyst.
Military Intelligence Analyst.

Wow really? That's very interesting. Could your elaborate or would you have to kill me?
Joking, but that really is interesting.

I supervise UAW employees at a GM parts Warehouse. I currently supervise a shipping area on 2nd Shift. The pay is more than adequete, and I get good to very good reviews, but it is not a very favorable match for my skills (or maybe I should say needs). You don't get to be very creative, at least in the way I like to. They thrive on "Company Men", although my current boss is great and appreciates multiple viewpoints--including mine.
Arbygil, your job sounds appealing.

I'm in the process of getting a job. I'm qualified as a registered nurse, but any work that I do will likely not be common/traditional nursing work - not my cup of coco.
I'd prefer this to teaching. That's probably a more ideal job because it involves one to one rather than large groups.

I've sort of wanted to teach too, but small classrooms - specifically creative writing. But I dunno, I'll have to see. Maybe if I ever finish my Masters I'll try for it.
I want arbygils job... sounds really neat.

I think we all would love it!!

Arbygil, your job sounds appealing.

I wish I didn't have so much paperwork - that's the biggest downside. And because we're on a dual advising model (core and departmental - we're the core side) it can be tough communicating the needs of the student to faculty. Added to the fact that we can be seen as "glorified clerks" and things get testy.

But I do like it, I really do. I've had many, many jobs in the past and this one by far beats out all the rest. Except for the writing for comics bit. That one's #1.
I'm a chemistry major (plan on going all the way to p.H.d). Being an INFJ can be a good indicator to saying what jobs you might like, but it shouldn't be a driving force for you (I mean, as you can see, we are all over the place as far as career). You really need to just sit down, do some soul searching, and figure out exactly what you like and what you want to do with that.
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Arbygil, what kind of educational background or qualifications did you need for your job?

Not a lot, really - a bachelor's degree and a desire to work with students (and a lot of luck on the inside). Each university is different, though. Some universities use full time faculty alone, but on bigger campuses (like ours) it really is a good idea to have different core advisors.