How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

I only got 55. No matter how many countries I know, my brain just freezes up and I can't recall them. I didn't even type in India.

Second attempt - got 63, then froze again.

EDIT: Third attempt - 62 ... I quit.
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that was fun! The first time I didn't get what i was meant to do and though i had to guess the name of the country by some sort of description, so i wasted like a minute.

Second try I got: 111 guessed, 84 remaining
Suggestion for another test: "How many ephemera can you name in 5 centuries?" ;)
102 :D

It was easier for me to go by region. I kept this little map in my head the entire time.
75, I just froze up like BlinkandThink. I would go on a little streak in one region, then lose focus, the jump somewhere else on the map and repeat. maybe I'll try again later
I do this every now and then to keep my geography sharp, but alas I am a slow typist.
This time: 96 correct.
Got 73 this time! Froze a couple times but was able to jolt myself out of it. This is addictive.

EDIT: Now up to 82! Woot! I've found that I can improve my score by forcing myself to stick to a region instead of wandering to another one.

EDIT: 88!
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I got hung up on England, why didn't it work? I tried Great Britain. I didn't try united Kingdom though, hm
I got hung up on England, why didn't it work? I tried Great Britain. I didn't try united Kingdom though, hm

England is a section of the United Kingdom. Great Britain is the island on which it is located (excluding Northern Ireland).

Yeah, it can be a headache.
England is a section of the United Kingdom. Great Britain is the island on which it is located (excluding Northern Ireland).

Yeah, it can be a headache.

But England is still considered a country right? So I should have recieved a point, eh?
But England is still considered a country right? So I should have recieved a point, eh?

By "countries" it means sovereign nations. :P
I tried taking this, but got frusterated because of my absymal spelling skills, I misspelled half of the countries and it wouldn't count. I know quite a few countries though.
Great Britain was not on the list.
England was not on the list.
Scotland was not on the list.

I quit.

Edit: I tried again because I'm stubborn. Unfortunately, I can't spell without a spell checker (terrible Si). I had at least 30 nations I couldn't spell and skipped... like Lichtenstein, Guatemala, Afghanistan, Djibouti, etc. Funny thing is, I have a visual memory, and I can 'see' the whole map. I was just mentally moving across the continents. Got an 83 in spite of it. Probably would have been about a 110 if I could spell.
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