How does your anger feel to you?


Community Member
For me, I allways have a low burning fire of it whever I'm in a situation that makes me upset. I allways try to keep it down, but it's a constent. Then, when I can no longer hold it in anymore, it's like someone just threw gasoline, jet fuel, alcohal, pain thiner, and everything thing else flamable on to it and I just EXPLODE!

It hate it, I don't like being angry, but I do usealy fel better after the explosion. Worst to, cuse I have to clean the mess I've made between me and whoever I just exploded on.

I also have a problem with blacking out when I become very angry buring a fight, when I come back to, the other person is on the ground hurt rather badly. This has happened a total of 3 times, and it scares the living bajeebus outta me. It is the main reason I allways hold my anger back.

Uselay, when I want to get alot of anger out, I go somewhere private and scream myself horse. I also like to beat trees with sticks, cuse at least I'm not breaking anything important. It all helps though. The WORST way I deal with my anger (and other emotions) is that I have a tendancy to try to fuck the pain away. Meaningless sex to make myself feel better. I know it's wrong, but it's hard to control how I feel.

So, do you guys hold your anger back? how do you express it, and what sort of ways do you let it vent?
I have an extreme low / non-exsistent temper. Aka, I seldom ever get mad at anyone. That isn't to say I don't get mad. I will want to throw a conniption fit and smash my computer in at times when it isn't working, and I will yell at the darn thing, but that's really it. I am usually the only person who will get me mad. More often then not, other people will get me annoyed with them rather then mad with them. Simply if they set off one of my pep peeves, such as being late after telling me they would be on time, then don't tell me in advance that they are running late. I simply just don't get mad, and I truly can't explain it. I feel other emotions much much more strongly then this one.

I think a peice of why I don't get mad is because if something does annoy me, I will usually tell that person to stop doing what they are doing that is causing me to feel that way. However, I do so in a calm respectful way (or at least I try to) so as not to get them mad. As such, I can't remember the last time someone got mad at me, people just get annoyed with me. Holding back feelings like this is a very very bad thing. I will sort of teach my friends this if they have temper problems.

I sooner feel annoyed, frusterated, or sad because of someone else, then get mad. I honestly can not really remember a time I was truly mad at another person. I will get angry at myself if I don't meet my own expectations, but that quickly turns to sadness.
I guess you could call it a searing hate?
For me it is intensified anxiety/frustration. It doesn't last long though. It usually requires letting go of whatever I was ideally hoping for and accepting the raw reality however disappointing.
I hate, hate, hate feeling angry. It feels like an intense burning frustration type thing. (I'm not very good at talking about my feelings :)) To me it's mentally and emotionally exhausting. It takes ALOT for me to get angry and its always in self defense or when defending others (either verbally or physically). I abhor conflict with a passion and will avoid it at all costs. But when I can't, I found that getting angry makes the conflict end quickly. So I only get angry as an absolute last resort.
It feels like something is squeezing on my chest really hard, like I am about to have a heart attack.

Sometimes it feels like "HULK SMASH!!!"
I detest feeling's like an unquenchible rush of adrenaline, without any acceptable outlet. It simmers and doesn't resolve until I feel heard and understood. Physically, it's like a swarm of hornets in my chest. When I'm provoked enough, I become really darkly sarcastic and bitter until I say something REALLY harsh and cruelly accurate, and then I feel so badly for it, I cry. Blah!!:m142:
My anger feels smoldering. It actually feels like I have this power. That may sound strange. When it feels like that, I've learned to use it to my advantage, and do something constructive. I make plans. I don't get even; I move on and use my anger to fuel empowerment and transformation.
My anger turns to sadness and guilt so quickly I don't even see it coming, and I see most things coming.....
Mine is dynamite.

Watch out.
very few things make me angry, but when i do get angry, i become very vengeful and manipulative. that's extremely rare though, and don't mess with my friends. lol
It depends on my mood. It is so erratic that someone could almost accidentally kill me (like while driving, not sure about in person) and I wouldn't think much of it on one extreme, and on the other they might be playing music I don't feel like listening to and I flip out on them.

I don't lose control and hit people (or I haven't), but I do yell at them if I lose it.
I don't get mad or angry or anything like that. I do get frustrated and disappointed with people sometimes, but they usually end up taking that as me being angry or otherwise emotional, even though I'm perfectly calm and remaining objective. Gotta love it when people assume things about you that are totally off, and they can't be told otherwise because they'll just keep projecting things onto you the more you refute it.:rolleyes:
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I have an extreme low / non-exsistent temper. Aka, I seldom ever get mad at anyone. That isn't to say I don't get mad. I will want to throw a conniption fit and smash my computer in at times when it isn't working, and I will yell at the darn thing, but that's really it. I am usually the only person who will get me mad. More often then not, other people will get me annoyed with them rather then mad with them. Simply if they set off one of my pep peeves, such as being late after telling me they would be on time, then don't tell me in advance that they are running late. I simply just don't get mad, and I truly can't explain it. I feel other emotions much much more strongly then this one.

