i cannot imagine how the afterlife would be


Regular Poster
sometimes i feel guilty when i do something bad because i think my grandfather is watching me...

can dead people see living people and watch them?

do ghosts really exist?

could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.
what happens to the atheists?

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?
no soul, no nothing?

sorry if there has been a post about this recently....
i looked through all the threads and didnt see anything so hopefully im not too
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can dead people see living people and watch them?

Sure, why not.

do ghosts really exist?

In my experience definitely yes. I spent way too much time on Okinawa, saw things, and experienced things that have no other explanation.

could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?
Like a post-mortem Club Med? Jose! You are OURS for LIFE and AFTERLIFE! WOO HOO!

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...
If I believed in hell, I suppose I would take the time to imagine it. But I don't.

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.
what happens to the atheists?

They become vampires.

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?
no soul, no nothing?

If that is what you believe, then that will happen to you! You don't want to dissipate into some cosmic karmic abyss? Then believe that something else will happen to you! Reincarnation, Undead Club Med, heaven, hell, rebirth into an alternate universe, or waking from the matrix....whatever.

None of this is probably helpful because I am in an odd sort of mood today.
Come to think of it, it has been a long long time since the forum has experienced one of these odd mood swings of mine....

muah ha ha ha ha ha ha
sometimes i feel guilty when i do something bad because i think my grandfather is watching me...

can dead people see living people and watch them?


do ghosts really exist?


could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?

Nope, I can't actually imagine that.

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...

Nope, can't imagine that either. I'm not certain what hell is like but I tend to think of it as souls suffering in the misery they created for themselves.

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.
what happens to the atheists?

I think God lectures those people for a good long while. I'm not certain he would bar them entirely from heaven. I think it depends on the person and isn't a simple answer. God is there with you every moment of your life, so he knows everything about you. He passes judgment based intimately on who you are.

I used to think what gave God the right to judge anyone, until I realized he walks with us. The saying, "Don't judge me until you've walked in my shoes," applies here.

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?
no soul, no nothing?

I used to think so too. Then I began to have faith, and eventually saw a spirit, so I really can't go back to thinking along those lines. I've seen too much that says otherwise.
I think God lectures those people for a good long while. I'm not certain he would bar them entirely from heaven. I think it depends on the person and isn't a simple answer. God is there with you every moment of your life, so he knows everything about you. He passes judgment based intimately on who you are.

I used to think what gave God the right to judge anyone, until I realized he walks with us. The saying, "Don't judge me until you've walked in my shoes," applies here.

So I'm going to be lectured for not worshipping an egotistical prick without any evidence for his existance?

Looks like it's hell for me.
How does God punish Scientologists in heaven?
sometimes i feel guilty when i do something bad because i think my grandfather is watching me...

can dead people see living people and watch them?

do ghosts really exist?

could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.
what happens to the atheists?

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?
no soul, no nothing?

sorry if there has been a post about this recently....
i looked through all the threads and didnt see anything so hopefully im not too

No. There is no knowledge nor understanding in the grave. The dead are not conscious, they do not see or feel anything.

If by ghosts you include the Holy Spirit or angelic beings then sure, but not disembodied souls of dead humans (or other animals for that matter).

I could certainly imagine waking up surrounded by corpses or by those who we thought were dead, but bit ghosts.

I believe that the proper interpretation of the bible teaches that when we die we simply cease to exist, but that our existence is not over forever. The day is coming when all who ever lived will be resurrected and judged. Those in Christ will be raised incorruptible and will live forever on the New Earth (they don't go to heaven, although you could argue that heaven comes to them when the Kingdom of God comes to full fruition), while the rest will again cease to exist and will have their remains utterly destroyed (their corpes go to hell/gehenna, but they aren't alive anymore to experience torment there).
I really don't spend much time thinking about what happens when one dies. I've got so little time to live, why waste it worrying about something inevitable? I'll deal with being dead when I die.

That being said, I don't believe we can really comprehend what happens when we die. I don't know whether or not I think the conscious goes on existing somewhere, but I do believe that there is some other level of existence. I think it's more of a oneness with everything and it's without thoughts. I believe there is comfort in death because it is without the pain of living. I don't believe in a hell because I don't believe in a vengeful god. I don't believe that human existence is important enough in the grand scheme of things to warrant a place of eternal suffering. In fact, I see it as a very egotistical belief. Human life is important to me because I am one and I am living it, but I hardly believe it to be of consequence to the rest of the universe/existence/energy/god/what-ever.
Yes ghosts are watching you all the time, especially when you're in the shower.

I imagine being dead is a nothingness, like a dreamless sleep.
sometimes i feel guilty when i do something bad because i think my grandfather is watching me...

can dead people see living people and watch them?


do ghosts really exist?


could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?

That would be extremely random, so perhaps at times when I'm in an idiotic mood, (like right now), then yes, and I'd probably start laughing about it. Bot normally, no, I could not see myself imagining it.

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...

Not really. But having said that, I've probably inadvertantly caused it to happen through the means of the theory of predeterminism.

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.

I'm spiritual, so sure.

what happens to the atheists?

The atheists don't really believe in it so they would have their own, boring dimension :)

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?

Nah, we are all with a life force that science cannot duplicate. Our life force is energy, and when it leaves one form, it doesn't just stop. It just finds another outlet.

no soul, no nothing?

^^ see above ^^ :D

sorry if there has been a post about this recently....
i looked through all the threads and didnt see anything so hopefully im not too

Not annoying, no worries. I think these kinds of questions are normal to consider, and interesting to talk about.
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Whatever happens in the afterlife couldn't be imagined. Whatever's over there, it doesn't involve brains (that decomposes) and possibly doesn't involve minds either (that arises from brains). All we're left with are souls (whatever those are).

So yeah, I agree with your title.
sometimes i feel guilty when i do something bad because i think my grandfather is watching me...

I would be more concerned about God watching me.
Still its a nice thought to have someone that was close to you watching over you.
Who knows? I don't.

can dead people see living people and watch them?

Depends. If you mean that they can watch people from heaven or hell then the answer is most likely no, but again its a nice thought.

do ghosts really exist?

Not yet by scientific means. However I firmly believe in their existence.

could you imagine just waking up somewhere with a whole bunch of dead people in this awesome vacation resort?

Depends, if the place was haunted or I happen to be in heaven or hell *gulp*

or could you imagine waking up in terrible pain burning in hell or something...

No, I have faith in God and that Jesus died on the cross for me. I trust that God will make the right decision.

regardless if youre not religious this still applies to you.
what happens to the atheists?

As much as I hate saying it. People who don't put their faith in Jesus and believe in him will spend eternity in hell (including the atheists)
Unfortunately this is something that I cannot and will not sugar coat. Remember that this is what I believe in.
I have no intention of forcing someone to believe in something that they don't believe in. This is an individual choice.

do we just completely black out and not exist any more?
no soul, no nothing?

I sincerely hope not and this is something that I constantly think about. But I believe that we will all be judged by God and that God will decide our fates.

sorry if there has been a post about this recently....
i looked through all the threads and didnt see anything so hopefully im not too

I believe that there is nothing wrong in asking questions. It shows your intelligence as an individual. As long as you ask and receive the answers with an open mind.
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