How often do you question yourself or perceptions?


How often do you question yourself - what you know, observe or see?

How often do you think "is it just me?", "am i right," "am i seeing things clearly", "am i just seeing things"?

How often do you question and check your perceptions?

How often do you find that your initial perceptions of a person or situation are correct, but you doubt yourself and dismiss it?
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All the flipping time. I get sick of myself quite often, lol.
all the time.
about the last one though - im not right that often
All the time for the whole post
so, i'm not alone then *whew*
For me I'm generally questioning actions of the past or of the future the present gets left alone and generally I'm right on my initial perception.
yeah i can relate to what you're askin here and for me i'm really trying to find a balance here. i'm trying to just let my intuition guide me through experiences more often as i've noticed its a hella lot easier. not to say that i don't still stop and think about things, i just think that some situations require it more than others so right now i'm really searching for that balance through recognition of what situations should just flow and which ones warrant a little more attention and self analysis. intuition isn't always right, but it doesn't always have to be either.
it's an infj thing, not only are we weird, we know it.
I do this all the time. It seems good to be aware that your own perspective isn't necessarily truth, but in excess its paralyzing to not be sure of anything.
I make an effort to reflect on my perceptions often. I analyze my thoughts and feelings about people or events all the time. i wouldn't say I question myself though because that kinda implies doubt. I am not rigid though. I constantly re-evaluate situations and people and am capable of adapting my worldview accordingly to new information or insights. I think it comes from my Te. It doesn't make sense to not be flexible and adaptable. People change constantly. Yourself as an individual changes constantly. Life is always in motion. Adapt, Adapt, Adapt is an important part of having a working strategy for dealing with the world. I am constantly striving for balance and part of that is reflecting on my actions, my thoughts, my perceptions.
How often do you question yourself - what you know, observe or see?

How often do you think "is it just me?", "am i right," "am i seeing things clearly", "am i just seeing things"?

How often do you question and check your perceptions?

How often do you find that your initial perceptions of a person or situation are correct, but you doubt yourself and dismiss it?

Depends on the pattern. If it's an area in which my intuitions have failed me, I question my intuitions. If it's an area in which my intuitions are usually accurate, I don't question them.

It's usually the case that I think I'm right, but I just pretend like I don't know because there's little to be gained by going with the first impression.

I'm a little confused by the way the questions are phrased though. Sounds like we're questioning what we actually perceive rather than our interpretations? If I "missee" or "mishear", it's because I wasn't paying attention in the first place and tried to fill in the blanks.
How often do you question yourself - what you know, observe or see?
I don't question myself until what I know, observe or see is proven to be otherwise, and that is rare. However, I don't base opinions on things or debate things unless I am 100% confident in myself. So I never really have to worry about being proved wrong.

How often do you think "is it just me?", "am i right," "am i seeing things clearly", "am i just seeing things"?

How often do you question and check your perceptions?
I check my perceptions all the time. I try to look at things from every possible angle before I make up my mind. So until I arrive at a conclusion that fits for me, I try to learn as much as I can about whatever it is in question and then I stick with it.

How often do you find that your initial perceptions of a person or situation are correct, but you doubt yourself and dismiss it?
Never. My initial perceptions of people are pretty much always correct. But all you can do is make a perception or judgment based on what little people show. Over time, my perceptions tend to expand, rather than change, as I get to know the person better, but people are very very easy to read for me.
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I do try to make a point to question myself frequently. I fail from time to time, though
How often do you question yourself - what you know, observe or see?

I question what I know quite often. I usually don't have problems with interpreting observations through sense, I usually don't pay much attention.

How often do you think "is it just me?", "am i right," "am i seeing things clearly", "am i just seeing things"?

Conceptually, a lot. Though not much just based sense observations.

How often do you question and check your perceptions?

I do this quite a bit. I question whether I am interpreting something the same way someone else would. Therefore, I find myself often wondering how others interpret things.

How often do you find that your initial perceptions of a person or situation are correct, but you doubt yourself and dismiss it?

I generally don't make many perceptions about a person unless something really stands out. Often I am surprised when others point out so many things about other people.

In situations, I think I am much better at coming up with why things are the way they are, but I don't know if I do the best with attributing value judgements to any of that.
I never used to question my perceptions but when i realized how much i missed or didn't see because i was stuck in my own thinking, i started to question things more. But now it seems i question almost everything which is not good. I wish i had more awareness, so that i didn't question myself so much. It's uncomfortable feeling as if you're always missing something, especially when everyone else seems to be aware.
I question myself all the time, it is just the way I am. All I can do is thing every one else is posting honestly...
It's uncomfortable feeling as if you're always missing something, especially when everyone else seems to be aware.

And this is what all of the 'aware' people around you are thinking. :D
I question myself all the time. I also question others all the time.
Hell, I think I just question everything.