In an ideal world, how would you prefer to be?


Right the First Time!
If you woke up one day and you were in paradise, where there was no work or school, no societal expectations or influences, no unwelcome pressure, everything you do is approved of and encouraged by others.

How would you act? What would you do with your time? What would be important to you there?

Consider it in mbti terms perhaps.
I'll be back after I explore the place.
I would probably explore as well. After some exploring, I would sit in a field and learn all I could about people and medicine. During that time, I would try my best to help all those who are in sickness or suffering.
Another for exploration. I would seek out the musicians in 'paradise' and dance for a long time in the clothes I fashioned out of surrounding materials. I wouldn't wear shoes and I'd keep my water in a drinking jar. I'd probably finally be able to live as the minimalist that I wish I was.

I like to think that I'd prance around introducing myself to others but I probably wouldn't. I'd secretly be aching for more people to introduce themselves to me.
Maybe I'm weird but I enjoy the struggles in life at time. I'd get bored having everything go right all the time. I also thrive off of proving my worth so if everyone already believes in me, I've got nothin
Maybe I'm weird but I enjoy the struggles in life at time. I'd get bored having everything go right all the time. I also thrive off of proving my worth so if everyone already believes in me, I've got nothin

It is supposed to be YOUR ideal world, struggles, things going wrong, having to prove yourself etc. could all be a part of that world if you want. The important thing is that it is all welcomed by you, not forced on you.

For everyone: Do you think you would be the same type in that world? What if you were born and raised there?
It is supposed to be YOUR ideal world, struggles, things going wrong, having to prove yourself etc. could all be a part of that world if you want. The important thing is that it is all welcomed by you, not forced on you.

For everyone: Do you think you would be the same type in that world? What if you were born and raised there?
Well, I think my ideal world would be the same one I'm living in now...but with a society that is more focused on the happiness of the group AND individual rather than either/or. Other than that I wouldn't change a thing, including type and upbringing.
For everyone: Do you think you would be the same type in that world? What if you were born and raised there?

I wonder if MBTI would exist as we know it now? I'm not really sure where that thought was headed so I'll back track and just say yes I would be but I'd probably feel much better understood by my peers.

This is fun to fantasize about! Because now I'm imagining being able to communicate clearly all my observations and ideas then hearing in response a whole lot of "Yes! I can see how you'd arrive at that!" rather than blank stares. A lot more shared laughter too.

The more I consider this though, the more I realize my introversion wouldn't exist as strongly. Especially if I was born and raised, I'd probably feel the desire to sort of 'rule' the paradise.
i would :m159: explore tooo!!!!

i would learn about each and everything there is... and then i would use what i learn to help others!!!

and myself...... :m2:

but for myself....i would help myself reach my dreams and goals.....

sounds soooo funn

then i would be very happy!!!!!



but.. i don't know if it's going to be perfect everytime.....BECAUSE if we were all soooo very happy.....then we wouldn't know what the other emotions would feel like....and i think as time passes by..... it wouldn't be a paradise after all......

and i don't know about the change of MBTI type..maybe everyone would be more of an extrovert??!?! i don't know...... or comfortable with almost everything
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It would be a hedonist-utopia, filled with people living collectively and all fulfilled, exploring beauty and nature and eachother.
I'd be a little less "I" and a little more "F" and less "J"

I love my "N" side though.

The only drawback is that when I start a new job or something, I'm completely useless until my brain calibrates by taking in a few experiences for my internal table.

Then I start predicting things before they happen :D
How can this be considered in MBTI terms?:ohwell:
How can this be considered in MBTI terms?:ohwell:

If you have a shitty job which you hate and have to act ISTJ all the time you might think you're ISTJ but it's just circumstance bringing you down, ideally if the world fully encouraged you to be yourself (say all your basic needs are met and you're free to do as you please) then maybe you might find you're actually much more ENFPish than you thought.

It's an exercise that attempts to remove the nutured side of your personality from the nature vs nature equation.

Basically what I'm saying is in an ideal world you all might be hedonistic SPs living for the day. :thumb:
I would want to be some place beautiful by the ocean or a lake with my love. I would want to share a lot of time being intimate in every possible way with him. I would be at my best creative output expressing everything of beauty around me and my love would grow, solve problems, contribute, and be appreciated and respected. I would interact with other intelligent and kind people and share skills and interact and mutually contribute without any competition. I think I would also meditate and come to understand the meaning of all things.
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It is supposed to be YOUR ideal world, struggles, things going wrong, having to prove yourself etc. could all be a part of that world if you want. The important thing is that it is all welcomed by you, not forced on you.

For everyone: Do you think you would be the same type in that world? What if you were born and raised there?

If you were born and raised there, I don't think that we would be the same type at all. (and this is based on opinion) I think that the hardships in life that we face, and the experiences we have teach us lessons that change how we respond to events. When you're a child, if you touch a burning pan on the stove, and you burn yourself, you then know not to touch a burning pan. So if the MBTI test were to ask "What would you do if you saw a pan cooking on the stove?" you would say "Don't touch the pan". Unless of course you're masichistic, but we can talk about that another time....
I just think that without the lives we've lived so far, our types would alter, just as we would.
I'd be a little less "I" and a little more "F" and less "J"

(Begins to sing "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley)
"A little less introversion, a little more feeling please.... All this judgemental-ness ain't satisfactioning me...A little less I, a little more J-A little less---" Sorry. It just fit too perfectly....
If you were born and raised there, I don't think that we would be the same type at all. (and this is based on opinion) I think that the hardships in life that we face, and the experiences we have teach us lessons that change how we respond to events. When you're a child, if you touch a burning pan on the stove, and you burn yourself, you then know not to touch a burning pan. So if the MBTI test were to ask "What would you do if you saw a pan cooking on the stove?" you would say "Don't touch the pan". Unless of course you're masichistic, but we can talk about that another time....
I just think that without the lives we've lived so far, our types would alter, just as we would.

Ahh but would that be answering honestly? Your initial inclination was to touch the pan. So your answer would be I have a natural inclination to touch pans but the world has taught me that's a bad thing.

So if you are a naturally introverted quiet child that likes solitude (being introverted represents touching the pan) so you kept to yourself and stayed quiet (you touched the pan), say all of the extroverts you know told you that way of being is horrible and rude behaviour and rejected you for it (represents the pain and burning from the pan).

Then the MBTI asks are you naturally quiet and enjoy solitude?

a) No I hate quietness and solitude I associate them with rejection (pain)
b) Yes, I naturally do prefer quietness and solitude but external circumstance has lead me to surpress that side of me.

Which is a more honest reflection of your natural (innate) inclinations?
In an ideal world, I would go to the beach, look for shells, paint...

In an ideal world, I would be much braver than I really am.