How to tell if you're an INFJ


Variable Hybrid
1. You would rather ponder the unknown than go out and be physically active if you were given the choice. (Ni > Se)
2. You would rather accommodate people's feelings than tell them a hurtful truth if you can help it. (Fe > Ti)
3. You care more about getting along with others than making waves. (Fe > Ne)
4. You care more about what goes on in your mind and imagination than socializing or being polite. (Ni > Fe)
5. You feel bad when you realize you weren't polite when you were lost in your imagination. (Ni > Fe)
6. You tend to classify people into groups more than stand up for everyone's rights as an individual. (Fe > Fi)
7. You're more concerned with the future than the past. (Ni > Si)
8. You care about a lot of people's feelings and well being, but are not very concerned with making sure they're being efficient. (Fe > Te)
9. You just don't fit in, even with the other people who don't fit in with anyone but themselves. (Ni > Ne)
10. You're kinda clumsy, yet can pull off some amazing physical feats sometimes. (Se inferior)
1. You would rather ponder the unknown than go out and be physically active if you were given the choice. (Ni > Se)
2. You would rather accommodate people's feelings than tell them a hurtful truth if you can help it. (Fe > Ti)
3. You care more about getting along with others than making waves. (Fe > Ne)
4. You care more about what goes on in your mind and imagination than socializing or being polite. (Ni > Fe)
5. You feel bad when you realize you weren't polite when you were lost in your imagination. (Ni > Fe)
6. You tend to classify people into groups more than stand up for everyone's rights as an individual. (Fe > Fi)
7. You're more concerned with the future than the past. (Ni > Si)
8. You care about a lot of people's feelings and well being, but are not very concerned with making sure they're being efficient. (Fe > Te)
9. You just don't fit in, even with the other people who don't fit in with anyone but themselves. (Ni > Ne)
10. You're kinda clumsy, yet can pull off some amazing physical feats sometimes. (Se inferior)

Interesting and helpful list. And, according to the list, I'm not an INFJ. I wonder what some of the other members think about this list; I think it's fairly spot on.
Heh, these are just indicators, and not to be considered scientific facts.

The ones you didn't highlight are Ni dominant indicators. Maybe you're an ENFJ?

The group that are in bold were wrong for me. I don't have particularly strong Fe, in fact it's almost non-existent, so I doubt that i'm an ENFJ
The group that are in bold were wrong for me. I don't have particularly strong Fe, in fact it's almost non-existent, so I doubt that i'm an ENFJ

I kind of like the last one... only because I'm always falling down for no apparent reason.

A lot of INFJs seem to think they're clumsy.. are we not looking at the sidewalk? :P
11. You came realized you were an INFJ because it explains what the hell is wrong with you, rather than deciding you're an INFJ because it is the rarest type, and you want to feel special. (INFJ > INFP)


And yes, the list describes me VERY well.
Except I think you need to include the part about how passionate we are about our ideals and how blinded we can get in support of them. (NFJ)

And how we sometimes will be dismissive of other people's opinions, not because we MUST be right, but because we can't always take SO much information coming in at once due to introverted Intuition, we need time to consider things (INFJ>INFP) haha.
The group that are in bold were wrong for me. I don't have particularly strong Fe, in fact it's almost non-existent, so I doubt that i'm an ENFJ

Do you not have strong Fe?
Or not strong Feeling?

Cuz if you are sure that you are a feeler but you introvert your feeling, and are sure of being an introvert and an intuitive, then you are an INFP.

Do you not have strong Fe?
Or not strong Feeling?

Cuz if you are sure that you are a feeler but you introvert your feeling, and are sure of being an introvert and an intuitive, then you are an INFP.

I do have strong Fi but I'm not a feeler, nor am I an INFP. INFPs and I don't mix that well. So, it appears I might be a NT of some sorts.
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I do have strong Fi but I'm not a feeler, nor am I an INFP. INFPs and I don't mix that well. So, it appears I might be a NT of some sorts.

INTJ it seems.
Wow! That's a really good list :o

I do understand the amazing physical feats one XD it's weird when you do something absolutely amazing and unexpected when before you were walking into letterboxes and tripping over air.
How to tell if you're am INFJ

1. You would rather ponder the unknown than go out and be physically active if you were given the choice. (Ni > Se)
2. You would rather accommodate people's feelings than tell them a hurtful truth if you can help it. (Fe > Ti)
3. You care more about getting along with others than making waves. (Fe > Ne)
4. You care more about what goes on in your mind and imagination than socializing or being polite. (Ni > Fe)
5. You feel bad when you realize you weren't polite when you were lost in your imagination. (Ni > Fe)
6. You tend to classify people into groups more than stand up for everyone's rights as an individual. (Fe > Fi)
7. You're more concerned with the future than the past. (Ni > Si)
8. You care about a lot of people's feelings and well being, but are not very concerned with making sure they're being efficient. (Fe > Te)
9. You just don't fit in, even with the other people who don't fit in with anyone but themselves. (Ni > Ne)
10. You're kinda clumsy, yet can pull off some amazing physical feats sometimes. (Se inferior)

I woulf say this all fits pretty precisely except for #10. Before the inury to the right heisphere of my brain, depriving me of my sense of balance and the sense of where the left side of my body is in space, I was quite athletic--rock-climbing, backpacking, sports, etc. Though when I think about it, I could be pretty klutzy on a playing field, much to my team mates' detriment.]
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Very nice VH!!!

I don't fit that list very much I think. Can you do one of those for INFP's??? :D please!!! :D

I don't agree with no 11. I realised first I was INFJ because it explained what the hell was wrong with me. Now I think I think I tested that type because I wasn't being myself in the past and that I fit the INFP bill better. But I never wanted to be INFJ because it is rare and special!
11. You realized you were an INFJ because it explains what the hell is wrong with you, rather than deciding you're an INFJ because it is the rarest type, and you want to feel special. (INFJ > INFP)
Bravo! *claps*

I definitely see being an INFJ as what the hell is "wrong" with me. All these characteristics fit me perfectly. I just do not fit in, wherever I go. And I finally know why! Although, it does make me feel kind of special that we are rare. o.o But I didn't know that until I took the test and was like, "INFJ? *googles*"
Yes to all of it.