How do you feel about your personality flaws?

How do you feel about your personality flaws?

  • I hide them under the bed . . . so no one knows they exist . . . Shh

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Well, i know i have a few but whatever . . . i'm only human

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Yes, i am proud to admit i have flaws . . . so what . . . who cares

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Travesty! I have no flaws. . . How dare you!!!

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • What is this "flaw" you speak of? Never heard of such a thing . . . Pff

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • *My flaws . . . hmm, now where do i begin*

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Umm . . . what was the question?

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
Or vice-versa.

Depends who is seeing them. Or that there is a transcendence which might make a recommendation otherwise.
What is obvious to some is not obvious to others.
When one views the world through a straw, one sees what one assumes is what others see.
Others, not viewing the world through a straw, see a different picture.
It is difficult to see what one can not see.
And even more difficult to describe it.
What is obvious to some is not obvious to others.
When one views the world through a straw, one sees what one assumes is what others see.
Others, not viewing the world through a straw, see a different picture.
It is difficult to see what one can not see.
And even more difficult to describe it.

Hence what I said already. You have reiterated my point.
I feel like I have flaws and imperfections just like all human beings, no one is free of flaws, we all have things we need to work on, I don't mind admitting my flaws because that is just who I am and I know I have many positives as well, with that being said even though being an INFJ can be an ardous challenge in this world, it certainly has its merits and know that I think about it I would not trade my personality for any other.
Fine - I'll restate it.
I really wish my personality was NOT such that:
- I feel lonely all the time
- I push away what I actually want
- I don't go for what I really want
- I'd rather choose to fail instead of fail trying to succeed
- I'm hypocritical and hypercritical


EXTREME inferiority complex that I am working hard to abolish.
A lot of the flaws posted by the members are also my own, however, I notice that I already know this myself and just putting it on paper actually makes it worst as I start getting reflective on it and actually get trapped in depression, first I think we should start by acknowlodging our positives and later we can work on the negatives.
THANK YOU! Geez! I was begining to think I was the only one that had junk to work on.

I am thinking of going to a therapist, I think I still suffer from AvPD, yea I do.
THANK YOU! Geez! I was begining to think I was the only one that had junk to work on.

Have you been reading???? I think most people who've posted so far think they have something to work on, based on what i've read if i'm reading people correctly, so gosh darnit, you're not the only one dude.

I know i have mine and i'm just as obsessive as you are over my flaws/faults, whatever you want to call them, but i think we're not helping ourselves when we only think about the negatives. That's all i'm saying, you know? :m182:
I am thinking of going to a therapist, I think I still suffer from AvPD, yea I do.

My first counseling session is on Wednesday this week. I'm not happy about how much it's going to cost but...
My first counseling session is on Wednesday this week. I'm not happy about how much it's going to cost but...

Yea, I think my insurance will cover it, so I should do it before I have a nervous breakdown and quit/get fired.
Fine. I'll restate.

I thought I was the only one who didn't ALSO have good things to include in their post.

Well, if you want to get that technical . . . *semantics pedantics . . . hmm*
extremel perfectionism due to ones emotional insecurities. Thinking the world and people are against me (sometimes they are) and procrastination and living too much in ones mind and fears are among my flaws! Unrealistic expectations of myself!

I would like to be a NT/ST any day
My flaws irk me, badly. The second I realise one I will begin the process of working on them to try and repair them, remove them, or learn to work with them. I am constantly self-improving. I actually sort of realised a flaw of mine is that I put too much effort in trying to fix my flaws. If that isn't an oxymoron, I don't know what is, lol.
Yip I have p-l-e-n-t-y flaws. I am a work in progress.