How do you feed or nourish your spirit/self? | INFJ Forum

How do you feed or nourish your spirit/self?


Sep 5, 2009
How do you feed or nourish your spirit/self?
Hard Liquor
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Connecting my core roots to the earth and centering my chakras and solar plexus, which I do through meditation and massage therapy.
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Playing with the dogs.
Marathons of Roseanne.
Automatic Writing.
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I spend time alone, and do whatever it is I'm inspired to do. Usually it's something creative; like cooking, painting, drawing, writing...
Most often I just try to use my inspiration and passionate feelings that come with being creative to connect with God. I find that indulging in my intuitive nature and intense emotion makes me feel like my soul is alive. I also feel like being out in a natural place I've never been before just takes me to another dimension of myself, especially when I'm alone.
listening to music - whatever mood i'm in - allows me to occupy different minds, thoughts, and spirits (person) in the tone, rhythm, and voice of a song.
Long hot epsom salt baths
Crackers with butter
High grade bud least an hour of meditation.:mhula:
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QUIET. With two kids under two this is almost impossible but I covet my solitude greedily.

Bible reading. I try to make it daily but who am I kidding/ I'm happy if I do more than once a week.

Praying - and not the "dear God give me this" kind of thing but pour my heart out, chat, ask questions and wait for answers.
Listen to music
Anything that allows my mind to disconnect from its frantic thoughts puts me in a better place spiritually.
Meditation, when I can get into the trance state that is.

Music, always music.

Reading something inspiring.

Most creative Arts.

Sitting alone, in the dark, with ambient music playing, and a positive deep thought provoking thing to think about.

Forget the world.
Conversations with like minded folks
lift weights
listen to music
Go for a drive.


As much alone time as I can muster.

Quiet music.

Sometimes hang out here.
- Being in the middle of nature--the top of a mountain on a clear day or the ocean during a rainstorm
- Just being outdoors alone, especially at night...just looking at the stars and letting my mind wander does wonders for my peace of mind
- Listening to calming, thought-provoking music while alone
- Reading (the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching especially)
It's been all about balance for me, too. Rest, solitude, community, work, family, recreation, study, prayer....all of these play a role. I must say though, that over the years I have found some sources that always refresh and renew me...they are like a spring at the source of a great river. Not sure if explaining would help, but these have been very significant, and greatly treasured influences in my life.
How do you feed or nourish your spirit/self?

For me it is kind of like waiting for the right time and place to say something to someone that needs saying; opportunities present themselves and I have been blessed with listening, hearing, and acting accordingly most of the time. I am trying to say I am fed rather than seeking food, for whatever that is worth. My cup runneth over, and I will never forget to be thankful.
Connecting my core roots to the earth and centering my chakras and solar plexus, which I do through meditation and massage therapy.

This is outstanding!!!

These days I find myself encountering some one advocating chakra work every where I look. I have one cd on a type of Chakra process utilizing drums and tonal music. It's produced by a woman named Layne Redmond. It's very interesting in that she plays the drums, and some of this chime/bowl/tone music - and - talks in your ears all at the same time while telling you how to visualize your chakra points opening. She too tells the person to ground themselves to the earth. I love it when I listen to it - which is only occasionally. Hmmm.... I should do it more often....

I bet that chakra work enhances your singing ability too - doesn't it.

I was talking to my counselor about this tonight.

I dance - free form style - especially in a silly way.
I practice Loving Kindness/Metta meditations for myself.
I seek something or someone to be grateful for and say that out loud - often.
These days I've taken to doing that Original Gratitude dance. That makes me laugh and giggle.
Go for a walk around the perimeter of the 40 acres and marvel at the beauty of nature around me.
Sit on the back porch, look at the sunshine, and listen to nothing.
Silence is golden...
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hmmm, I never thought about whether or not it does, but it makes sense if it does.

I love listening to meditation music/instructors. They have the BEST voices
Drawing, reading, baking, being at home with my cats, sleeping, solitude, long hot bath, dancing to music.
i've been practicing a little meditation here and there but its more like a doorway to becoming aware for me and awareness is the one thing that connects me to what feels like spirituality more than anything else. awareness of how my personality reacts within its environment, why i do the things i do, what aren't i seeing, whats the objective truth of whats happening right now.

to some this may seem more like regular self analysis than anything spiritual but its not; open ended inquiry is trusting your spiritual depths to guide you to the answer when you personality falls short, or when you want to see things objectively. it's recognizing you consist of something more than just a body and a personality. every time i trust it, i feel a little more aware and spiritually connected than i did before.