How does your intuition work?

How does your intuition work?

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defective wisdom
INFJ again
I wonder, how does your intuition (Ni) work exactly?

Is it a state of mind. Do you feel that when you're intuition is at work, that you are turned inwards, you go were your feeling (not emotions) lead you, you see the bigger picture, the connection with the world and the beauty in all things? And all your actions and thoughts arise from that place insight of you? And if so, are you in that state all the time, no matter what or is it a place where you can only be when you are alone and you pup out of it when you are among others?

Or is it more something that flashes up from time to time. A hint, a prediction, a feeling of something that is wrong, ...
I usually just know a response or whatever and go with it. Sometimes it's so bad that I'm not even sure what I have said because it is all bypassing my conscious mind. Then I have to wonder what I have talked about because I frankly don't remember. That can get really bad if the conversation is stressful because I am so focused on the emotions of the situation that I completely fail to remember what anyone is saying, including myself.

Weird, huh?
For me it is a state of mind. When I'm in it I know what to do. And it is not a knowing that comes from my mind or emotions but from a place deep within me. I can feel the world, the beauty of it and a connection to everything. But somehow in that state I'm also closed for other people. I'm turned into myself and don't want to invest in them. So I can only be there when I'm alone.

When I'm among people I'm turned outwards, I feel obligated to invest in them, to go outside and feel them out, feel what they feel, what they want from me, what they think of me, ... And give them everything they ask.

It is like I have two personalities, dr. Jackhal and mister hide. One pops out when I'm with people and the other when I'm alone.

The only problem is, when I have been "outside" for a long time, it is hard to me to get back into my "intuition state". And therefore, I'm starting to believe I'm not INFJ after all. Should the "intuition state" not be the most easy state for an INFJ? And is 'feeling people out' not more an ENFJ trade?

Or is this just midnight nonsense?? :loco:

But then I'm also turned inwards and can not feel other pe
I usually just know a response or whatever and go with it. Sometimes it's so bad that I'm not even sure what I have said because it is all bypassing my conscious mind. Then I have to wonder what I have talked about because I frankly don't remember. That can get really bad if the conversation is stressful because I am so focused on the emotions of the situation that I completely fail to remember what anyone is saying, including myself.

Weird, huh?

hey, nothing is weird :kiss:

See this is what I was fearing. I don't work like this at all! I can never respond to someone from my intuition just like that. My intuition never bypasses my conscious mind. It only comes out when I give it space (a lot of space if you ask me :shocked:).

:hurt: I'm not INFJ :becky:
hey, nothing is weird :kiss:

See this is what I was fearing. I don't work like this at all! I can never respond to someone from my intuition just like that. My intuition never bypasses my conscious mind. It only comes out when I give it space (a lot of space if you ask me :shocked:).

:hurt: I'm not INFJ :becky:
That doesn't prove you aren't INJF, It just means that your intuition goes in a different direction, or that your Ti is stronger then mine, or whatever the other differences are :)

The mental bypass I fall in isn't what makes me think I am INJF:Mainly it's the whole Ni Fe deal: I feel and respond directly to people's expressed or underlying emotions, and thinking in words about what they are saying either requires concentration or happens after the fact, unless I need to tell them something off topic. That tends to be in my mind as words while I wait for a chance to say it.

BTW, the above makes it really hard to 'win' an argument with someone I care about in an emotionally charged situation! What do I think about X? How the heck should I know? :)
I think intuition is always running, like a contant stream of consciousness in the background. It's part of me and although I try to shake it off or ignore it at times, it never leaves.
Intuition is never wrong.
We can ignore it, try to manipulate it, bargain with it or any other twisted thing we can come up with lol but it is never wrong. A lot of it you will see in hindsight.
I've hated my intuition at times when I so badly didn't want it to be right.
Intuition will never steer you wrong.
If you make a decision based on intuition and it turns out to be wrong, then you weren't listening to or hearing your intuition. You were driven by something else. Don't ever blame bad decisions on 'intuition gone wrong' because intuition is never wrong.
For me it comes in flashes :-)

Usually appearing when something's changing
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Intuition is one's antenna to the universe and all that we cannot see in the material world. It functions as a guidance for one's everyday life. Intuition development depends on the person as some are born more aware of it and others choose to ignore it and think only in the linear mind. Everyone has intuition and it can be developed if one gives it effort and time. If trained correctly it is probably the MOST powerful tool available to humans naturally.