I think a peice of why I don't get mad is because if something does annoy me, I will usually tell that person to stop doing what they are doing that is causing me to feel that way. However, I do so in a calm respectful way (or at least I try to) so as not to get them mad. As such, I can't remember the last time someone got mad at me, people just get annoyed with me. Holding back feelings like this is a very very bad thing. I will sort of teach my friends this if they have temper problems.

I sooner feel annoyed, frusterated, or sad because of someone else, then get mad. I honestly can not really remember a time I was truly mad at another person. I will get angry at myself if I don't meet my own expectations, but that quickly turns to sadness.

I can say, i'm pretty much exactly the same.
:) That's because it's extremely hard to make an ENTP mad. I'm the same way. If you somehow figure a way to piss me off .... >:] You're not prepared for the trouble coming your way.

NOTE: I said Piss an ENTP off. You can easily annoy an ENTP, and get yelled at... I mean ENTPs talk loud anyway, and we love to be assholes.
:) That's because it's extremely hard to make an ENTP mad. I'm the same way. If you somehow figure a way to piss me off .... >:] You're not prepared for the trouble coming your way.

NOTE: I said Piss an ENTP off. You can easily annoy an ENTP, and get yelled at... I mean ENTPs talk loud anyway, and we love to be assholes.

extremely repressed anger that is brewing beneath the surface and to which i am unable to contain anymore feels like a very sore and throbbing throat. rarely do i feel this kind of anger.

more commonly, anger takes on forms of resentment, sheer frustration, or desperation depending on its orientation or cause.
It depends who I'm angry with, to be quite honest.

My family fights a lot. My father is very authoritarian with major impulse issues, and sometimes he explodes at myself or brother for imagined slights. I don't keep my anger in when that happens; unless I have reason to try and keep the peace (which is nigh impossible sometimes) I fight fire with fire. But that's environmental conditioning for you.

In other situations, my anger is a slow burn. It'll motivate me into action, to do something about my current situation or take the form of vengeance wherein I use it as an excuse to improve myself in effort to 'show the other person up.' I don't utilize curse words, and my friends and colleagues know me as the cheerful peace-keeper ... although if I'm a little more than irritated and my anger is directed at a certain person, I'm prone to do a bit of verbal chafing and offer up a few mildly vindictive witticisms before I ever let it escalate into a volcanic eruption. In the rare event that it does get to that, I definitely have surprised some people!

I hate being angry. Negative emotions are especially draining for me, and the little good I do with them (kick start motivation) it really isn't worth it for me in the long run because it hikes up my anxiety like no tomorrow.
I hate being angry. Negative emotions are especially draining for me, and the little good I do with them (kick start motivation) it really isn't worth it for me in the long run because it hikes up my anxiety like no tomorrow.

hey, that's for me as well. i can't even use my anger as motivation all too well. it backfires most of the time. motivation must stem from positive energy for me. i will say that a cause which has angered me can induce motivation in me, but only when i have fully moved out of the anger through a change in perspective.
haha I'm actually intensely angry right now. A friend just chose to yell at me and put me down in so many ways. This is basically what I'm feeling right now. I want to forget EVERYTHING bad I've ever experienced or done, and seperate myself from everything that reminds me of those bad things. I have this terrible rush of heated adrenaline that I can't exercise in a way that would prove beneficial to myself and most definitely not myself. Let's just say that any activity that satisfies this particular adrenaline will probably be one of a destructive or violent nature.

And now comes the second wave. The anger isn't so bad, but I start to feel bad about random crap that I've seen or experienced that I can't do anything to change or make up for. I want to crawl into a dark cave where no one in a million years would find me. I start to really pity myself and I hate myself even more than I did with the first wave.

Then, my mood takes a serious turn for the worst. I fall into a complete state of apathy. Really, I don't care about a thing, and I usually end up doing something dumb without caring how it affects others or myself.

Then the up part comes back and I'm back to normal. I really hate being angry because it makes me feel worse than I do in a good mood, which is hard for me to believe. I try to be as calm about things as possible, and that usually works, but sometimes I just... end up snapping :m169: