How do you guys feel about ESTPs?


Community Member
According to Socionics, this may be your perfect match, rather than ESTj.

Have any of you INFJs been in a relationship (any kind of relationship), with an ESTP? How do you feel about your relation to them?
I tend to not get any sort of ST type, they tend to be very difficult for me to agree on, the core values are completely different, and though ESTP's might be a little more spontaneous and laid-back then ESTJ's I feel that immature ones might be to controlling and have some sort of super-ego.
According to Socionics, this may be your perfect match, rather than ESTj.

Have any of you INFJs been in a relationship (any kind of relationship), with an ESTP? How do you feel about your relation to them?

Is that why you joined this forum? Just curious.....
*cowers* they scare me

According to me...ST types and NF types make not so great partnerships...

just like NT, and NF types do ok, but there is alot of conflict there too...

NF's are usually more comfortable with other NF's
I know one ESTP, seems like the kind of guy who is very well emotionally balanced, and actually very honest with his observations and feelings.

The other ESTP I know is more of the con-man variety, had a messed up childhood and has periods where he is neurotic and emotional.

My best friend (and one of my 'brothers in arms') is an EXTP (though I would say he leans towards N a little more), and is quite funny and into some of the same geeky things that i'm into.

They come in all different shapes and sizes. Overall, they're amusing to be around.
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I am extremely doubtful that an ESTP would be a good match for me. I'm not so sure one would be able to keep up with me mentally/emotionally. If I found one that could it would be incredible, but I am not getting my hopes up.
I am extremely doubtful that an ESTP would be a good match for me. I'm not so sure one would be able to keep up with me mentally/emotionally. If I found one that could it would be incredible, but I am not getting my hopes up.

Yes I agree, someone who's completely our shadow is very hard to relate to, there most be some sort of connection which is why I think ENTP is a better match then ESTP because N's relate with N than S's but even so, preferences depend on the specific individual, personaly I'm attracted to INTP's
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So, ENTroP, how do you feel about the ENTP/INFJ match up? Is this the ideal in your view?
Is that why you joined this forum? Just curious.....

No, I'm just a curious guy by nature. I ask lots of questions about the things that interest me.

I forgot why I joined, but this forum is far more active than the other forums I post on, so that'll be why I stay :D
So, ENTroP, how do you feel about the ENTP/INFJ match up? Is this the ideal in your view?

My ideal match up would be an ISFp. I dated a girl who was ISFp, and if not for my parent's religious bigotry, and her inability to handle adversity, I think we would still be together and very happy.

I do like INFJ's alot though, and could see the relationship being fulfilling. I seem to get on well enough with INFJs I encounter, anyhow. But I'm going to have to stick with ISFp. It's the things you don't have, psychologically, that you should look for in your partner. An xNxx relationship may be fun for a while, but you need to get the perspective you can't give yourself sometimes.
I feel fun towards ESTPs.
I have a few male ESTP friends and they unlock my inner ravenous social butterfly monster. And then adventures are had. They are witty as all get out.
My ideal match up would be an ISFp. I dated a girl who was ISFp, and if not for my parent's religious bigotry, and her inability to handle adversity, I think we would still be together and very happy.

I do like INFJ's alot though, and could see the relationship being fulfilling. I seem to get on well enough with INFJs I encounter, anyhow. But I'm going to have to stick with ISFp. It's the things you don't have, psychologically, that you should look for in your partner. An xNxx relationship may be fun for a while, but you need to get the perspective you can't give yourself sometimes.

Yes, they compliment each other nicely but N and S have such different views that the relationship might cause friction/conflict between the 2 individuals, I do believe it could work if they are both mature and have developed their functions but if they are not it will be very hard to function.
My mother is an ESTP, and I do love her - but we've had our fights. I'm not sure what a romantic pairing would be like, though.
Yes, they compliment each other nicely but N and S have such different views that the relationship might cause friction/conflict between the 2 individuals, I do believe it could work if they are both mature and have developed their functions but if they are not it will be very hard to function.

Initially, maybe, but I think that S types and N types complement one another, and fill in one another's shortcomings. Some S or N types do not get along, though, depends on all the other functions, too.
Yes I agree, someone who's completely our shadow is very hard to relate to, there most be some sort of connection which is why I think ENTP is a better match then ESTP because N's relate with N than S's but even so, preferences depend on the specific individual, personaly I'm attracted to INTP's

For me, ENTP's are far far worse, but that is because the Ne/Ti combo to me is like vitrol. Even though I have abysmal Se, I can actually deal with that function easier then Ne.
For me, ENTP's are far far worse, but that is because the Ne/Ti combo to me is like vitrol. Even though I have abysmal Se, I can actually deal with that function easier then Ne.

Yea... The Ne makes us unpredictable, and I think we derive a certain perverse pleasure from it...
You are INFP right?
I think so.

And when you say you think N and S types complement one another, I pretty much agree. The majority of my friends are SJ and SP. So I am agreeing based on my experiences with Sensors.
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