I love looking into my INFJ's eyes...
Even just when it's flashes of it for a half second, it's like we're actually looking inside each other.
I've never experienced anything like it. It's great for a second, or I could do it all day long.
Is this a normal thing with you INFJs when you're in love?
(She's definitely in love with me, so that's not a question about her and I.)
I thought I'd been legitimately in love before, and I don't remember ever feeling like I was looking into someone or vice-versa. Compared to this, I was just looking "at" their eyes.
Even just when it's flashes of it for a half second, it's like we're actually looking inside each other.
I've never experienced anything like it. It's great for a second, or I could do it all day long.
Is this a normal thing with you INFJs when you're in love?
(She's definitely in love with me, so that's not a question about her and I.)
I thought I'd been legitimately in love before, and I don't remember ever feeling like I was looking into someone or vice-versa. Compared to this, I was just looking "at" their eyes.