How do you feel about your personality flaws?

How do you feel about your personality flaws?

  • I hide them under the bed . . . so no one knows they exist . . . Shh

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Well, i know i have a few but whatever . . . i'm only human

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Yes, i am proud to admit i have flaws . . . so what . . . who cares

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travesty! I have no flaws. . . How dare you!!!

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • What is this "flaw" you speak of? Never heard of such a thing . . . Pff

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • *My flaws . . . hmm, now where do i begin*

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Umm . . . what was the question?

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
I am comfortable with my flaws. Not so comfortable that I list them all on the forum. That in and of itself is telling, lol.

I am working on them. I am trying to use them as a jumping off point for improving myself.
I'm proud of my "so-called" flaws...Ii don't see them as flaws myself, but I understand that the way the walking dead operate, I'm flawed. Oh well.
Although I feel that I have a fair few flaws, other people don't seem to be able to see them. I don't try to hide them or anything - especially my horrible stubbornness. Yet, everyone seems to think I have nearly no flaws O_o It's really bizarre.
How do you feel about your personality flaws?

Are you usually comfortable admitting that you have flaws? Or do you usually hide them or hide from them?

Do you think it matters whether or not you're open or honest about them?

Proceed . . . :m052:

Poll to be added . . . *yes, i love ellipses, so hate me ; )*

I feel that my flaws are new opportunities of my personality growing. And I feel good about that, because I like when my soul doesn't start to smell like stagnant water.
When I am admitting my flaws I never feel comfortable, because it can touch many other flaws in me and in other person, then I have to make decision what usually is very hard for me to do, because I need to accept changes. Changes are quite hurting thing for me, because I like calmness. I think that I also hide some of them always.
yes, it matters if I am hiding them or no, because it is a part of my growing.
I'm only aware of my flaws when I'm incapable of doing something I should've. I start each day anew and the flaws of the past stay in the past. Maybe you could owe this to my terrible memory but somehow my lessons learned from past mistakes stay in my sub-conscious. Thus, I'm saved from doing the same mistake twice.
I'm only aware of my flaws when I'm incapable of doing something I should've. I start each day anew and the flaws of the past stay in the past. Maybe you could owe this to my terrible memory but somehow my lessons learned from past mistakes stay in my sub-conscious. Thus, I'm saved from doing the same mistake twice.

Quite true. Although i know that it is important to recognize and acknowledge my flaws, i generally will feel defeated if i think about it too much. So, i pretty much have to put them behind me in order to face things fresh and with a chance of success. But the mistakes are almost always sitting in the back of my thoughts/mind like a broken record. So i need to remind myself to put that out of my mind in order to feel confident enough to move forward.
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I just picked the one I thought was funny! But that being said... I try to work on bettering myself as much as I can. I do that by trying to look at all sides of situations and truly listening to constructive criticism even if it does hurt a bit.

This struck a chord with me now. This is where I am with "flaws" for the moment... listening to the constructive criticism even if it hurts a bit, and then things get a little better. I'm also trying to figure out a balance with being too self-analytical though. Maybe that's kind of what Indigo was saying. It's tricky.
I hate my flaws. Truly. I have a very hard time accepting them.

I rely on defense mechanisms such sarcasm and justification so I seem accepting of them, but it really just a form of indirect criticism and borderline self-deprecation. I don't hate myself, but I dwell a lot on my imperfections.

I never really feel quite comfortable with myself, or like I am a "good" person. I am always questioning and criticizing.
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My personality flaws are such, that if I try to fight them, I end up in situations and relationships that I am not comfortable with.

If I do nothing about my flaws, I end up in situations I am comfortable and happy in.

(Note: I am talking about personality flaws and not moral flaws).
If I lived among gorillas, I'm sure it would magically turn out I have very different "flaws". . .

Only slaves have flaws. Their teeth are also well inspected before anyone buys them. We could keep being slaves of each other, or evolve beyond that.
How do you feel about your personality flaws?
Don't like them.

Are you usually comfortable admitting that you have flaws?
Not the consequential ones.

Or do you usually hide them or hide from them?
Yeah, I try to hide my temper.

Another flaw I try to hide: I tend to overdo things. If I get good results doing one thing, I'll do it a million times to get a million good results.

Unfortunately, people don't operate like computers; you've got to mix it up. Otherwise, they get bored of you.

Not good.
Do you think it matters whether or not you're open or honest about them?

Proceed . . . :m052:

Poll to be added . . . *yes, i love ellipses, so hate me ; )*
Yeah, honesty is the best policy if you're trying to improve yourself and live a good life.
That's mainly between me and my therapist but yeah. I don't like them.

Yet being mindful of them has become quite easier when you look at yourself from the outside.
How do you feel about your personality flaws?
Well... I have them.

Are you usually comfortable admitting that you have flaws? Or do you usually hide them or hide from them?
I have an easier time presenting my flaws than taking compliments over something that is perceived as a good personality trait.

Do you think it matters whether or not you're open or honest about them?
Being open and honest with them allows people to see you the way you are, or at least they see the way you see yourself. Also, what Pin said, the knowledge helps to improve yourself. If you don't reveal it at least to yourself, you will always push it into the shadow, giving it more food until eventually it consumes you.
What I aspire to is acceptance of being a human with flaws/imperfection and then working to minimize their impact on my function.

What I actually do the minute I see someone looking in their direction is throw them under the bed in a panic, ...or counterphobically hold them out and go, "see?! I see them! I'm not in denial at all!"