Intuition is invaluable, it is the sixth sense. It is directly related to your subconscious which stores a lot more information than the conscious mind. Intuition gathers information not felt through the 5 senses ; for example just knowing when a person is a certain way but can't find a logical reason for it through linear thinking is a good example.

People experience intuition through various ways. Some can feel intuition through visions, some are auditory and my personal one - through the body. People who have trained or born with a gift in 6th sight are psychic but they use their intuition to gather data about all things we cannot explain through logic and material existence.

Intuition is directly related to the body and spirit and it is not a tool stemmed from the mind(conscious). One way to know if your intuition is working is to ask your body a question and it always has an answer.

intuition is suppose to lead you to your life purpose and it tells people through vibes, feelings and emotions and not through logic and linear thinking.

People always have a choice whether to live one's life through intuition or straight mind/logic. Most people use both whether they are aware or not. Most people use it in flight or fight response when the intuition warns of danger and such.

However, western society do not acknowledge intuition's benefit and in fact discourages gifted intuitives. It is dangerous to ignore one's intuition, especially if it is repetitive with a same message. The more one seperates mind and intuition which is symbolized through your body; more one is prone to development of disease. Diseases and sickness after all is a signal from the body that something needs to change.
I think intuition is always running, like a contant stream of consciousness in the background. It's part of me and although I try to shake it off or ignore it at times, it never leaves.
Intuition is never wrong.
We can ignore it, try to manipulate it, bargain with it or any other twisted thing we can come up with lol but it is never wrong. A lot of it you will see in hindsight.
I've hated my intuition at times when I so badly didn't want it to be right.
Intuition will never steer you wrong.
If you make a decision based on intuition and it turns out to be wrong, then you weren't listening to or hearing your intuition. You were driven by something else. Don't ever blame bad decisions on 'intuition gone wrong' because intuition is never wrong.

I couldn't agree with you more Sumone, and have said as much in other threads! Discard your Ni at you own risk!
It seems that mine intuition doesn't work like yours. It seems that I have no access to it when I'm with people. And if I want a hint from my intuition I have to focus on it or segregate myself to hear it.

I wish I had a better access to it because I also believe that my intuition tells me what is best for me. Most of the time I'm just believing what other people tells me (directly or indirectly). But I don't know ow to keep the connection among people...
It seems that mine intuition doesn't work like yours. It seems that I have no access to it when I'm with people. And if I want a hint from my intuition I have to focus on it or segregate myself to hear it.

I wish I had a better access to it because I also believe that my intuition tells me what is best for me. Most of the time I'm just believing what other people tells me (directly or indirectly). But I don't know ow to keep the connection among people...
As a Teaching Assistant, I help out students with labs dealing with stuff ranging from computer science to electrical engineering. The hardest thing is always to find out the student's problem. After they explain the problem, I often find myself zoning out and instantly knowing what's wrong.

When I help people on the suicide hotline, I still find myself zoning out during the conversation to try to figure out what the problem is, to figure out why this person has called.

Even during normal conversation, like this one girl was telling me about herself. I was asking the normal questions to myself, like "Why is this important?" We were walking and talking, and I felt myself zone out again, and then I understood what she said and why she said it.
...not sure if it's Ti or Ni though.
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It's a spiritual thing for me...

My intuition is there all the time, I live in a state where whenever I'm around people, I can sense their mood and somewhat / somehow what is going on for them and kinda how and who they are as it filters through to my energy field so easily.

I have described it as something like listening to a song. The song may change your mood somehow as something about it creates a feeling inside of you as you listen to it. The same happens to me when I'm around people. Sometimes it's overwealming for me and quite exsausting. It's like an emotional filter that is very open and I can experience that person or persons somewhat.

I like it somehow though, it has helped me determine who is who and I am usually right. It has kept me safe from harm on many occasions, and I have been better able to determine who is trustworthy and who is not... plus I can tell how others feel about me when I'm around them.

It is especially useful at work when I'm around dementia patients. In Uni, my prof said that she knew I'd be good at working with dementia patients because she saw I could "feel people". She was an awsome prof. and she made me feel more confident with my career choice being suitable for me.
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Yes Ria yes! When dealing with people with dementia or early Alzheimers it's a gift because you know through intuition what vibe to project to them.
Mine is at work all the time...
It seems that mine intuition doesn't work like yours. It seems that I have no access to it when I'm with people. And if I want a hint from my intuition I have to focus on it or segregate myself to hear it.

I wish I had a better access to it because I also believe that my intuition tells me what is best for me. Most of the time I'm just believing what other people tells me (directly or indirectly). But I don't know ow to keep the connection among people...
You may have over trained yourself to 'think things through' and 'not jump to conclusions'. When you are thinking things through do you feel that you are trying to find a solution, or are you checking a solution that you have already arrived at (via intuition)?

Myself, I find that when I 'think things through' about someone my Ti turns it all into a huge mess. If I rely on my Ni Fe I not only do better, I feel better about things. :) Thinking through about nonperson things (such as math, science, etc.) is still the way to go for me though.
My intuition is always in "if/then" mode. I'm always strategizing how an action is going to affect a result. It's not sufficient to just listen to my intuition and say "oh, my intution says so, it must mean it's correct" no, I try to know why it is correct. For example if I'm talking to someone I choose the words as correctly as possible and I exactly know what reaction I'm going to get from it. If we're arguing I know what to say to make the other person calm down and on top of that come to an agreement.

Funny thing is that I'm not even aware of this until someone comes with threads like these ones.
My intuition is there all the time, I live in a state where whenever I'm around people, I can sense their mood and somewhat / somehow what is going on for them and kinda how and who they are as it filters through to my energy field so easily.

I have described it as something like listening to a song. The song may change your mood somehow as something about it creates a feeling inside of you as you listen to it. The same happens to me when I'm around people. Sometimes it's overwealming for me and quite exsausting. It's like an emotional filter that is very open and I can experience that person or persons somewhat.

I do this too. But I called it Fe. I go into there mood, I feel there problems and emotions. But I never thought of that as intuition because it doesn't seem to come from the "all knowing source inside of me". It is there feeling that I get and not my intuition or whould you see this differently?

It is actualy a really great description Ria. Like you are listening to a song. I never thought of it that way. Other people can change my mood, who I am and how I act sometimes to that degree that I don't know myself anymore (unless I take some alonetime). Maybe if I keep in mind that it is just a song, there song and not mine, I will not loose my own song when I'm in company. This is great stuff to think about :kiss:

You may have over trained yourself to 'think things through' and 'not jump to conclusions'. When you are thinking things through do you feel that you are trying to find a solution, or are you checking a solution that you have already arrived at (via intuition)?

Myself, I find that when I 'think things through' about someone my Ti turns it all into a huge mess. If I rely on my Ni Fe I not only do better, I feel better about things. :) Thinking through about nonperson things (such as math, science, etc.) is still the way to go for me though.

Most of the times when I want to help someone, I'm checking in myself if a solution is poping up but mostly there is only background noise. Mostly I get some insides when I'm alone afterwards and at the moment itself I only give some emotional support. Maybe I'm not a good listener, or I discard my intuition before I get aware of it?
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I do this too. But I called it Fe. I go into there mood, I feel there problems and emotions. But I never thought of that as intuition because it doesn't seem to come from the "all knowing source inside of me". It is there feeling that I get and not my intuition or whould you see this differently?

It is actualy a really great description Ria. Like you are listening to a song. I never thought of it that way. Other people can change my mood, who I am and how I act sometimes to that degree that I don't know myself anymore (unless I take some alonetime). Maybe if I keep in mind that it is just a song, there song and not mine, I will not loose my own song when I'm in company. This is great stuff to think about :kiss:

Most of the times when I want to help someone, I'm checking in myself if a solution is poping up but mostly there is only background noise. Mostly I get some insides when I'm alone afterwards and at the moment itself I only give some emotional support. Maybe I'm not a good listener, or I discard my intuition before I get aware of it?

I don't think that when this happens, then other affect my mood per say, more like I can sense something in the air and use it for whatever purpose needed if any. Usually, I just am aware of it and go about my business.

As far as things just coming to me, of course that happens, sometimes with no one around for me to "feel". I thought this was a good example tho as to how my intuition works for me, as I tried to demonstrate how it is spiritual and ever present.

At times, something will emit from someone who I am close to, and I will pick up on it in that instant, and sometime after, a meaning will emerge from it to my concious mind. Often times it is a warning of what is going on on some level... I will use the example of a cheating spouse, or a spouse who is thinking of some degree of cheating in a future time with a certain individual if that makes any sense at all... or just instinctivley somehow knowing who the person is or even with when someone is referring to another person whom they choose not to name... somehow I will just be sure of whom they are annonymousely speaking of.